Uh no sweaty, we didn't lose an $500mil warship, it just spontaneously caught fire and it's fine now :)
Uh no sweaty, we didn't lose an $500mil warship, it just spontaneously caught fire and it's fine now :)
What game?
game of life
>they say it sunk
>it didnt
Not too hard to understand I hope?
The ship is fine, now dilate.
>have all the territory they could ever want
>still want more
russians are subhumans
Just give up zelenski
According to our preliminary information, the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the Moskva cruiser, was indeed attacked by the Neptune anti-ship missiles from the coastline between Odessa and Nikolaev. Also, the forces of the ship were diverted to counter the Bayraktar TB-2 UAV. The blow fell on the port side, as a result of which the ship took a strong roll. After the threat of detonation of ammunition, the crew of about 500 people was evacuated. The buoyancy of the cruiser was complicated by sea weather conditions. As a result of all the combined factors, according to preliminary information, and unfortunately, the cruiser joined the Roskomos submarine satellite constellation.
Nooooo Russia are heckin based!
Fuck off retard.
I don’t care about your bitch ass Slav pissing contest.
russians are subhumans
I hope all slav niggers die
>getting blowed up for le updoots
>russia bad!
>posts a swastika
Mixed messages user.
I've been seeing satelite images of these huge armored convoys going across the country for weeks, it should be a simple task to just look for the boat and see if it's sunk or not.
thats all that slavs do is lie about stuff huh
russians aren't slavs they're turkic/central asian mutts. don't lump us with them
most of it is shit too. they should've thoughot twice before conquering the most worthless parts of the world where only people on horseback ever inhabited
Don't care, you'll be a majority brown country in a few decades like the rest of Europe and the US
If the ship was afloat Russia would have posted a photo by now
Don't be gullible sheep. She's gone.
Who? Its impossible to tell you apart at a glance.
based turk bulls
Not videogames.
In all fields.
>this war is so real, soldiers literally post videos of themselves in strategic location on fucking Reddit of all places
Only subhuman nigger cattle believe any of this shit
If it really didn't get sunk, it might be soon.
Ukraine was going to receive some anti ship missiles soon
When the war started I predicted, loudly at work, that it would last years, Ukraine would be leveled Syria-style, and Finland is next
Coworkers thought I was crazy. They thought it would stop at the first peace talks within 5 days.
Yeah user, the Ukrainian navy sunk it
Dipshit redditor
Russia isn’t the good guys. Trump told us so.
Our flagship had some anmo spontaneously combust. There was no attack.
We have promoted the flaghip from Cruiser to submarine.
Confirmed fake.
If the ship were sunk someone would have posted the shipwreck by now
Don't be gullible sheep. She's fine.
The fires near the ammunition stores were put out and the hole made it more aerodynamic, the crew are all on holiday.
>the war isn't real because people are posting videos of the war
Amazing logic
More ritualistic sacrifice of goyim nigger cattle. Putin is a Jew, Zelensky is a Jew. If Ukraine is a neutral country why are there so many US biolabs there, why does Biden own so much of it's oil infrastructure. Please go die defending it.
holy based, ROACHED from above
Either the ship sank or its sitting there abandoned.
Where are the "OH NO NO NO FLAGSHIP SUNK" posters now? Unless you think an entire ship not sinking can be faked.
We also moved the rest of our fleet away from the shore because the Moskva crew kind of smells. No other reason.
>soldiers are posting videos
You forgot this one small fucking detail you retard. This is like the FBI posting a video on Twitter just before they go bust a Mafia den.
How can you post the wreck if it's underwater?
Are you really gonna go diving just to check right now?
World of Warships
Except most of the videos are being taken by militiamen and young soldiers fucking around.
Plus, do you think any of the two sides would say no to a direct video from the front for either intel on destroyed assets or just pure propaganda purposes?
>All of Russias allies are brown middle eastern shitholes and China
>/pol/ says they're saving the white race
Soldiers are insanely dumb. They record themselves raping children and women to show off to their buddies. How hard is it to comprehend that?
If it was world warships the ruski boat would have sunk Ukraine.
If you want to share intel you use use secure channels with encryption you fucking retard. You don't post shit on Reddit and Twitter for likes and upvotes. I guess their COs just took a vacation.
How much of a fucking nigger cattle are you to believe this is something that normally happens?
>Mixed messages user.
how are those mixed messages, you retard?
