What do you think about companies using videogames to try and sell you their shit?

What do you think about companies using videogames to try and sell you their shit?

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good products dont need advertising

pretty based desu

I like me a roast beef sandwich from there time to time, but putting video games in their ads gets a little chuckle. This happens with pretty much anything anyway.

I like Skullgirls. She is though and unafraid.

Brothers, it is time.

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Do you think it was intencional? Or just a coincidence?

I hate it to death but I like Thursday threads.

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It's ok when it's just on the internet. I don't like seeing it on TV.

Is this a stealth, Thursday Skullgirls thread?

At least there's effort in the Arbys ads. They actually went out and found a real fucking loser to do these instead of a detached "how do you do, fellow virgins"

Me too user, me too

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Finally a thread about beowulf love making and making filia even more fat with cum

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I bet you that loser in marketing got paid for it.

Beowulf posting. At this time of the year. At this time of the day. Entirely localized on this totally not Thursday thread

Lets get started

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>ywn get a comfy job as a corporate twitter advertiser where you get to showcase your autistic papercraft
im kinda happy someone from /po/ gets to make money off their hobby.

>its real

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You right. But do you think the dude knew what he was doing, or he just made an architect reference unintencionally

I think its neat while its niche. Just like randomly seeing an anime character on the window of some Mom and Pop shop.

I think it's smart on their part
arbys kind of has a reputation for being for oldd people
so posting neat vidya paper on their twitter may help get the youth to have a more positive perception of them
me personally, I still don't want to go to arbys but I do think their papercraft posting is interesting

Arbys does this all the time

If its good for the skullgirls, is good for me
tell me more about this Arbys guy

The only reason I'd look at a corporate twitter account is to find out the next time Wendys has the pretzel burger or when Carl's Jr comes out with the bourbon burger again.
Otherwise, I have no interest in what companies are trying to say.

Arby's is based so they get to do it

>tfw craving arby's

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Is Arbys an Architect?

You cannot refute this

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Cool, I like Filla still not buying Arby's though it's some of the nastiest jew food out there

>wet chicken in s-tier
Not even going to bother with the rest of that list.

I like it but It never influences my decision to buy shit. I look at it like collab brand happy meals toys, it appeals to a specific niche and even smaller one who will buy for it

I’ve gotten sick twice from eating Arby’s. Never happened to me at any other fast food place. The second time it was from the beef and cheddar. Haven’t eaten there in probably 3 years.

I can tell whoever made this is a nigger

>in n out burger
What the fuck? The one chain I'd actually eat more than once a month.

Doing my part

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yes I do like the character Skullgirls from the hit video game Skullgirls

Too bad the entire internet relies on advertising

damn I love me some aunt annie cinnamon pretzels.

Does Quiznoes even exist anymore? I don't think I've seen one since 2007

Firehouse is not only slow with service but I think its worse tasting than Subway. Cane's is ok but nothing to write home about. Waffle House is bargain budget Denny's with less selection. Not even looking at the rest of this.

anime and video is now a normie hobby so im not surprised

i blame the faggots needing to eat up every piece of content out there 24/7

Has she fucked her neighbor yet?

The reeally niche hobbies are silent generarion shit like military miniatures and ships in a bottle

no but they've started dating

So they are actually progressing, based gonna catch up now.

Skullgirls is a pretty cool girl.

Is people really debating about muh fast food companies? Anons, focus.

>Firehouse Subs in S tier
>Jersey Mike's in B tier
fucking kek

they make pretty good mozzarella sticks

>long john silvers
this nigga has never had their chicken tenders


>t. knows nothing about economics nor how the world works in general

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Dairy Queen deserves B tier for having the chicken tender basket with white gravy

Its fulfills its purpose and gets me more interested in going there. At least the arbys shit does, its not enough to make me go out of my way to get it. Most other shit is trying too hard or is so normalfag a reference it puts me off going though. The Arby's guy is at least putting effort into the papercrafts.
I will never support the BrandTubers.

Use Yandex image search. The manga is called my divorced crybaby neighbor FYI.

For me, it's Culver's.

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What the fuck is a Culvers?

>Caines in S
>Moes in shit
>In-n-out in D
Absolutely shit taste

aw yeah architect time

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How is she supposed to fight like that


Only one I disagree with is Johnny Rockets. That deserves to be in B tier at least.

Advertising doesn't work on me. I only drink coca cola.

By tanking hits and using her weight to crush her opponents.

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All these combined would still not be fatter than OP's mom

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>Fazoli's in Bottom tier
nigger hands typed this post


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I hate fast food so it's all shit tier
That said, how the fuck is Jimmy John's anything above shit
Fucking incredible

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It’s a fighting game… she can’t be a squishy obese blob…

Nothing because i generally find them way too expensive for the amount of food they give. (I mean money per food ratio)
I mostly get the kids menu at McDonald whenever they got pokemon toys.

I recognize that lineart!