Who the fuck keeps buying this garbage?
Who the fuck keeps buying this garbage?
the average Yea Forumsermin
The game is fucking fantastic. Get over it Shazamtrannies, you lost.
B-b-bu-but shazam a-and v told me it f-flopped...
What an embarrassing episode that was. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
People who want to play fun games.
CP has more soul and content than any other game that came out in the last ten years.
>b-but the npcs t-pose sometimes!!! unplayable!!! shit game
You're literally an NPC.
Why Yea Forums always gets BTFO?
dunno, but I know about one person that keeps on talking about it - (You)
elden ring will sell more very soon
Poland is the kindest and most charitable country in the world and also makes the best video games
I'll buy it too once it's complete.
This is exactly what happened with the original Tortanic as well so it's fitting.
Meanwhile what's the real Shazaamed game this year that no one is shazaaming?
Horizon Zero Dawn
Total War: Warhammer 3
Babylons Fall
So you'll never buy it then?
despite some early issues, it's actually still a great game. haters gonna hate.
dunno op
some of us don't listen to Yea Forums and retarded e-celebs when we pick what games to play
Name an AAA game that came out in the last couple of years with better quests, characters, and presentation.
It’s sad. Shit game. Shit developer. But people eat it up. Even worse is that I probably would’ve bought it if (1) created characters were more attractive, (2) it were third person, and (3) you could be naked at all times.
it's aa but,
you kidding, right?
AAA is synonymous with garbage imo but best of the worst is RDR2
>(1) created characters were more attractive,
You have to be retarded not to be able to create an attractive character
>(2) it were third person
Who the fuck cares
>(3) you could be naked at all times
You can
>haha look how many people we scammed with garbage
Pretty bold.
>Horizon Zero Dawn
Sonytards will never shit on their own exclusives, at least not before the end of the exclusivity period.
>Total War: Warhammer 3
Fans of niche genres can easily tell the difference between posts made by fans criticizing their games' faults and posts made by desperate shitposters starving for (you)s.
>Babylons Fall
Honestly nobody cared about this one, not even SE since they didn't even bother to do some basic marketing to remind people that the game is actually real.
Theres already another thread
It's mediocre as fuck. It sucks at being a FPS, an immersive sim, a driving game, a visual novel.
Visually is fine and story is ok at best.
Those mentally ill Shazamtrannies have never once been right about anything. You
They're are vapid infants who are a failure at everything in life.
When the Cyberpunk launch backlash happened they piggybacked on to it - larping and deluding theirselves into thinking it was THEIR campaign. It was the Yea Forums shamzam trannies who had caused CDPR's downfall! They actually believed they had weight in the real world and took a childish delight in their psychotic notions of "hurting" a video game company.
Then it all came crashing down when CDPR simply patched the game and all the praise and awards started rolling in.
Now they can't cope with their impotent humiliation.
Its not even shitty anymore. Its not good, but its no worse than any other AAA now
isn't that kind of a slog though? Wasn't it near that number last summer?
>all the praise and awards started rolling in
but Cyberpunk hasn't won a single award worth mentioning
It sold 14 million when it released but they expected to sell 30 million by this point, so it's a flop.
its a good game now and while every youtuber who overreacted is looking for some other e-drama to fish for views the chads who waited for it to git good are now cashing in. genuinely hope they add afterlife mission/multiplayer dlc here
You can't be serious
Visuals? Presentation? STORY?
You have a character called dung eater, whose lore is that he eats shit, kills people and rapes their corpse. You are literally comparing characters whose entire story is told in 4 items descriptions, against characters like Johnny or Judy that you literally experience every aspect of their lives with movie-tier fidelity.
Whilst I agree that RDR holds up in the presentation side of things, I think the story does not hold up. There was just too much conflicting stuff, the story and gameplay were completely at odds with each other. Whole point of the story was Arthur's redemption, except even on full honor, you still kill thousands of innocent people during the course of the game, and your 'redemption' is saving another guy who kills even more. No idea how they thought anyone who was paying attention would feel bad for Arthur. He was crying and sobbing about being a bad man and people consoled him saying he's good, then the next minute he's shooting up an entire town in a heist. It's ridiculous.
I also think the open world of RDR was much more empty and devoid of things to do than CP's.
elden ring
Kys tranny shill
I bought it, one of the better high tech and low life games I have played, however; EXEKiller, Core Decay and Vigilance 2099 are on the horizon. I don't think they'll keep that mantle for long. In any case, I'm glad we are getting more cyberpunk games, super glad that they aren't fucking CRPG's or copy pasted Deus Ex. Not that there is any issue with Deus Ex, it's just old and I've played a it a billion times so I don't really care about it anymore.
>still gets daily, constant threads
Is it really a scam if people are playing and enjoying it? It's actually really crazy that the game is still being actively discussed and played considering it came out over a year and a half ago.
18 million sold, but it doesn't count how many of those are refunds.
