>can kill any NPC at any point in the story
literally the best roleplaying game ever, no contest
Can kill any NPC at any point in the story
Other urls found in this thread:
You can do that because the game has no real structure and nothing you do matters on the overworld. It's a glorified first person shooter mod for Oblivion.
You need a mod to kill the kids
fuck main storylines, sidequest chads rise up
>game cover tricks you into thinking ncr ranger gear is just a cool armor set instead of a uniform that disguises you
It's one of the characteristics of a good RPG. Arcanum is another good example, if you killed a story-important character there was always an alternate options, like using black magic to summon their spirit.
I can never bring myself to do an NCR playthrough. Seriously after saving them from the fucking Legion and single handedly carrying them they give you a fucking branch.
>like using black magic to summon their spirit.
As I said, it's a spell specifically for advancing the quest when you killed story-related characters, e.g. Gilbert Bates
>dood the story is soooo heckin cool, deep and epic!
>Grrrrrr we want to kill, enslave and rape everyone romans as two dimensional villains you can join for some reason and is a huge threatening force that'll conquer everything unless you do literally everything to stop them even tho all they have is punching and swords, huge country with a large modern army can't defeat the slaving rome larpers with only swords and punches, some druggies with guns or even fucking insects, preserved 300 year old elon musk NFTbro (his fans love him for his to the mooooon BS) that did literally nothing outside of his tiny town for hundreds of years, or skynet that sucks you off when it tkes over and becomes your servant while it runs everything
fallout tards really think this is the peak of gaming and whichever shitty two dimensional team you pick speaks deeply who you are as a person and politically, game is shit. Fo3 is better. Play based Bethesda kino instead of this janky boring piece of shit you need to install a billion mods so it isn't a laggy glitchy piece of shit that constantly crashes
>fallout tards
New Vegas fans are not fans of Fallout. They constantly shit on 1 and 2 while also making it clear they've never played the games. Some other thread back one of them was bitching about how stupid F3 is compared to the other games because of its genetic purity plot point. Even though it's a focal point if both 1 and 2.
New Vegas trannies are fans of NV exclusively
>wear a full face-covering armor set that is literally the uniform of a part of the NCR army
>be surprised people think of you as part of said army
maybe this game isn't for you
i agree that it's a bit disappointing you cant really use the ranger armor if youre not doing an ncr run, however, knowing that the armor was for the most elite ncr soldiers made it more badass for me. if it were just random armor it wouldnt have the same effect
If you're completely new to fallout games is vegas good to start with?
Play 1 and 2, all the others are more (3/BoS) or less (Tactics/NV) crap.
>is an entry that's like halfway through the entire IP's life cycle which is a complete departure from what the original games are like a good starting point?
That's what you call a good finishing point.
Fallout Tactics is the best Fallout game and it's not even close. New Vegas is trash.
holy hell fuck off with your contrarian shit. nobody thinks youre cool
Ignore the two boomers below you unless you enjoy clunky old top-down CRPGs
go back redditor NVcel
What's clunky about them and how is it any worse than 3/NV shitty attempt at doing a shooter with guns that have about as much kick in terms of enemy reaction and audiovisual feedback as airsoft shit? Remind me, which games are the ones considered fucking broken trash that can barely run right on native hardware and OS' and need dozens of mods just to be fixed?
not taking your bait, boomer
>What's clunky about them
Are you serious?
O mai gawd yessss new vegas sisters it's about time we got rid of those classic fallout bigoted chud boomers
More game should do that a game that doesn't make player suffer on purpose has no soul
The mental aptitude of your average NV faggot, in all its glory.
Honestly Bethesda could shit in a spoon at this point and I'd be content with that open world. I'm not going to mention the title because all the spergs will zerg rush me but I played an open world game recently and it fucking sucked. It was cool in some ways but it had no life. I need Starfield to be good.
COOL, tell me when we can kill the yes man.
>hurr ignore if you enjoy actual RPG's with tactical combat
kill yourself, unironically
>tricks you
It fuckin tells you on the screen when you equip it. Stupid zoomers :facepalm:
he's an AI so technically not alive in the first place
I really dislike NV trannies it's so unreal. 3 fags keep to themselves unless NV is involved. 1 and 2 keep to their own threads. NV trannies are the noisiest and most defensive of all FO fans. They can't even accept that NV is flawed as fuck.
Obsidiandrone spotted
everyone is entitled to their opinion user
fallout 1 and 2 are a franchise of their own.
Consider playing some of both pre-Bethesda and post-Bethesda games to understand what you like more. New Vegas is a perfectly fine entry point for the latter
Yes, the series started with New Vegas, and Baldur's Gate started with 3.
>Rpg mean kill NPC
Not when said opinion is wrong.
Fallout 2 is better than 3
I like do an NCR run, bring Boone to the final mission and betray kill him like a pseudo boss battle and then kill all the NCR with the robots after Lanius.
Okay pajeets
You sound pretty noisy yourself
Fallout 2 is a meme game, new Vegas for boomers
Fallout 3 is the KINO
I wear the riot gear from lonesome road
One reason is it doesn't disguise you
But the other reason is it looks cooler than normal ranger gear
Meh. I'd rather be able to kill kids and that annoying black chick in 2
Mrk 3 gear or remnants power armor for me
You can eat babies in F3 and ki Black Slavers
Yeah new Vegas is probably the best of the 3d fallouts
If you want like a general rushed version of the story of fallout 1 I'd start with 3 and then go to new Vegas. 3 has a very long tutorial since fallout 3 was a lot of people's first video game. It'll get you a feel for how the game works and then new Vegas is like the real experience.
I dunno, we had the child killer perk for F3. Clearing out that stupid little lord-of-the-flies-ville was pretty fucking satisfying.
I like all of the fallout games anyway. People who pick one game and complain about other people are faggots
Fallout 3 is the best 3D fallout
You mean Fallout 1 and 2. 3 had invincible kids.
>this log of shit is the tastiest in the septic tank
woah no way really?
Why you like Ghouls in space so much?
Divinity Original Sin 2 lets you kill freely as well for the most part. I appreciate it in any RPG but I think it's really important for Fallout because 1 and 2 is very open in that regard as well and even has thematic responses like being labeled a child killer or branded as a slaver.
You've got the reading comprehension of diarrhoea
Daily remember that Tenpenny's Tower still dab on reddit vegators
Everybody thinks you're a retard. Not because of the character you're playing as an "epic troll", but because you are genuinely fucking stupid enough to think it's clever or that people are fooled into thinking it's real.
Well, if we're going down the faggot route, then BoS is. It's actually fun because it's basically Fallout: Dark Alliance and is the only game where you can canonical play as a ghoul. Anyone who thinks otherwise is romance mod tier.
Reddit hivemind doesn't work here
>he didn't bought the dlc
Yeah keep up your shitposting. Just know that any time someone calls you a fucking idiot, they're not directing it at the pajeet with fake broken english character you've made up. They're directing it at you personally. And they're 100% correct. You're a fucking cretin.