>muh /Pol/ is with Russia
Literal propaganda and you eat it up like a retard
And as a bonus
>/pol/ is one person
>be Russian sailor
>Ukraine has no navy to speak of
>you're on a flagship boat
>think you're safe from the war
>your retard superiors take predictable patrol paths every day
>suddenly drones approach
>turn your radar to track the drones
>your radar can only track 180 degrees
>blind in the back, get hit by missiles
>somehow don't die in the massive explosion
>rescued by Turkish navy
>make it back to Russia
>your president just signed an order sending sailors to serve as infantry in the Donbas meatgrinder
>get sent to the frontlines
such is life in russia
get off vent
>your radar can only track 180 degrees
stopped reading right there
You are thinking people give a shit.
Most of the soldiers are fucking teenagers, not battle hardened 30 something's
And I repeat, a good chunk is from militiamen, fucking randos given a rifle and an AT launcher.
Russian systems cannot track multiple targets at the same time in 360 degrees
They don't have AEGIS
>that user is one person
learn to recognize disinfo teams retard
It's impossible for you to believe a war is happening if your logic requires that video evidence of the war can only be evidence that the war isn't real.
Who isn't a jew at this point.
It seems that any time anything happens, all relevant figures on both sides are jews, plus anyone who disagrees with people calling people jews are also jews.
Are you also a jew?
I hope I'm not a jew and don't realize it.
Radar can't see over 180 degrees anyway why would we need to upgrade our system?
>Yea Forums - Video Games
Zelensky is ethnically Jewish, Putin culturally
>Yea Forums - Politically Incorrect
is not ship is submarine now))))))
the crusade against globohomo make no sense given both presidents are jewish
it really is true that you're not immune to propaganda
>normalfags worshiping jewlensky and jewkranians
Kek. Why do Russians write like that?
It's only because the war is a huge joke due to how much Russia is losing. You can go to tiktok and see Ukrainians doing dances on captured Russian hardware and soldiers. Russia is a huge joke and there's no need to hide any news because their technology is so outdated russians cant do anything.
Putins not jewish wtf
>heil hitler
>heil hitler
sounds familiar....................
Yes he is dude. His mother is Jewish which makes him a Jew. Also Putin's inner circle of financiers is literally hiding in Israel right now...
What compels people to make a completely offtopic thread on Yea Forums? Do you look at this board as your substitute discord full of your buddies you rush to share stuff you find on the internet with? Because we don't see you in the same way.
I swear to god, if Russia deploys one of its expensive as shit equipment just to get blown by a Turk UAV I will fucking lose my sides
I really don't understand why Putin decided to go with the "muh Nazis" narrative
It has only backfired and made him look like shit
If Trump were still our leader, Putin would have been too terrified to invade. This whole mess is due to Joe "child rapist" Biden being the softest, biggest pussy in history.
Is it weird that I would nuke Israel if I had the power to, not because I have any hatred for Jews, but rather because I think it would be funny to see everyone losing their fucking shit over it?
>source: trust me
You are right.
Afghanistan gave them the feeling they could do it without repercussions, but NATO has not been as spineless as expected and Ukraine actually is fighting.
Glad the chinks saw this and decided to not be retarded about Taiwan, that would really be ww3 shit
After Yanukovych was glown out of the office new governement wanted to cancel Kharkov Accords.
>Are you ready, kids?
Aye, aye, captain!
>I can't hear you!
Aye, aye, captain!
>Oooooooooohhhh... Who is a warship under the sea?
Cruiser Moskva!
>A bit too prideful, outdated and now porous is she.
Cruiser Moskva!
>If nautical nonsense, be something you wished would sink.
Cruiser Moskva!
>Then drop a Neptune on her deck and and watch her flop like a fish!
Cruiser Moskva! Cruiser Moskva! Cruiseeeeeer Moskvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Putin's mother Maria Ivanovna Putina SHELOMova
Israel's Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef confirmed Putin is Jewish
Russian Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar , Seen as Putin Ally, Calls for End to Ukraine War
You're NOT immune to propaganda
He's not just pretending to be pozzed. He is literally a Jew.
/pol/ is 50% shills and 50% braindead amerimongrels who'll eat up whatever is currently being shilled to them
You mean Trump the president that wanted to pull out of NATO? Yeah, that totally would have been terrible for the Russians.
Because it worked in WW2 and burger socialists are in general braindead and will jump to defend anything that supports their narrative, hell you even got some supporters at the start of the war so it did kinda work.
the land they own is shit
fucking kys