Is Joe Merrick in the right here?
Is Joe Merrick in the right here?
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Insofar as Pokemon was never good.
using big words doesn't make you look smatter
>adds Pokeathlon
>adds Safari
>adds Battle Frontier
>more trainers, more Pokemon, bigger locations...
Is this dude for real? HGSS is the only Pokemon game that's worth anything.
No Joe is always wrong and a shill.
HGSS are the best of the series and everything from x/y-swsh is up to debate for being the worst
He's gonna say his favorite is Platinum, isn't he?
its swsh
I see through your attempts to make scalpers drop the prices for their HGSS copies Joe, but it ain't gonna work
Also this, if the best the franchise has to offer isn't good, then the franchise was never good to begin with
oh so he's just a troll
After Nintendo caught him using leaked roms, it seems more like they hand him scripts to say so he can avoid the legal repercussions.
That post doesn't have any big words, nincompoop.
I can't find the tweet
But still no
>eceleb shit
go back >>/vp/
No meme the level curve of HGSS killed it for me, takes way too long to evolve shit which is a main motivator.
But he also seems to have never said this
you have an entire board for this.
As a rule of thumb Joe Merrick is never right
they are the best pokemon games, despite the numerous issues
>forced hms
>evolution stones locked behind pointless grind
>an even worse casino
>low pokemon diversity early on
>level scaling completely fucked
>timed events
Joe Merrick has been wrong for at least a decade
Why is HGSS always the subject of the bootlickers' derision? Why does it make them seethe?
Their income depends on Pokemon continuing to remain in the popular discourse.
Interest and sales figures will decline if people feel the series is way past its peak.
HGSS made gen 2 almost good, BDSP made gen 4 even worse.
please tell me this is a fake post
I dont care about childrens games
Fuck off Joe.
>parasite still trying to suck blood out of a host that died over a decade ago
>acronym acronym acronym
Can fucking geeks just type out the whole fucking name at least once per post? I don't like having to google multiple times to figure out what one faggot is talking about.
Pic related, it's what I'd like to do to geeks who talk in acronyms.
No one wants to type out something like heart gold/soul silver or diamond/pearl/platinum constantly
If you're familiar with pokemon at all you'll already know what he's talking about
>>low pokemon diversity early on
Blatant misinformation.
What the fuck is this guy's problem? Is his entire life just to shill nu-GF garbage and pretend the older better games are bad?
What are those acronyms the Elephant Man is using?
For all you fucking retards ITT.
BDSP = Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
HGSS = HeartGold & SoulSilver
Use your fucking brain a little bit.
I never said black/white or that any other game has a wider pool
most balance-romhacks expand the pool because it's a known issue with the games
also I had no idea phanpy could be found there
Just seeing that face plays "MISTAH MERRICKU" in my head.
>they hated him for he spoke the truth
this is a bad metric considering there is only 1% of the game left to do after beating the elite 4 in RB, however there is quite a bit left to do in BW or DP. Also the chart leaves out 3rd versions
>National dex as denominator
This is a retarded metric, it would be more apt to exclusively list the obtainable ingame pokemon
>it would be more apt to exclusively list the obtainable ingame pokemon
that's what it's showing you retard
The metric that image uses is
Obtainable pokemon before E4 divided by national dex
What I'm say it should be is
Obtainable pokemon before E4 divided by total obtainable pokemon in that cartridge
>Is Joe Merrick in the right here?
The answer is literally always no
Go back
I don't need to Mistah Merricku to tell me the Johto games are boring. Crap starters, forgettable gym leaders, weak ass rival, and disappointing generational roster. It was boring in 2000 and it was still boring in 2010.
Why does Mr. Merriku have a hateboner for Johto?
I think the question then is what does Joe think is the best Pokemon game? Because if it's anything made from XY onwards, he's wrong.
Nice history revisionism.
Joe is a big Masuda shill, of course he would he jealous of Morimoto for MOGGING Masuda with his kino remake
Probably SS given TPC injected him with some kinda shill drug after he spoke out against the removal of the natdex shit
Correct, it's easily the best Pokemon game but that's an incredibly low bar
Johot's bugs are the most uncomfortable in his anusu.
>it's almost perfectly each gen is better than the previous
How the shit
Gamefreak is the only company that removes major features and QoL updates across generations
And somehow generations 8 and 7 are his favorites?
>Pic related
Don't you mean picture related, faggot?
I unironically want to kill this fag
i literally have no idea what he's talking about.
>Able to catch Riolu before the first gym in two games in a row
Something must have been really passed that he was locked to npc egg in gen 4
>can we all admit a thing collectively, it's an opinion btw
nobody who talks like this is right
HGSS > FRLG > ORAS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LGBT > BDSP
BDSP is by far the worst game in the franchise, literally just a shitty demake for faggots that are too retarded to emulate a NDS game. If you shit on HGSS but defend on BDSP then you just have brain damage or you're getting paid to shill
user Joe is a major shill and ridiculously stupid as we'll. Even reddit BTFO him when he decided to be an smart-ass when he tried to dange control there.
No. Because HGSS was the best of the remakes.
Gen5 was the last time the series had "soul." It's been nothing but downhill post Black/White-2.
>If you shit on HGSS but defend on BDSP
I shit on both
I'm extremely pissed that they went back on infinite tms in BDSP
For what purpose
god i wish i still had that image saved
Worse, he's autistic.
Gotta have something to make people grind more.
>games with auto EXP Share so you don't have to think, just overlevel, are ranked highest
Oh I know how much of a shill he is, ever since BW leaked and he got ninja'd by Gamefreak.
It's been a long, long fall ever since for him.
*sighs* oh boy here we go again. There's ALWAYS a massive fricking incel crying about finite tms whenever someone mentions BDSP
Here's the thing:
1. It's a faithful remake. Did DP have infinite tms? Yeah, I thought so
2. Infinite tms made the game too easy so it's a good thing that they're finite again
3. You don't need infinite tms to have fun
Gotta make the bait less obvious homie