Worth it? Now that I've played Elden Ring for 100+ hours, another game in the Souls style sounds fun.
Worth it? Now that I've played Elden Ring for 100+ hours, another game in the Souls style sounds fun
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nah just play stranger paradies nioh 1-2 or salt and sanctuary code vein is terrible.
It's not as good as ER, but it's a fun game with some cool features that I prefer over From's design choices (like swappable classes rather than resettable builds).
>stll $60
why are japs like this
at that price point, yeah. refunded it shortly before launch and pirated it to see what i had missed... def not worth the $60.
For that price, might as well check it out.
It got its problems for sure. Maze-like, uninteresting levels, small enemy variety and a bit of jank are among them.
On the other hand, the game wants you to actively use a big variety of abilities. Do not just do the roll + r1, this will not suffice. Combat can get wild, but if you get the hang of it, you'll feel really powerful. Experiment, make sure to unlock plenty of skills, this is where the game shines.
Story is a shonen for better and worse, but the characters and everything about them is far less edgy than you might think at first. And kinda nice, wholesome even.
Music is a masterpiece.
Code vein is garbage
That game is NOT in the Souls style.
It's also a piece of shit jap cringefest and it's only good for porn.
t. went 40h on it when it launched.
I would buy it
Just like I would buy dark soul 1.
CV is like a better Dark Soul 2 but that doesn't mean it's good.
At least the combat is better than most souls.
I'd say it's still underrated. But just pirate
No it's garbage. Imagine a Souls game with worse combat and built entirely around summons so that solo play is discouraged and feels like shit.
i tried the demo and hated the controls
Play Nioh if you want an anime Soulslike, 2 if you want a character creator. They have better gameplay anyway.
It goes on sale all the time. I bought it in 2020 for $15 I think.
Play Nioh 2 instead, that game is great.
Hellpoint is a way better souls like than Code Vein
I played it until I killed the first boss and I unlocked the hub (I think it's a hub)
I failed to manage to give a shit for any character up to this point, I did play the bayonet, it fucking sucked, the gameplay is worse than demon's soul where you just wait for the enemy to walk in your hit zone then just stunlock him to death
I tried the parry thing and I failed to get the timing, thus I dropped it
Fun character creator, I guess, even if it's barebones beside some retarded accessories like oversized hats that would ruin the esthetic of any armor
Does it get better?
Have they removed Denuvo yet?
I bought it during a sale and didn't know it had it so have not played it.
>Imagine a Souls game with worse combat
That doesn't exist
>Imagine a Souls game with worse combat and built entirely around summons so that solo play is discouraged and feels like shit.
Elden Ring?
>hey dont play trash, play this trash instead OP
Great idea
I dropped it after reaching the not-firelink hub.
Hated the level design, nonexistent stat system, and drab and boring levels. Also the FOV is all kinds of fucked up, it feels like fucking 30 degrees tiny and theres no way to increase it.
I wanted coomer dark sould but nothing is worth this piece of shit
>nonexistent stat system
Lmao I forgot leveling up is just going to the not-Bonfire and pressing the level up button, what a joke.
Nioh 2 is a good game...
I absolutely hated that game, especially the bootleg anor londo area. Unless you really like the anime aesthetics I'd say avoid it.
That part bled my fucking eyes.
It puts every souls game to shame, buy it right now.
They have not.
>Worth it?
For that price sure you'll get 40h of fun out of it
It's not
It's pretty fun
It's not that bad. It's way better than other souls like clones. The DLC's are a joke though.
For that price it's a steal. The combat is a bit floaty, but it's fun. Level design is hit or miss. The character and story are pretty good.
Braindead easy and an egregious amount of re used enemies. Slightly better if you don't use a companion but that's kinda half the appeal. There's like two nice levels in the entire game and the rest is more bleak and torturous than nioh 1, and everyone hates one of those two levels so your mileage may vary. I love my treewife though
Base game was alright, DLC is a hard miss. Have fun.
There has never been a Souls game or Souls-like that ever filtered me. And I've played a ton of those. Including even some of the lowest tiers like Mortal Shell, Lords of the Fallen, The Surge etc.
Post play time
Every single complaint you can have about elden ring is worse in this game, especially when it comes to bosses. Be careful.
The only way to dislike Nioh is to suck hard at it. You probably wanted a shitty shallow souls game with the usual boring battle system that can hardly be called "comabt" and you got a full fledged complex character action game with bonfires instead and you couldn't deal with that so you think it's bad. You're still wrong objectively but you're entitled to your opinion.
It's really fun and worth it, despite having issues like lack of content and mid game areas with DS2-like level design.
It also has a good combat system and impressive build variety
Pirate it man
How? It's way easier
>t. went 40h on it when it launched.
I finished it twice and you're retarded. It shamelessly copies most of it's mechanics from souls games but poorly. Only it's unique ideas are actually good like blood codes.
>and everyone hates one of those two levels
Stop conflating difficulty with quality.
>You probably wanted a shitty shallow souls game with the usual boring battle system that can hardly be called "comabt"
I actually bought into the hype that Nioh has some DMC level of complexity when it came to its combat. I was disappointed.
I cant imagine OP being satisfied with this after playing ER.
I honestly never played one of these anime games that feels like they are made in a factory (Code Vein, God Eater, Alchemist Something, Daemon X Machina, etc..) They feel terrible and are full exposition dump with austistic dialogues. It's awful man.
It's the same exact type of combat but with twinky vampires instead.
>It shamelessly copies most of it's mechanics from souls games
Like what?
They play absolutely nothing alike unless you believe that having checkpoints is "Souls-like"
Sorry for my retardation, i didn't mean i never played them but never enjoyed them. I played them because i always think the next one will be better. But it's always the same issues.
Sovlless opinion
Try out the demo first! The gameplay is like if they expanded the Ash of War system and made FP regenerate by hitting enemies. There are a lot of fun builds!
Is fun. Go for it.
Nioh 2 and Code Vein are pretty different. I enjoyed both. I played Nioh 2 for over 300 hours and Code Vein for around 80–100.
Nioh 2 is the better game, and it even has a better character creator. But Code Vein is still fun and has some great boss fights. I will say there was a clear lack of budget that is visible in the lack of unique environmental assets. And honestly other than a few locations many look pretty bland. God Eater 3 has more interesting landscapes, surprisingly.
Also Code Vein has big titties. Nioh 2 can as well, though.
For 11 bucks? Hell yeah. It's not unplayably bad, but it's not the worst souls-like experience out there. Making a fun build and fighting the bosses is still fun, it's the story and characters that were terrible.
The worldbuilding is cool until you get to the 5 hour long cathedral maze level, and then the subsequent generic volcano, desert, blizzard levels. but otherwise I enjoyed it.
REALLY not worth 100%'ing though. God does it suck to 100%.
Oh yeah also be prepared to be disappointed by a major boss fight that never happens. You'll know exactly which.
>muh environmental storytelling and lore videos on youtube!!
And I sure wish mecha games were made in a factory instead of seeing one released every fucking decades at best.
>Filtered by God Kino
>Character action
The shit I gotta read in this board
DMC5 is soulless trash btw.
it really doesn't scratch the souls itch
also only the heavier high damage weapons are worth using because they can actually stagger and do damage, other weapon types are borderline useless
It's Dark Souls but with anime tiddies and a coherent story, but worse gameplay.
I liked it because the usual Souls formula had me burnt out, but if you just had a blast with >100 hours of Elden Ring, you might not.