There's a pretty decent modding scene already, and they said they're working on the DLC, and that's on the scale of Blood & Wine.
I dunno about multiplayer but I hope they don't do that, waste of time and resources shoving that in a game that isn't built for it.
>, against characters like Johnny or Judy that you literally experience every aspect of their lives with movie-tier fidelity.
Yeah, and they fucking suck. Movie-tier fidelity means jack fucking shit to people who actually care about gameplay or even story, which Cyberpunk has neither. Elden Ring will be remembered and far more loved 10 years from now compared to Cyberpunk, because the latter will be remembered for it's controversies, incompetence and disappointing hype crash.
>Cyberpunk hasn't won a single award worth mentioning
Fucking GOTY awards don't count?
Me, I bought a copies for me and my friend :3
>GOTY awards
The invisible millions. The same people who are buying a new smartphone each and every year just because. They are the reason why Madden etc exist.
I’m going to buy it when the expansion comes out. CDprojekt fucked up with their retarded marketing and lies but the game itself looks pretty good.
They just announced that the DLC is coming in 2023, not even a date so expect it to be late 2023.
So it was
>scam a shitload of people on release
>convince a few more retards since then via shilling like in this thread
Wow, what a comeback.
>movie tier fidelity means jack shit to people who care about gameplay
But we're talking about characters, not gameplay?
>Or story, which CP has neither
You mean the game with dozens and dozens of hours of mocapped cutscenes, hundreds of varied quests and worldbuilding literally in every inch of the game? No story? Congratulations user, this is just about the dumbest thing I've read in a while.
>CP will be remembered for controversy and ER will be remembered for 10 years and far more loved
I mean, no argument there. But popularity =/= quality, otherwise we'd all be playing Fortnite. Stop caring about how popular games are.
They did? Where?
Fuck. It better be real fucking good.
I guess it makes sense, after the whole launch fiasco, they want to make sure the next thing they release is as complete as it can get. Plus they're still updating the game pretty regularly, 1.5 was pretty big.
And then they'll silently delay it to 2024, and in 2024 they'll silently delay it to 2025, etc.
its $2.99 on sale half the time, so they lose money selling it.
>they're all shills i swear how can they like a game i don't like
my man nobody gives a shit about Yea Forums, never have, never will
its a solid 6.5/10
the story is meh and you see how it got castrated mid development, but the graphs are nice and it is a fun shooter/ hack and slash. The rpg elements were mostly meh though
>But we're talking about characters, not gameplay?
Yeah, they suck. What else?
>You mean the game with dozens and dozens of hours of mocapped cutscenes, hundreds of varied quests and worldbuilding literally in every inch of the game? No story?
Congratulations, faggot, you misunderstood the fact that Cyberpunk has no worthwhile story and took it literally. I won't be surprised if you're an ESL faggot.
>I mean, no argument there. But popularity =/= quality
Yes, 10 years from now these games won't be popular but Elden Ring will still be loved and remembered on Yea Forums or anyone with good taste, just like Demon's Souls, Dark Souls or Sekiro.
>When the Cyberpunk launch backlash happened they piggybacked on to it - larping and deluding theirselves into thinking it was THEIR campaign. It was the Yea Forums shamzam trannies who had caused CDPR's downfall! They actually believed they had weight in the real world and took a childish delight in their psychotic notions of "hurting" a video game company.
Price drops
Massive sales numbers released.
CDProjekts marketing dept most likely
But Yea Forums always told me that Japan has shit taste and I should never take them seriously.
So you're entire post is just saying 'no it's bad' and not elaborating.
Could've just posted that and saved me the time, retard-kun.
Game still fucking sucks, I hope they file for bankruptcy in the near future
Based japs
I do, I have purchased all 18 million
you can keep coping until the DLC gets released and see if they actually make the game worthwhile. See you then, faggot.
They just finished hiring for 3rd person animations and stuff. I'm betting the expansion will have 3rd person combat. The mod is nice but if they can make it actually playable then it's over for me. I'll definitely clock 1000+ hours.
based user single handedly saving polish economy
Kek'd and baste
average soulsfag post
it's okay sweetie, some of us like more than 4 sentences to describe a character
go and watch a 4 hour lore video on why goldmask t-poses silently and make sure your helmet is on nice and tight okay sweetie?
Western AAA knows how to market. Not to mention they're on sale all the time. 18 mil is impressive but I often wonder what the actual return on such a thing is relative to how much was dumped into production and marketing, then losses from major discounts.
Are they releasing a brand new game? If it’s this big I’d rather wait so I get the complete experience.
Which recent AAA rpg would you say has more original setting and better characters?
>cybertrannies thinking that sales mean anything
I guess you trannoids also think CoD and FIFA are masterpieces right?
i hope not
game's strength is first person, why would they ruin that? it's a fucking shooter of all things, there is no way 3rd person would be fun.