It simply does not feel like a credible, lived-in kingdom, even despite GRRM's involvement, you cannot surmise what kind of ruler Godrick was or what was Morgott's tax policy. There are no cities, no infrastructure anywhere. There is a supposed capital, which feels more like a small village only inhabited by a few soldiers and rats. Where are the civilians and families? Where are the schools and hospitals? There is a couple of giant elevators in the middle of nowhere and uh, an academy with only a handful of students. What did the students do in their past times, when there are no taverns or brothels nearby? Also, you can see a few mad men resorting to cannibalism here and there, but this is not viable way to feed for an entire society long term. There are no wheat fields or vegetable farms anywhere. In other words, what do they eat?
It simply does not feel like a credible, lived-in kingdom, even despite GRRM's involvement...
i don't care man it makes you feel like a badass and is fun as fuck
i am trashing on retards with the dumbest fucking pvp builds
Don't care
Didn't read
plus you're a chud
Is this the what eat do they eat thread
They eat dung
Furthering that where do they shit
They literally have an advanced sewer system
The shattering was an apocalyptic event. Melenia unleashing the rot was another. Astel was a third. Without death most people are insane zombies or skeletons at this point. There is no society to maintain. Hardly anyone can even speak a full sentence in English, many tarnished came from outside the kingdom itself and the rest of the people who kept their sanity and haven't died repeatedly are mostly warriors and mages or royalty cloistered away in crumbling castles.
>Morgott's tax policy
What the hell do you mean "without death", murder is literally your number 1 interaction with everything in this game.
fromtism had to explain why things come back to life when you die and came up with a retarded explanation that "death has been removed from the world" its laughable
why do most enemies response after you rest at sites of grace?
what do you think the mending rune of death does?
Did you pay attention at all? This isn't a matter of "Lol you didnt read the description on a random weapon" they literally spell it out for you in dialogue with the main characters.
its a fantasy world
*respawn, i have 2 braincells
> There is a supposed capital, which feels more like a small village only inhabited by a few soldiers and rats.
Holy copium
Into the throat of dung eater of course...
So they all just went down the sewer to shit? What if i gotta shit in redmane castle
I think it needed more towns and hamlets. The same single shack with that wierd outhouse on stilts next to it isn't enough. This isn't breath of the wild where hyper advanced machines razer the land for a century. The elden ring broke, the heirs scattered to their feifdoms and with the laws broke people are becoming tarnished at random rather than as punishment and its reading to fuedal horseshit. Its not even as dire as demons souls in places like lymgrave.
Just some towns and hamlets, maybe some npcs and maybe just towns filled with more shit like the two frenzy hamlets would have gone a long way.
Like fucking caelid might have the most settlements now i think about it.
True death or permanent death stopped being a thing when the rune of death was removed with the shattering. If you walk to the right immediately when you enter the open world from the tutorial cave there's a bunch of crucified screaming zombies, beaches are full of rotting walking corpses, etc. Some corpses are grafted and have their powers stolen, others are eaten or their runes are taken and absorbed, some turn into spirits, some end up in things like the warrior pots, etc. so it's not like everyone just revives on the spot but it's pretty much limbo.
>t simply does not feel like a credible, lived-in kingdom
That's because it's no longer lived in. In case you missed all the cutscenes and dialogue in the game, all the realms have fallen apart and everyone is now dead or corrupted undead.
Every house in Leyndell looks the fucking same, it's ALL residential.
Also for some fucking reason, both Leyndell and Stormveil built an inner wall around their water supply.
You're dealing an all out war between everyone that's been going on for ~10 years where it's now in a "everyone has lost already" kind of stalemate. This was after the shattering which happened an unknown time ago and started putting the continent on downward spiral.
You've one land decimated by the Scarlet Rot, another land that's fallen into lawlessness do to an insane king, with one of the last holdouts getting over-run by revolting servants. Liurna was a population centre ruined by flooding and the academy's experiments. Altus plateau was turned into no-mans land which half of it literally wiped from the face of the planet. Mountaintops of the Giants had a campaign of genocide wiping out most of its population.
Outside of the usually gaming "30 houses = a city of 1million" thing you see signs everywhere that this was once massively populated.
>the rune of death was removed with the shattering
The Rune of death was removed by marika a long, long time ago. The game literally talks about the rune of death being stolen and used to actually kill a demi-god, but the rune was broken into two, so now there's two kinds of death. Death of the body or death of the soul. With Godwyn's body still mutating and changing and attached to the erdtree's roots, a proper death can no longer occur.
No they aren't. The sytem has broken and people are randomely being made "tarnished". This is not undead. Undead exist as a seperate thing. Tarnished is being broken in some way. Maybe you go mad, Maybe you are now infertile or can only sire mutant abominations or worse.
If you look up stuff like the animal item descriptions and the translation of the harpy queens latin song even the animals are randomly becoming tarnished and the sentient ones don't even understand why its happening. Undeath is a totally separate thing.
The player character for example is tarnished by the death rune and as such is not allowed to die. That doesn't mean they are undead that means they have been randomly assigned the punishment of "you will watch everything you care for die" and of course as you progress the npc questlines thats exactly what happens. You aren't undead and hollowing. You are eternal and watching everything else fail and you can't do shit to stop it other than reboot the system.
That said, making an open world game, and then making it uninhabited by just about any normal folk is kind of a cringe idea, makes it feel emptier than Fallout 76
They eat glintstones
I wasn't talking about Tarnished though. I was talking about all the peasants and guards / undead enemies walking around the game. Most civilians have turned into that, if they weren't hanged or cannibalized, or kept safe in a place like the academy.
