I enjoyed Horizon a lot. Thank fuck I didn't listen to most of you losers.
I enjoyed Horizon a lot. Thank fuck I didn't listen to most of you losers
thanks for the blogpost phonetoddler
Same, I can't wait for Motorsport too.
Time to change your diaper Gramps
Ya, it's common sense to not listen to Yea Forums if they're shit talking a game since the majority of Yea Forums is just trolling bullshit by kids.
oh im sorry
I'm going to play a game where the player can make a woman SIT? on COMMAND? like a DOG?
no thank you !
yet Earthbound sold like shit in the US but everyone around here rims that game's anus like it's made out of fucking meth.
Imagine the sort of pathetic lonely loser you gotta be, to not only make something like this for a game you clearly don't like(cuz most of us just move on with our lives) but save it on your desktop & wait for every opportunity once said game threads show up on the board. Holy Shit, there's no hope for you. You're done with life.
Every Eldren Ring thread here, yes.
Have you tried making a sandwich with it?
OP here, i liked BoTW too, but the combat kinda sucked, its empty too, but nevertheless, its a nice game.
Why are you white?
I'm black.
He's clearly Jamaican
Lightskin bitch you will never be a real nigga.
I like the Tenakth
Stop being a biggot. I identify as a black female.
>white woman dresses up as a native american and fights patriarchosaurus rex
>>white woman dresses up as a native american and fights patriarchosaurus rex
My fetish
Sure thing retard.
Here’s your (you)
Fuck anyone who gave your shit thread a serious reply.
She has fat tits you used to be able to see in game her nipples. Post some pictures of that
u ok there chief?
>Generic tp action adventure game only shilled using promotional material and bullshots
Either retarded or paid shill
I hope your transition goes well user.
you people told me nobody likes the game what the fuck is this
Hate her face but otherwise her body is a 8/10.
Vegas baby!
I love her face, but yeah fucking amazing body too
Replaying Thief 2014 held my interest longer all the way to finishing it to shelve it than a new playthrough of Zero Yawn did, and that game is the most busted dogshit game you can imagine
>fuck all white incels, aloy is not for your male gaze, why would a prehistoric warrior wear makeup in battle?
>aloy appears wearing makeup in the very next scene
It's almost as if such play- I mean activists don't even play games, just virtue signal
Lmao Tiny Tinas Trannyland is BTFOing HFW
What a pathetic display
>wear makeup in battle
what is war paint you uncultured swine.
bless the titties.
I adore Aloy
you sound so fucking retarded
I fucking love aloy
Just consoooooom
You're on Yea Forums, just saying if you've forgotten...
I never said she's wearing 21st century makeup, dude. Learn to read. Also, it tribal/ritualistic or not, makeup is still makeup. The game itself proves it exists. Therefore reeeeeeing about a woman hunter wearing makeup in battle is invalid.
>no argument, only whining
Found the activist
Yeah the difference is that Earthbound's marketing was absolute dogshit. Horizon's was actually decent. Funny how Earthbound was figured out to be a good game and Horizons was figured out to be aids.
Nice outfit that, Oseram Explorer.
Aloy's perky painted nipples
Good for you dude. I've been bouncing between Dragon Quest 11 S and Bioshock. Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate is on sale too so might give that a look.
Prefer the Utaru. She looks adorable in their outfits
Is this the GoW easter egg location? I've only found the Tsushima one
stay mad fag billions wasted on a sjw flopp
your family will bury you shallow and unmarked
ill be a hero if im the one to place you there
hurry up im waiting
yea you can get face paint as well
How about you go fucking somewhere else then you tranny nigger?
That armour is godly
Imagine licking the sweat & lint out off that belly button...
is the tranny in the room with us right now
lol, I would break your jaw, incel faggot.
i hate how western games portray women now. so fucking ugly
Jesus, realism was a mistake
Exactly what your parents say about you.
why is here face so fat on that thin body. looks like some fat mary sue bitch photoshopped her head on an attractive model. really.
Kek, why so defensive, user? It's just a bunch of pixels.
She looks normal to me. Some the NPCs are obnoxious though, like the LA girl with the old focus version.
You can see her tits too btw lol
I've to be up early tomorrow, just post her tits already you pervs.
She has a big ass head.
Yeah but how? I only have the Legendary Armor atm from the errand quest.