This is objectively the coolest looking armor in the game
This is objectively the coolest looking armor in the game
what game? who cares
meh. most of the armors in ER are shit compared to DS3. hopefully DLC will fix it
The whitechad’s armor of choice.
I do
That's just a sad attempt at recreating pic related, which is still the coolest armor in the Souls franchise. The gold and silver don't really mesh well.
He really thinks gold and silver is a bad match!
my only complaint is that there aren't enough "normal looking" sets
like a lot of them are very over the top that are meant to be worn as a full set so good luck trying to mix and match
there arent any cool sets like lorian's or alonne knight which are heavy but also good looking. now you have to look like fat trash if you want heavy armor and it sucks ass bad
The way it is used in D's armor? Yes.
I gave the armor to Ds brother, but I also gave Fia the death symbol thing. Am I locked out of getting the armor now?
I'm regretting giving it to D's twin. What a waste.
Nah, just continue Fia's questline and reload at her grace a couple times, you'll get them back
No, this is.
nah it looks like garbage
Mausoleum knight armour is best chest, the hussar wings are so good. Combine with a nice bucket helm and you've got a winner>
I was kind of using gauntlets/boots with good stats, need to browse for a better look
what's the fluted/elite knight/faraam set equivalent of this game?
I got the armor fearly early and it was nice because until that point you rely on mob drops. I was also eying it as soon as D showed up at the roundtable. But since the armor has such a strong onnection with the two Ds, it makes it a set that never "feels" like its your own. Compared to where after getting It it felt like I owned it as a rightfull spoil of war.
I will say though, i'm happy with the face masks we got, especially after what they did to the Manikin Mask in DS2
>schizo armor
I am SEETHING that the metallic parts of armors aren't homogeneous, so you can't mix and match differnet armor sets without the colors getting messed up
Im the only one that hates that silver figure on it? Would be best armor if you could alter it out
>we want the Daenerys fans
I just hate how most armor looks like it's been dragged through the mud or covered in shit and blood
Makes sense with the setting but I don't want to look like a hobo with every armor I wear
So wear the Knight set. Why would you expect the armor that you literally killed the guy wearing it in order to obtain to be in perfect condition?
Malenia can suck my dick but her Cleanrots are my favourite.
With this generic fantasy setting they would never top Mornes armor, Sunset armor or Farram or whatever the fuck from previous games anyway
Lautrec's set is goated, and importantly the arms don't completely get in the way the way D's extra head does. The helmet is also way cooler.
Seems like it. I actually like the silver figure a lot, it makes he armor stand out
I get what you mean, I felt the same with Hoslow’s armor too
They look cool as shit, tho I prefer to remove the hair from the helmet cause it looks way worse on a human sized character
I don't know what they were thinking when they made the scarf, it's cool in motion, but it looks too static and frilly when at rest, it should just drape down as normal.
raging wolf is the coolest helmet. other than that I didn't see anything that made me go "I want that". I spent the whole first playthrough with the vagabond armor, helmetless. in ng+ I put on the black knife armor, mostly because being silent is helpful. I changed the gauntlets, I wanted something gold for fashion so I put on malenia's gauntlets but it's not exactly how I wanted it.
Exile Knight's helm looks good on this set.
You mean the banished knight with the red scarf thingy? That's what I run with it right now actually. It looks great on it as long as you can get over the fact that the helmet is silver and not gold. It's barely visible under the scarf anyway and it's not like the cleanrot set doesn't feature white/silver color.
Post your most hated equipment for whatever reason
for me it's gotta be this
>passable chest piece, even if the wings are a bit much
>the rest of the set even looks decent when altered
>"what if we glued an ice cream cone on top"
I remember that they even had a version of the helm without the horn as shown in some leak last year, can't find it now tho
But if you don't use his sword it's downgraded to the worst looking set because you're a fag and your shit's all retarded.
You're a retard blinded by nostalgia.
>>"what if we glued an ice cream cone on top"
kek. also I wonder why does eleonora use this set?
and I'm not a fan of the scaled armor. It's ok but without the scales looking like shit all over the armor it would look 10 times better.
This helmet is a total mindfuck and I hate it. It looks fantastic, but on most armors, it hides the scarf and makes it look like a goddamn hajib. But there's no indication on what triggers the hidden scarf. Check out the crested knight armor for instance, it works on redmane but hides itself on godrick. How. And why.
Damnit, forgot the image.
Banished Knight set looks great but takes some farming. It's heavy and has great defenses, though the poise is pretty lacklustre. Scaled set looks great, has great defences, decent poise (58 without bull-goat talisman). Crucible too. But I agree there should be more decent heavy armor.
>you'll get them back
And also get to listen to the best monologue in the game
Fingerprint chads rise up
I want a non-melted version
Wait so the guy in box art is actually the frenzied flame dude that invades you and gives you the meme frenzy spear every noob uses in PVP? why him though? he has very little importance
go back to ffxiv nerd
I let D's brother kill Fia everytime for the rant
This one is pretty based
I just dont like the brown belts hanging from his crotch but yes, otherwise lautrecs set is el kino
some love for the Royal Greatsword chads. coolest looking weapon with the coolest looking armor. simple as. Looks nice with the twinned set and that helmet
>game fucking bugged and he never invaded me
i'm still mad
Vyke was a guy who was the closest to being a Elden Lord himself. But then he got tempted by the Flame and burned.
the armors in this game fucking suck, easily the worst in the series
how did he enter tha three fingers chamber without removing the armor?
He was the guy who got the farthest before you, until you get to the Mountaintops, you are technically following in his footsteps the entire game. He's somewhat like Artorias in a way that not much is really said about him, but you clearly see the marks he left behind in the world.
He's also related to why Gideon is so cranky; Vyke, Vargr, Alberich, these were some of the first Tarnished that set up the round table and got shit done, Gideon was probably among them. Now they're all gone and dead, and Gideon is left babysitting a stuttering priest, a sad cockney girl, a cocky wizard playing with death, a golden order autist also playing with death, a necrophiliac who is deliberately ignoring her calling as a tarnished, a faggy nobleman who can't even fight, some literal shit-eating rapist locked in the closet, and his rebellious daughter.
I never noticed the arms on it before.
I just checked, yeah you're right actually
It looks like it might be tied to whether you're wearing the cape or altered version for some reason, which is pretty dumb since cloth and clipping textures is nothing new in souls games so i don't understand why they bothered making it that way
I was a little disappointed that he doesn't fight one handed while constantly holding the armor. I actually thought at first he was one armed or otherwise crippled and the left arm armor was permanently attached to the head.
Its just a gameplay mechanic for us, so we can't get the worst ending. Vyke was the test dummy.
>good luck trying to mix and match
oh but hey we have 7 different knight set palette swaps with slightly different stats isn't that neat
I'll never forget how excited everyone was for the edgy linkin park featureless manikin masks from the trailer and then the in game mask is a goofy proto soi face.
And as if that isn't enough the actual manikin enemies were headless due to a bug. I don't think that ever got fixed, or maybe they decided it was actually intentional.
No, I am a based chad with good taste.
game glitched and Edgar won't spawn so I'll never fight his other version