Why do zoomers hate this game? It's the only good Zelda
Why do zoomers hate this game? It's the only good Zelda
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probably because they hate the smug comments forcing them to enjoy it or reminding them that everything made during their generation is bad
The most barebones/boring Zelda
Link's Awakening is also good though
first game i emulated, on ZSNES the best emulator of course
It is objectively better than Ocarina of Time. By the way Ocarina of Time was nothing special even for its time, the only way you might think that is if you weren't playing PC games at the time and the only games you knew were for the N64. Same deal with Goldeneye.
LMAO you are a deluded fag that wasn't even alive in 1998
I was 11 at 1998. Never understood the fascination even at that time. I always wrote it up to people simply having no access to different platforms and playing many different games like I did.
rent free
>It is objectively better than Ocarina of Time.
>By the way Ocarina of Time was nothing special even for its time
I love that game
The Oracle games are better
You were a butthurt 11 year old mad about the fact that your mother never got you the game
not enough trans/poc representation.
wrong. LTTP is good but this one is better
if you disagree i accept your concession that you have no friends and were therefore incapable of playing the best zelda. I feel sorry for you
>forcing them to enjoy it
lmao you're a dumb little kid
>everything made in their generation is bad
legitimately true, and everyone who is unaware of this should be informed about it immediately. it's the only way things will ever improve
I have literally never seen any zoomers bring this game up. It's always OoT that gets bullied, probably because that Arin guy said it's overrated.
he's right though
He can barely play Pokemon.
Maybe you're a little slow, but I never said I never got the game. I even implied I played it and many others, and I thought it wasn't anything special.
>that thumbnail
Damn that's bad, do zoomers really?
because an enlightened contrarian e-celeb gave them that opinion. this is how most zoomer opinions are formed, and also from the social engineering they're experiencing right now as they complete public school. in a few years when school is over a small percentage of zoomers will experience enough of the real world to formulate their own opinions about things, just as the millennials did before them. don't throw them all into the same box, they won't all be this way forever.
Know your place, zoomer. Arin has been Yea Forums culture since before you were born.
Ocarina of Time took Alttp and did everything better. There is no reason to ever go back to it.
>that you have no friends
ofc i don't have any friends i'm on fucking 4shit and argue about video games
And that's a good thing
>part of Yea Forums culture
good bait
>24 years and still seething about OoT
Typical cuck
I'm probably older than you, I'm only explaining why a zoomer would be upset I'm not giving my opinion the game, I have no problem with the game but people do shove their favorite old games in their faces and that can cause resentment and I'm not jaded enough to hate everything new
All the Zelda games are good, even Twilight Princess once you get past that awful first third
>All the Zelda games are good
nah the ds games are fucking trash
I see your mother didn't love you enough to buy you a ds
Video games are better now than they ever have been before. Only right wing boomers who are obsessed with "muh trannies" think otherwise.
Mostly because it pisses off older people who love it. They're kids in the end, and we were exactly the same at their age.
The few that genuinely think it's a bad game usually are in the "N64 graphics have aged horribly", or "Later Zelda's did it better" groups.
I don't really agree with either, but whatever each to their own.
They're certainly better now than 10-15 years ago but fremium and subscription bullshit puts it firmly below the SNES/Genesis era
And yes, I did mistake the OP pic for OOT. I am a retarded faggot lmao
It's not the graphics that aged poorly in most N64 games but the controls
Do they really? In terms of world building and amount of dungeons it is the best Zelda.
And Nintendo is so dumb, they don't want any easy money by making a 3D Zelda out of it since it would be sick with all the dungeons, but even more so just for the dark world as it would look great
I didn't value my money enough to recognize them as shovelware.
I grew up with LttP and its my least favorite. It is the game where Nintendo began losing its soul in order to appeal to the masses.
>the dark world as it would look great
And sound great. That theme is so unreasonably good.
I played the DSi version of Four Swords with my brother and it was ok but nothing special
>wahhh wahhh it's not my ots fwee camwa with industwy standawd contwols wike ALL of my other games waaaaaahhhhhhhh
The Dark world theme is actually the most memorable thing of the whole game imo. Death Mountain theme is a close second.
Actually. SNES games really had some of the best OSTs, most notably ALttP and Super Metroid.
Most PS1 games had better controls than N64, seriously, try playing Jet Set Gemini then switch to any of the PS1 tank conteol games and it's night and day
its twice as good with 4 people
And four times as good with 8 people,
They don't understand the SNES era. To them, it's all 2D platformers and the occasional JRPG. The original MarioKart doesn't even exist in their minds. The original StarFox isn't appreciated even though it was amazing at the time, at most people remember StarFox64. The reason is that all these other genres have been advanced with technology. They weren't around when gaming was ever-evolving and blowing minds. It was something they never experienced, and never will.
>To them, it's all 2D platformers and the occasional JRPG.
The perfect library
aren't there like 10 fucking 2D zelda games? why do I never hear about anything but Zelda 1 and LOTP
Not enough cinematics.
What do you want to hear about user?
Minish Cap is pure fucking SOVL as well and one of the better games that came out of the Capcom dungeons.
Zelda II is horseshit having intercourse with donkey shit, it's just that good.
Don't know about Awakening and the 2 Oracle games
Got quite far in seasons but it just drug on and I finally gave up. I hear ages is even more of a drag.
How is this compared to the snes version?
2D=bad game
This isn't your blog faggot
Time for your Alzheimer pills grandpa
>LA and the Oracles exist
>it's the only good Zelda
Clown world.
Look, either you can drop the attitude RIGHT NOW or I will take matters into my own hands. DON'T TICK ME OFF.
They love it, as do millennials. It's the ones between that think it sucks. Even boomers love it.
Zoomers for some reason seem to like stuff millennials like; Probably due to how shit everything is now and they envy that 90's aesthetic.
Hes fucking retarded. A literal HS dropout
Based. He looks like just about EXP to level up, too.
have you never heard of smart but lazy? look it up some of the best inventors artists and scientists had this personality type
>midwits that literally can't function in real life when they eventually flunk out of college
I've accepted long ago that Zelda games are just very average action-adventures. None of them do anything exceptional.
>they made most easily accessible fours swords game ever with it being a free download and the DSs being popular systems, if you had both a DSi and 3DS, you could get it on both, meaning one less person who would need their own copy
>limited time download
>never rereleased for like $5 or something
>four swords idea gets entirely abandoned in favor of gay triforce heroes which bombs miserably
>we live in an era where online multiplayer is the standard and they still refuse to do anything with four swords again
Its been 10 years and I'm still fucking furious. Four Swords, especially Adventures, are some of the very best Zelda games, and yet they just don't even try to bother with it anymore when the fatal flaw for multiplayer would not exist in this day and age.
It probably gets better but I played for a bit last year and the first 2 dungeons were awful and the overworld was kinda uninteresting