>characters you only play because they're sexy
Characters you only play because they're sexy
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I play Roy in Mario Kart 8D for that sole reason.
I can't stress enough with how handsome and hot are the pumping walrus slavs of Tropical Freeze. They had made up about half a reason to invest on this game.
Can't wait to see more of these big fishy bois in splat 3
If Splatoon 1 wasn't addicting enough for me, then Splatoon 2 has nearly became my religious taste with dualies weapon types, so may only imagine how much more of an addicted savage will I be with 3.
Dualies and big aquatic fishy men, that is!
you cant play this character
I can play you.
Thoughts on his FL design? As someone who enjoys Dedede in a more platonic context, I like the look a lot.
I actually like it way more than his normal design. The face is cuter and I hope they keep it going forward.
Yeah, I was kind of getting annoyed with how tiny and Kirby-shaped he had repeatedly been getting with every game since Return to Dream Land. Having him be very big and distinct again is quite nice, even if it means he can no longer be playable, and I think it'd be great if this was his new design for this new era of games.
Oh, no problem, really. Be a bellied dad playable or entity you interact with, one included is all it really takes for enticing me nice.
He really is great in FL.
I hope they give this design its own game or something. I wanna hug him so bad.
How can Bowser even compete
wud fug both still
Same here
Part of Yea Forums's culture, so not an issue.
Hey, now, Bowser was pretty respectable to his minions in the RPG games.
Not as good as Dedede, but still.
He's my main on Crash Bash since I'm a kid
daddy bf
Have you played SRB2Kart, the one as showcased? I'd think by then, there must already a simple Roy (and Morton along preferably) character you can play as.
he has a microdick
take pure faggotry threads there
I have never played that game, no.
Should I? I'm already playing MK8D and I only play that during the weekends when there's a Yea Forums room up.
I wish I was peach, so bowser would kidnap me
I know you're that autistic Sonic the Hedgehog fan retard. I know you want to fuck the purple walrus.
I want to play as him in a new Donkey Kong game !!
Reminder that barafags have daddy issues.
I bet it's all comfy in there~
I like the fact that Freddy is a friend in Security Breach, i wish Monty was also playable tho cuz he's a freak
Go on...
I was just about in the same status quo as you were, of playing MK8 on occasion, and it didn't take long of me to invest fully in it just after few matches and tries. I find that SRB2Kart greatest advantage on MK8 is all about the skill floor being far higher and spaced enough for roaming freely your own ever-developing muscle memories, and it compromises more on its zaniness and craziness effects as a kart game. In all fairness though, I didn't really enjoy MK8 much in the first place. I prefer Double Dash!!.
You could give it a try or two, yes! You can do your beginner's steps on hosted main servers, then play some more with more experienced (?) folks from /srb2k/'s weekly weekend sessions.
... i had a impression for a sec that one of his legs was a half-chub hyper cock.
nice juicy nipples who were made for being sucked on
Yea Forums's really on a breakneck pace than usual lately... what's up right now?
Was he any good in origami king
I'm still mourning the death of mario and Luigi
If you didn't use her exclusively after adding her to your party, you didn't beat the game.
I see.
Maybe I'll give it a shot once I've got my smallish backlog out of the way then.
Admiral Bobbery is better and hot though.
Daddy lazy bf who shuffles your hair up occasionally and pats your back on greetings.
Me too, personally, it made the image feel more special when i first saved it
Better than having mommy issues
Not gay but a good ass is a good ass.
This qt
Ass is inherently gay tho
No rush, man. Glad to be informative, anyhow! What's for sure is there's tons of big cuties you may play as, being just one of plenty.
females are icky
But they are just hugging on each other. It's nothing special. What, you got hugphilia or something?
spikysketches on FA. Enjoy!
Seems like there's people playing now.
Manly men are icky and should only serve their female superiors.
I wouldn't recommend still if you're a newbie, since their servers there are chockful of gameplay enhancing and notable changing features, so it will be like being spilled a huge geezer of water with force into your face. Be sure to try on its time attack mode for getting a grasp on the controls and learning the usual ins and outs of the tracks.