>Oh yeah, that happened.
Oh yeah, that happened
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I played this and liked it
I don't get why people hated it, it was a 20 dollar platinum game it wasn't bad it was just short, and some of the mechanics were broken
Genuinely better than Automata. Deserves to be relisted.
Better combat than babylons fall.
i love Korra, bros
why is platinum games suddenly releasing one turd after another? what happened to them?
I hope Microsoft can put it on Game Pass.
Same for the Deadpool game.
I liked this game well enough to play it a couple times. Got most achievements.
Korra a shit but I always did want a decent Avatar game.
That's my tomboy gf
i was here first
she's mine
I wish there was a mod to disable bending, it would be cool to mix bending and non bending attacks to make some cool combos
>Platinum and Square screw up Baby Fall
What’s their next licensed game?
Platinum needs to make a Ben 10 Game
>decent looking avatar game
>mfw Korra instead of Aang
Absolutely, all of the different aliens could fill up a fighter roster or a musou/hack n slash roster
How was this?
You're wrong.
how and why?
I hate that game so fucking much.
I never actually watched avatar, only the movie which was so bad I laughed. Does the series holds up for a 29 years old dude in 2022?
They're both awful, it's a zoomer nostalgia thing.
ok, felt like a good PS2-era licensed game (and what the actual one should have been).
Also it's on Apple Arcade for some reason so you can play it on iPhones and even Apple TVs
Either you haven't watched the show in a long time and have constructed a fake, lovable korra in your mind or youtube.com
This game was good though.
I bought it while it was on sale for $5 and feel like I more than got my money's worth.
My ideal Avatar game is basically like this but with more depth to the combat and environmental interaction (would be cool if earth and waterbending were at least partially tied to the environment you were in; could be really cool if balanced well).
Damn, I keep forgetting about this. I should really go ahead and order it and play through it.
First show is legitimately good, if a tad overrated since people act like it's the greatest thing ever but it's really not. Not even an animefag but standards for Western animation are so low that when we get something that's legitimately really good or even great, everyone acts like it's God's gift to animation.
LoK is legitimately shit outside of the premise and setting, also seasons 3 and 4. And even the latter wasn't that good. How to kill a franchise in its crib basically.
people have to remember it was made in 6 months and they managed to do a lot of decent stuff in it
TMNT is the game that sucked dick
i don't remember anything from this show aside from they turning her into a lesbian out of nowhere in the last episode
>people have to remember it was made in 6 months and they managed to do a lot of decent stuff in it
Right? If anything, it's proof of how good Platinum is (or was since they haven't made anything really good in awhile; I have damned good faith in Bayonetta 3 and Project GG though).
It was also their C-team that made it.
>TMNT is the game that sucked dick
Never played but I did hear it was shit.
korra was such a shit series with such a mediocre main character
korra is such a shit character goddamn
>buy it for $5
>Short and sweet beat en up
What is the problem?
I don't usually advocate for this but a bigger company like Nintendo or Bamco should just buy them out. Not a Chinese one though. Apparently they were pretty much fucked before Automata. They are bad at business and inconsistent in game quality without focus. Square doesn't see their actual value so they can fuck off for now.
Korra is an awful character
Hot as fuck but absolute awful
atla was a pretty good show and korra was a mistake
>out of nowhere
>40 hits to kill one enemy
I 100% this game lol
Is there a ATLA MMO being made yet?
>Never played but I did hear it was shit.
okay I never get to talk about it enough but to give a run down they made it a looter style game, you grinded for certain drops to upgrade your stats. Their is no combo system there was no heavy or light attacks. They just had an auto combo button and a combo ender button. A ton of special moves like turtles shooting beams out their asses and stuff which doesn't fit in tmnt as besides the mutants its a rather grounded series sans Rise. The gameplay was randomized to make each play through feel "fresh" (big complaint people have with the platinum shovelware games were how there was no replay value) but in doing so levels were dumbed down and had a lot of gimmicky missions, bring the money to the bank, roll the ball to the hole. You can go whole levels with out fighting anyone till the boss. In single player its a pain in the butt to switch turtles having to hold the special button and then hitting a direction on the dpad so you might accidentally use a special move you did not intend to use. Also if you are only playing 2 player you can't switch turtles your stuck as just on, Out of the shadows a shittier game had better turtle switching and even allowed 4 players online to trade turtles they just have to both hit the dpad at the same time
>>Oh yeah, that happened.
FFXV having a true ending novel
your waifu has the personality of raw sewage
Was it Down syndrome?
>Mako, the guy named after the beloved voice actor of Iroh
>character was so awful he turned the two girls he dated gay
Why did they hate him so much?
people expected a bayonetta sized game for 20 dollars because people say bayonetta is to short
Avatar wasn't killed in its crib it was ambushed in a alley.
also no
I want Korra to cum on my face
Jesus, what the fuck Platinum?
That sounds like a trainwreck.
At least the Transformers game was good.
Still blows my mind that they had the potential to create a new, long lasting franchise, then just fucking killed it after only two shows. Good lord.
Oh yeah, this happened too.
>Oh yeah, that happened.
the fact that they have to make comics just to expand their relatioship is hilarious
reminder that they fuck every night
The inferior dyke fighting girl.
At least the brown girl isn't fooken ugly.
We know, Dobson.
I love the Azula incest route
girls can't cum retard
>100% Ending has Ashi come back.