You're about to see a whole lot less Chinese users in your video games

You're about to see a whole lot less Chinese users in your video games.

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Fucking based

I want to see less chinks here as well

How does that prevent chinese with VPNs just flooding Steam like they're doing right now?

Thank God.
Fucking xiao huang ren cheat harder than americans and brazilians.

Based communists keeping their slaves cut off from the world

No. Chinks will eventually find another way just like bugs.

VPNs are illegal and they jail people every day for using them.

What genre benefits the most from this? I'm guessing MMOs, but it'll be nice not having game devs bending the knee to chinks in general.

Also you might be confusing chinese with Taiwanese since they use the same language

I'm Chinese and I say based and goldpilled

What if I want to sell my game to chinese? Is there a way?

Hasn't stopped the chinese street neets from basically living their entire lives in underground internet cafes.

So bo more guy with number name then…. Good

>elon buying out twitter
>russians out of counterstrike
>chinks out of everything
Things are looking up

Just make a deal with Tencent bro, just fund slavery and ethnic and cultural genocide by giving money to commies bro.

>russians out of counterstrike
No we aren't, you retarded nigger.

>Just make a deal with Tencent bro
How? I'm an indie developer.
>fund slavery and ethnic and cultural genocide
Based. I hope they will go for trannies next while giving me a cat wife.

Dont forget live human organ harvesting, its the most horrific thing and its the thing nobody talks about.

>chinks get to live in a cyberpunk dystopia 8 years before the rest of us

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> Tencent. The modern saviour of gaming.
Well fuck.

Based Xi! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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The former officials never cared as long as you didn't cause trouble/ go against the government, but Xi is moving backwards

"No horse ahead"

Am I going to be banned too?

This. Xi is unironically fucking up all of Chinese's economic and cultural progress in the past decade and wants to go back to being isolated. At the same time he's completely screwing up with things such as the COVID response in Shanghai.

>chinks saving us from chinks
A surprise to be sure, but not an unwelcome one.

>those videos of Chinese officials bagging people's cats and dogs and bludgeoning them in the streets

The fuck is wrong with the CCP?

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Based chink government saving us from the chink menace


Make sure to install all the Riot and Epic games you can. It's very safe, you can trust them :)

>that dancing
that fucker should stick to carpentry

Chinese gamer uprising when?

That means League of Legends is completely dead in NA.

It's nothing but chink boosting accounts.

After this and it will be pretty embarrassing for the Chinese regime for that to be what it took to bring it under.

>Browsing Baidu forums
>Steam is officially blocked

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You live in times where Yea Forums likes china for killing gays and students.

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I just want to see less games about wukong and boring ass chinese culture that have invaded the market for the past years.
We get it china, youre obsessed with the dumb monkey with a staff.

1.4 billion people can't all be wrong. I mean they could always overthrow the regime if they were unhappy. Isn't that the leftist way?

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I will only like China if they start killing gamers and game devs.
I want the Chinese out of the market.
Fucking China and California are ruining everything

You hurt the feelings of the chinese people if you talk shit about monkey king!

Attached: monkey king.jpg (1280x720, 127.99K)

mmos and mobas

He doesnt want American propaganda influencing their youth.
Do you know how we complain about trannies, strong females, nigroes, trannies, political narratrives and biased history in our games? Weenie the Poo probably wants to censor all that.Also, there's a thing most people don't know.
In china, the depiction and exposure of bones is extremely offensive and censored.(pic related is an example)
Western games, especially american games, love gore in their games.
Its more of a cultural and political driven decision than related to market economy control.

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What kind of dystopian corporation is this? Controls internet access AND the content you consume?


nioce. This is how you control and own your slaves.

>Cries from comfortable and well stocked home

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I got you bro. Check out a book called Snow Crash, written by Neal Stephenson in 1992

There's a level of suffering which builds character that we lack in the west.

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The zero covid strategy is genuinely the most retarded and short sighted political decision in decades. Maybe since the four pests campaign. It's great.

what the fuck is an internet boosting/accelerating app

it says it's for an app

is the whole metaverse thing a game?
a new type of web browser?

Based getting those chinks off games and preparing them to take Taiwan and then invade and conquer America the great Satan

lmao. I lived in China for years. You're talking rubbish. I don't know why people feel the need to lie about the stupidest shit regarding the country


The Facebook one? It's just corporate VRchat

If I mentioned the tanks would you die?

>russians basically cut off from the internet
>soon the chinese
When the fuck do we get rid of the worthless amerimutts?

It would be extremely painful

This is a huge win for Nintendo by the way, since they're the only console actually allowed in China. Also probably intentional, since Tencent publishes the switch in China, so this is just more money for them.

The good part. Need more Japanese, German, Italian player.

That's a meme poor people tell themselves.

You lived in a big country.

Why do chinamen rage so much in team games? Even when they win they're always bitching. When I see some guy sperging out I type taiwan #1 and it never fails to get him to respond in chinese.

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Wish GameCube and Wii U sold well in Eastern Europe and Korea.


Alternative reality called Chris-kun

They have no problem with bones, full reanimated skeletons is considered a very bad thing, but they don't stop portrayal of it. We have similar sensibilities to things like that in the west, I don't think anyone would say portraying a character as say a grave robber who reanimates peoples bones would be seen as a positive thing for example.
but when western developers want to release a game in china its very punishing to have it be refused even once, so they go to very extreme efforts in censorship to make sure they don't go over the line in anything, because having to apply for a 2nd chance of approval is a huge ball ache
not an issue if your actually from china tho, lots of chinese games and media portray straight up skeletons or other similar things, because its for 1 not as strict on them, and 2 its not a big issue to get it reassessed like it is for foreign work.

Thats really it.

Not really. There are less than 20 approved games on the Tencent Switch. Most Chinese console gamers just buy Asia versions on the grey market.

they get 1984 + Blade Runner, we only get Brave New World which isn’t nearly as kino

For Yu

>Ruskies shut out due to war
>Chinese closing its own people off
All we need to do now is quarantine the South American Favela hordes and Pooinloos and gaming will be saved