Still would
kinda gay ngl
This is the gayest an image has made me imagining a fluffy cute girl smelling boy (in a video game) slowly breaking all my nohomo boundaries until I'm worked up into pounding tight bussy and cumming deep inside.
Too bad.
Most people on here have it yes.
why is tails dressing as a girl so hot?
please keep dressing him as a girl
Well that's fine cause the goal here is to make Tails one.
I'm just a regular cis male faggot, you faggot
Anyone who uses this term is a faggot.
Thank god, who would want to be?
I want to fuck a cute girl (male).
Tranny raid.
Americans are a disease.
Tails' penis and bussy
Fuck outta here /pol/fag
Why won't it stop? I just want it to stop.
Feels familiar.
Nothing stops until I fuck the fox!
Oh shit he really got the fuck outta here!?
What if Tails is just Rouge in disguise?
if you're a boy, prove it. it's easy, just show benis or whatever's down there
What if he tucked and there's just smooth aesthetic panties?
if there's a penis at all i'll spot it. can't hide it from me, i'm an expert
You're cute, so you wear the dress, them's the rules
You sure know a lot about penises mister.
I hope you have your inspector liscense.
you guys know these were the threads literal trans discord groups would make in attempt to turn the youth even more gay, right?
What the fuck are "the youth" doing on Yea Forums? Did they not read the rules?
If parents let their youth use the internet then they are inherently doomed.
you don't "turn" anyone gay - either you like this stuff or you don't
or you slowly get exposed to homosexuality over a long period of time and eventually legitimately become bicurious. you are not immune to propaganda
Threads on a Mongolian smoke signal board are an inefficient way to "turn" confused youths with no way to tell if you're succeeding or not. More likely they make these threads to farm good brain chemicals from the inevitable tidal wave of replies.
You are always exposed to finding your own body and cock in hetero porn sexy. Especially in a videogame related context.
that explains why i used to fantasize about having sex with a clone of me and i still do
uhhh CIS bulls???
Somebody post the comic and save the thread.
but thats normal. whats happened here on 4channel is you being manipulated by a group of pedophiles.
>hes right? m...must hide post. post hide from the truth..
>blocks hate speech on twitter
>downvotes arguments on reddit
>hides shizposters
I don't know, pretty baste.
Even after all these years, I still don't know what "CIS" is supposed to mean.
Aside from Confederacy of Independent Systems obviously.
All it means is that you identify as the gender you were assigned at birth.
In chemistry it's the opposite of something being trans. Some people decided to adopt this language to genders.
But what does it stand for? Its has to be a abbreviation right?
No, it's a chemistry term.
that’s dagashi or dagasi or daga2626 or however you spell it
Cute boy but probably masculine voice which would slay my boner like Ranni slays the 2 fingers.
>Fuck outta here /pol/fag
this but unironicaly
Who are you quoting?
Is the tuft of hair on his balls really a necessary detail to draw
Literally the plot of Boku no Pico
Someone get this hothead outta here
OH VEY! cmon guys, theres nothing malicious going on here at all *sniffles* lets just hide his post and get back to posting about our totally (((natural))) love for femboy tails! REMEMBER: you were born this way. there is no shady discord group planning all of this out at all.
you fool. if only i could save you.
Take your meds.
So is Tails just Rouge in disguise?
comfortable in skin