ITT: No one realizes these are all complaints GRRM said about LotR.
The rune iof death's removal from the Elden Ring was the birth of the golden order, however, with the Elden Ring shattered, people don't go back to Erdtree when they die, instead, they go fucking mad, and the ones that were already dead before the shattering are the skeletons who rise because of deathroot.
Its pretty strongly intimated that by the point the game starts almost every living thing is tarnished but the ones who can't hide it are still treated like excommunicated criminals but its just hypocrisy or tragic ignorance.
Does that mean the Fire Monks are Tarnished, too? Or undead?
The map is pure garbage, I don't understand how people liked it.
It's pretty, too bad it's also fucking empty
Yeah the world is not believable at all. More of a model world than Skyrim. Devs should start creating open worlds that represent much smaller areas than supposed kingdoms.
A videogame simply could not even approach showing a full scale of a kingdom and still remain fun. Would you rather have a giant city full of nothing but eye candy and Skyrim citizen NPCs, or an actual playable area? If Elden Ring were to be released as a book, I imagine The Lands Between would be described as roughly the size of the British Isles.
What's funny is that there's answers to literally every single one of those supposedly so important questions.
I would rather not have an open world game, or would rather the open world represent a smaller area.
Or at least, when you're making an open world, put people in it, you know, active, non-hostile villages and the like. Seriously, why dies EVERYTHING want to kill me on sight? Why can't i at least try and talk to the Raya Lucaria students, Fire Monks, or Albinaurics.
I think they are meant to be inspired by flagellants from the dark ages/black death times where they are basically cultists who know they are fucked and think they are going to change things by appeasing the giants flame.
I didn't get the impression that everyone is Tarnished since so many NPCs say things like "so you're Tarnished like me" or "I thought you might be one of them" as if to suggest that there is a clear difference between a Tarnished, who is more of an individual, and the rest of "life" in the Lands Between, which is less sentient, aka some form of corrupted undead. I mean, the peasants and guards certainly don't look alive like the NPCs aka Tarnished you speak to
Play something else
Godrick's tax policy is an arm per month
>No you're not allowed to give criticism about my new favourite game!
Get fucked, fromdrone.
Wtf there's plenty of settlements, it''s just most of them are ruined because they all got assblasted one way or the other. Waypoint, Dragon-Burnt, Mistwood in Limgrave - Ailing, Tombsward, Witchbane in Peninsula - Liurna is basically one big fucking ruin in the actual lake area - Caelid half the fucking map is either ruins or sorcery town etc. Pretty sure OP didn't play the game.
Also NPCs are quite clearly shown eating certain foodstuffs like lobster, dung, etc.
>why do most enemies response after you rest at sites of grace?
Because it's a video game.
>Seriously, why dies EVERYTHING want to kill me on sight?
The most dancing ladies from the windmill village ignore you until you attack them. But the real reason is that it's a video games and a successor to the Dark Souls series.
what do they eat?
But you do talk to Lucaria students. The primary sorcery teacher is one of them.
>A few shitty stone ruins
There are tons of settlements!
We should study FROMdrones brains in labs.
I believe the point OP is trying to make is that if you're gonna create an open-world game, having just about zero non-hostile hubs is kind of going against the purpose of an open-world game.
Dork Souls
it got fucked up. youre being told what is what like and shown the struggle and facade to keep that. i think they say this in the first 2 minutes. wait for a prequel that isnt coming.
Thats because there's more than one form of tarnishing. "Tarnished" means they are excommunicated from the golden order. In times past this was a punishment and happened long before the breaking of the ring. The Beastmen for example used to live on azula till the meteor hit it and they came down to the surface but many were tarnished and force to live in caves like trogglodytes. Everyone knows they are people like everyone else to the point kenneth even thinks they should be treated as such but they have been called "demi humans" and treated like shit for being tarnished for so long -in this case a mutation into something less canine and more simian implying becoming closer to man is a punishment for beastkin- that they are beyond saving. For some its just going mad not realising they are tarnished and thinking everyone else is.
Like those soldiers that seem fine? look where they are crouched down in places and they are eating people.
The animals? require human blood to gestate their unborn young. With many with golden haired human faces growing out of their backs or stomachs.
The harpy queens in particular sing about how they all were made tarnished, have no idea why, only that they were the royalty of azula but now are tarnished and infertile so they live in filth and no newborns will weep for them when they go and take the species with them.
The big confusion for a lot of dark souls players seems to be the idea that in DS hollowing is basically a single status ailment. In ER tarnishing is any one of many based on whatever rune you are tarnished by.
> ruined world shouldn't have ruins!
Pretty sure you're a faggot.
Yea Forums does an excellent job at twisting words.
Open World games should have more than just ruins of zombies trying to kill you.
You talk to Albus and Latenna, both Albinaurics
I don't get this desire to make the game into like every other open world game. The corrupted undead world fits the dungeon crawl type gameplay of these games better. There's more than enough life or signs of prior life in the game already: all the NPCs, all the wandering undead servants and enemies, the piles of corpses and hanged and crucified dead, the tortured screams on the poles at night, etc. This world is damned beyond redemption, that's what they were going for and it's unique among open world games.
Then why do npcs die?
Thats not what tarnished are at all. Theyre those who marika exiled and took away their grace, in turn losing the blessing of the erd tree and eternal life.
But there is more than just zombies. There are plenty of NPCs eking out an existence in the lands between.
Do you expect the people on Yea Forums to be smart?
You need to read some item descriptions bro. Everything about Marika/Radagon is built on lies.
That is simply not true
The Erd tree is death, not life