What are some good games NPCs can't enjoy?
What are some good games NPCs can't enjoy?
Any RTS or low graphics game
no such thing as an NPC. the idea is spread by those with low empathy who cannot imagine other people existing
there's no such thing you actual physchotic, this is just your cope to avoid acknowledging human agency outside your own
So I guess the game I'd recommend that NPCs can't enjoy is the Touch Grass Game, because your NPC scapegoat can't follow you into the real world, it's all actual humans outside.
Dark Souls 2
As an empath i can tell that you are coping and seething
The Last of Us 2
Meme started from a scientific study that proved some people have no inner voice and cannot fantasize.
Every RTS and most JRPGs because they don't have the patience for them.
This one . It applies to any sandbox game. Imagination is fatal to the NPC mindset.
>the games NPCs don't enjoy are all for psycho autists with zero human empathy
we should be thankful for these games, they keep future mass shooters like OP distracted.
Old school MMOs
You claim there are no NPCs yet you all sound and talk exactly the same…
>le npc meme #149644
Dragon's Dogma.
You have to be a certified human to enjoy it.
Anything that actually has good gameplay
/po- i mean Yea Forums btfo
what make a game NPC friendly?
Anything that isnt shallow 2 button game with pretty graphics
Death Stranding
Actually what it was saying is that some people think in abstract terms and conceptualizations while others literally think words/sentences. Neither is an NPC, but the one that was branded "NPC" actually has much more complex thoughts that are not limited by language.
>touch grass: the video game
why is this not an indie title on steam by now
Because Normalfags (correctly) assume the mental voice is an actual noise, which nobody has. You don’t hear the words you think, you just know them.
Normalfags are unironically smarter in this argument. Nobody fucking hears the voice in their head because it isn’t a sound.
t. /pol/tard indistinguishable from every other /pol/tard
Hmmm. How is it that you're always drawn to these threads, saying the same things like moths to the flame?
Could it be....
Pillars of Eternity
>you all "Sound" exactly the same
And there's your schizophrenia acting up again. There's no voice, only text, and if it sounds like the same message on repeat maybe it's because we've been delivering the same fundamental truth onto your misanthropic ass.
>y-you're not real! I don't have to listen to you because you're NOT REAL
Generally, Solipsism like this stems from the childhood. Tell us about your mother.
Bait. The spacing gives it away.
elden ring
no, everyone understands what "inner monologue" means and only an absolute retard would assume it literally means a voice that you hear. an npc, in other words.
>reddit spacing
The term used in the experiment was voice, retard
final fantasy 1-6
the "dated" graphics filter all of them
>I will address literally anything but the actual substance of the post
>I am physically unable to challenge a single statement made
Uh huh. Concession accepted.
spoken like a true NPC
refine your bait, its too obvious
And you're supposed to sound different from the others talking about the npc meme? "Trying to be different and ending up looking all the same by doing so", it's like the curse of the alternative people
How has nobody posted this classic yet?
In fairness, by this metric everyone on Yea Forums is a total NPC.
My belief in the NPC meme eventually led me to believe I'm potentially a clinical sociopath or narcissist. But I don't really know what I should make of that.
doesn't change anything, if i hear "inner voice" i instantly assume you're referring to inner monologue and i'm sure it's the same for most people who experience it.
if you didn’t vote Trump you are an Npc
>npcs don't enjoy normalfagcore
>read the word NPC
>instantly get drawn into an autoresponse
>so mad he can't post ">>" or I'll win
I've already won.
Ok chud
I used to believe this as well. Sadly, that is not how the world actually is and p-zombies are real.
I can imagine people existing. What I can't is women and so I soifaced faggots. Look into their eyes. Imagine being a woman driven only by your base desires. Look into their eyes and see how empty they are. How devoid of life or thought or recollection they are. Look into them and tell me they are human.
Look into the eyes of a weed and video game addict and tell me they are anything other than hylics. Look into them. Look into their fucking eyes and I dare you to tell me they are equal to a normal human being. That they think. That they process reality and its beauty and pain in the same fucking way you do. Slap them. Hit them. Kill their pets. Look at them go through the fucking motions like actors and tell me they're human. Tell me those empty platitudes of void emotions, of shitty third rate acting is equal to the human fucking experience you're living. I dare you.
Fuck you. Any empath should understand they are not human. They are too stupid and too vapid to be. They have no soul and the sooner you realize this the better. That even if you made them feel pain in order to nurture their souls the only thing they would feel is fucking nothing.
Yea Forums is npc as fuck. just look at the catalog
>and i'm sure it's the same for most people who experience it
Most people are stupid. They aren’t, however, soulless robots like this gay little meme is trying to portray. Of course normalfags would get confused by semantics
You "sound" like a faggot lol
>if you respond to my post, I win
fuck off justin trudeau
Are >reddit spacing posters literal bots at this point?
Dark Souls 2
Confirmed for mad as fuck
>r-reddit spacing
>not a single argument
>not a single attempt at even a troll argument
>just defensive lashing out against these fucking impenetrable truths
Still waiting to hear how your parents fucked you up to make you like this.
go outside before you mass shoot a mall or something.
I can tell you that the NPCs of Skyrim didn't enjoy when I played ;P
>women are driven only by base desires
then why do so many men do nothing but masturbate and play video games? i guess these are the "soifaced faggots" you describe, but they certainly make up the majority
Does mouthbreathing do this to you? I cant link that video but seems the case.
>NPC responses
>user does the same shitty bait thread parroting the same shitty opinions from other user who don't play the game like the based and enlighten individual user is
>When people disagree with user, user open up his Yea Forums buzzword guideline and repeat the same buzzwords like trannies, seethe, cope, (x)drone, (x)nigger, NPC,...
>When people reply and user couldn't argue back, user proceed to post wojak and its variants to show everyone how original and based user are at owning people
>user then calls everyone NPC in his echo chamber 4channel
funny because lefties like you would probably agree that retarded normalfags who demonize gay people or black people due to their own stupidity are pretty close to being "soulless robots"
only good post in this thread
NPCs are anyone who can't think for themselves. Social media, twitch, streaming, e-celebs, all that bullshit are proof the world is inundated with them.