Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw never tried easy modo in 2hu because I became insecure from this video
I am weak
That's right!
easy 1ccs?
PoDD because that game has easy as the default difficulty instead of normal. That's the only easy 1cc I'll ever have.
Is it safe to say this is the most literally who character in Touhou who actually appears in one of the games? At least nameless midbosses can at least be recognized if you play the games they're in.
She appears in one of the endings, right? I actually don't remember. I just remember seeing her get thrown with the midbosses.
Reimu's ending of MS.
Makes me wish we got this doujin
Good morning touhou thread! Did you clear last night? Progress???
Megane... erotic....
Is that the big booby artist?
I started five different games, got to like stage 2 or 3, died and turned each one off
You will never be Chimata
Rivers of blood?
Lake of Blood, actually
Yuuka has one outside her house
That's how you git gud keep it up.
I'm chimata right now I'm even playing with zippers.
Why is GFW so hard to play? No other game (except SoEW) feels so unresponsive.
I failed a DDC run as MarisaB
Got 4 deaths because i'm not used to how the bomb works and I ran into bullets while my bomb was still active
Also Marisa's humongous ass is unbearable during you grow bigger
Kutaka! I'm only missing her SSR in Danmaku Kagura.
How do I get more (You)s when I draw 2hus?
Write your 2hu saying a purposefully bad opinion
draw an ambiguous fold in their clothes at the crotch to get the puffy vulva (You)s
2hubros... youtube.com
>drawing just for (You)'s and not to improve a craft and make art for your 2hufu
>merry/renko drawings
>merry's hat has the bow on it
fucking secondaries
draw stuff that will 100% catch people eyes like fotm whatever or really wacky sitution with """Yea Forums humor"""
or be good
or draw lewd stuff (you need to be good to do that)
>or draw lewd stuff (you need to be good to do that)
Tell that to the pedo.
Take drawing requests of the erotic variety. You will get countless (You)s every time, assuming you deliver.
Touhous in famous historical imagery!
Satorin is not a commie, delete this
That would require him to have some passion. A man who only draws for (you)s is an empty shell of a man.
reminder to keep it safe for work!
send me faces and ill mspaint them like this
this drawfag probably got more (you)s by asking how to get them rather than actually drawing
And what does passion derive from? Yes. The Juche spirit.
Post a stunning revelation!
Draw futanari Yuuka fucking Elly without censoring the important bits
>futafags give replies
>futahaters give replies
>NSFW art appreciators give replies
>yurihaters give replies
>pc98autismos give replies
>the large amount of replies makes all others in the thread feel compelled to reply
So what are you waiting for?
Marisa is Cotton
>futa propaganda isn't rea-
Ever since DDC Reimu's sprite is no longer depicted with her gohei
I'm not drawing futa under any circumstances. Sorry
Yatsuhashi propaganda is a psyop to prevent the Horismiver from succeeding more and so Raiko gets back with the Tsukumos
Are any touhou games priced like Cotton imports?
Reimu should start a cult of personality. Then she'd make money.
While you play touhou, what are you drinking tonight?
I love Sanae!
Then you don't want (you)s badly enough!
This without any irony