Did Yea Forums like it?
Elden Ring
I like it
Absolutely, i enjoy it quite alot.
I'd say it's my new favorite game ever. I thought about it and this one is just the most enjoyable experience
It was pretty great, just wish some of the spells, namely faith ones, would have been balanced better so you could actually use them consistently
quit after a few hours. riding around is boring and pointless and the combat doesn't make up for it
It has been a long time since i enjoyed a game this much. The last few years have been pretty shit in terms of games coming out and Elden Ring has been a gem for me.
the answer to your dumb question can be found in one of the other 30 elden ring threads, dumbass
That's okay, user. Everyone has their cup of tea. To each their own.
I had a 20 hour honeymoon period, but it became the first Souls game I dropped.
Not 20 hours for me, more like 70-80, but yeah it becomes quite stale
Still great game, 8/10
Yeah I like it. Even when I feel like I'm getting burnt out I can't stop playing it.
Understandable. Hope you find something you enjoy more.
Wasn't as good as the Souls games to me, but it was still fun.
The bosses were pretty rough though, the almost every major boss fight felt like it dragged on for too long, especially with fights like the fire giant and Malenia, since they had a load of health and in Malenia's case, was very aggressive and also healed on hit, even if you shield and take no damage. Just made the fight kind of drag.
6/10 worst souls
Loved it.
NG+7 beaten, all achievements and collectibles and I still can't quit playing this.
It's good, but it released in a near broken state, and even with it's main fixable issues taken care of it's still fairly flawed.
I think replaying it is less enjoyable than prior games, though the content and game itself are arguably greater overall.
>replaying it is less enjoyable than prior games
>though the content and game itself are arguably greater
cognitive dissonance
Yep, I do think it needs balance patches especially for the end game. But they simply managed to create a game I love exploring , the whole asset reuse stuff is so overstated as you do keep running into weird areas and dungeons. Plus considering it is x5 the length, seeing a boss again after 20 hours feels more like a NG+ run. Meanwhile you'll get a looping warp maze, a goofy wizard chase, climbing the outside and then down the inside of a tower. While the legacy dungeons offer realistic shortcuts and sequence breaks along with being so dense.
Not many single player games I can play for over 100 hours and still hear about stuff I've missed.
judging by the amountof threads, yes
Yes. Despite some of its flaws, it's probably the best game I've ever played
Yes. I liked it quite a bit.
My main gripes are the reused content and some poorly designed bosses that are more frustrating to fight rather than challenging. The game could have maybe been 30% smaller and would have been the perfect length IMO. But definitely a game that deserves its success.
>90% of posters here liked it
>90% of the catalog is people shitting on it
Which one is it?
Critics are far louder.
The "people" shitting on it are discord trannies still trying to succeed at their already failed raid like the incompetent retards they are.
Overcorrection perhaps? Perfectly possible to like the game but also admit it has its flaws and people perhaps big up the flaws because they're reacting to people acting like elden ring is the second coming of Christ, especially with the way that souls fans like to treat any complaint about something being unfair as not being a legitimate complaint because they've taken the gut gud meme to heart.
If anything its way too easy to make a game super bullshit hard. It's way more difficult to craft something that's properly challenging but also fair to the player.
Despite my constant bitching about how obnoxious it is to play I think its a good game and still have fun
It's shit. Anyone enjoying this empty and repetitive open world turd over sekiro/Bloodborne is a 60IQ mutt.
Repetetive as fuck
Drop the souls formula
Shill thread operating from discord that's what it is faggot.
I agree. It set the bar very high for the genre though.
>seeing a boss again after 20 hours feels more like a NG+ run
What about seeing it 5 times?
I've seen 500 replies posts where most posters say that BOTW is far better than ER
Is this fanboyism or true?
Haven't played either btw
Like multiple NG+ runs, cause they are in fact spread out. If you only read threads it sounds like every dungeon has 1 of 3 bosses. When really they're at opposite ends of the map, you may not even end up seeing them depending on what you did.
Yes, but it's no Bloodborne
It's subjective. I definitely think BoTW does some things better than elden ring, but elden ring also does a lot of things better than BoTW.
Elden ring definitely has better combat, but BoTWs shrines are more varied. Elden ring's world is even more well crafted with levels like stomveil Castle, while BoTW's world has more physics based stuff to do.
Bloodborne is probably the greatest game they ever made.
Can't really say. They excel in different areas. BotW has a better open world, more useful crafting, and far superior interactivity with the environment. Elden Ring has better legacy dungeons and more interesting items/abilities to find. Elden Ring also has a lot more content in it which could be a negative for some because they do begin to recycle things but I don't think it's the most egregious example of reuse.
I think both games are pretty good. BotW is probably a cleaner experience overall since it's a bit more focused but it comes down to preference. I don't think BotW could satiate someone who's looking for Souls combat and dungeon design. A game with the best elements of both would be interesting.
Yeah it’s in my top 10 for sure.
It's ok it's too normie-friendly and I immensely dislike open world games. The only good parts of it are the aspects that were retained from old souls games, but literally every change/addition they made to it has detracted from the quality of the game. It's not bad it's just not as exceptional as other souls games
Game was alright. Its a good game, but I didn't like how spread out everything was and how much they reused enemies and bosses throughout the game.
Also post characters.
both games are zoomer garbage
kys yourselves
nah that's sekiro, bloodborne is almost as bad as elden ring
It’s alright, I’ll definitely end up having more hours in DS1 and 3 though. Just not a huge fan of open world games.
Doesn't hold a candle to sekiro, but as far as souls games go it's alright. Didn't care for the open world only spreading the content around, but the content itself was good.
The online is trash. The whole summoning feature needs to be reworked. It's a pain in the ass trying to play either others. And certain things need to be removed from pvp. Pvp needs to be melee weapons only without healing
We're still in the "fog of reddit" zone as I like to call it, where people enjoy a thing artificially until they realize how reddit it is, which can last anywhere from a month to two years. Redditry is like new car smell but for video games.
>I've seen 500 replies posts where most posters say that BOTW is far better than ER
I haven't. Yea Forums tends to trash botw.
Botw does some things better, but overall I'd say it's a much worse game. It's far more copy paste than elden ring is despite how much flak elden ring gets for that and it frontloads all of its content and ends horribly. It's much more of a walking sim since there's no real meat to the game in either combat or shrines, although its traversal options are more fun since the game doesn't have to worry about how players could use things like climbing or gliding to break the content in the world since there isn't really any.
>enjoying a video game is reddit
i knew we would reach this point eventually
it is though
I have some awful shadow flickering in the snowy area, any way to fix it?
I've literally just finished it a couple of minutes ago or so. Weird to be honest. It's not particularly good, not a good souls game, and no incentive to do a NG or anything. Big let down in my book, and I'll probably never pick it up again, and I might be burnt out on souls games completely after this.
Good game but I like sekiro/bb/ds1 more. DeS to this day has the best atmosphere too
By laws of v, v has to hate it because it's currently popular, then wait until Elden Ring 3 and say that Elden Ring 1 was peak kino.
This game is garbage and I'm tired of people coping by saying its perfect.
Some stuff is good some stuff is bad.
Therefore, it would be a thousand times better if there were a way to fight the interesting bosses again because hell im not doing the shit parts again just to do the good stuff.
It was fine and I had some fun with it.
yea. planning on another playthrough with the widescreen mod this time around. sucks that i can't play online with it, though.
I like it and I shit on it because it's far from perfect and I expected more.
>can't remap the 'g' key
Dropped it before I made it to the character creation screen. Not wasting my time on half assed console ports that can't even be bothered to put in proper mouse/keyboard support.