Our Elden Ring will never be perfect

By lore we clearly miss some runes or at least one.
From Enia we know for sure she saw only once 2 great runes TOGHETHAA and from Vyke's armor we know he was the closest one to become Elden Lord: Enia was talking about him.

But witch Runes did Vyke claim for himself?
Radahn, Malenia, Rykard, Morgott, Mohg and the Unborn are theirs since the Shattering.
The only one that makes sense is the one Godrick has, but the other?
We don't know its location.

What deadly consequences to our order will ever have if some Great runes are missing? We don't know.
But maybe we can rank them and assign them a meaning, my draft is the following:
1. Malenia's: described as the most sacred but now described has half-rotted, represents Decay and Evolution (blooming flowers and butterflies);
2. Morgott's: one of two anchors rune, probably embodies one of the fundamentals of the Golden Order, Regression;
3. Mogh's: complementary of Morgott's rune, so it embodies the other cardinal principle of the order: Causality;
4. The Unborn's: simple it represents Rebirth after death;
5. Radahn's: "The Great Rune burns, to resist the encroachment of the scarlet rot.", it represents the Will of the people;
6. Rykard's: This one may be Ambition or Growth;
7. Godrick's: it gives meaning to the Goldens, making sacred everything related to the Gold and the Golden lineage.


Attached: greatrunes.jpg (900x500, 34.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You know there are two missing Great Runes from Gideon, Ranni's and Miquellas.

Yeah, that every demigod received a Great Rune it's a highly probability theory, but it's not stated anywhere they had one.
So at the very least we can say we miss one.

Upper ring is absent when you put available runes together, two runes are supposed to be corresponding to it.
Also rune arc is supposed to be down below, not in the middle.

Can you sum it up. I don't want to read all of that

No, I mean Gideon specifically says they both have Great Runes and Ranni gave up hers and you can't take Miquella's because he is in egg

I really don't care about fromsoft's retarded lore shit. It was cool at first but now it has overstayed its welcome by about 9 years.

the runes don't do shit they're just for theater

Here's your missed rune

Attached: 1649775853335.jpg (1200x675, 201.87K)


I thought only demigods have a great rune

prime dlc-bait, mitsubishi better not disappoint

Looks like a nice of balls to me

miquellas is the unborn :0

Yeah, i can see why it’s fun for people to try and put it together but now that it’s taking shape i can’t say this is a good or interesting story

This whole two runes thing feels like a gameplay rule thats biting the lore in the ass.

shut the fuck up bitch

The unborn is specifically the amber egg Radagon left Renalla.

Attached: mega.jpg (480x360, 10.2K)

>from Vyke's armor we know he was the closest one to become Elden Lord: Enia was talking about him.
Bernhal was too, read his armor description.
The unborn, as the name suggests, is a stillborn child Rennala had, the amber egg is like the yharnam stone.

You need to be over 18 to post here.

What a boring, shitty thread.

>it's ok when fromsoft does it


bros... Vaati is stealing our theories again...

Thinking about it, Godwyn probably has Ranni's Great Rune, transmitted through the curse mark. That would make the two marked for DLC the last two great runes.

user, part of the game that should be main game getting used for a dlc is exactly what people hate a bout modern videogames

But I guess Elden /ving doesn't hate it anymore

Upper ring is the one where Marika is crucified
Lower ring is basically shattered in Rune Arcs

I checked, Gideon doesn't say anything about it
If him, Ranni and Miquella have one it's just speculation

We know Bernhal only has a great champion and a candidate, nowhere it's stated he has or had great runes

>Thetas show up everywhere in GRRMs scifi stuff
>The final rune probably in the dlc is a big Theta

name ONE theory vaati stole from Yea Forums

>There are people who will unironically tell you Elden Ring isn't in Thousand Worlds

so we should stop talking about Elden Ring?

Nigger his maiden literally sacrificed herself at the giant kiln, that's the entire reason why he became a recusant. I told you to read.
He couldn't get to Farum Azula without runes.
I swear people are incapable of logic.

>If him, Ranni and Miquella have one it's just speculation
Gideon literally tells you Ranni cast her rune aside.

Ranni discarded her great rune, though it's not specified what kind of rune it was.

Gideon literally says Ranni "cast away her Great Rune",

Oh well, if Gideon the all-assuming says it, it must surely be true.

>He couldn't get to Farum Azula without runes.
Where the fuck this is told?

>Gideon literally tells you Ranni cast her rune aside.
She cast her body aside with half the cursemark carved on it

Bring proof please

I can't find the dialogue on the wiki

There's no indication that his Maiden threw herself into the giant mountaintop fire and there's his bro that died that caused him to turn on the GO.

>Gideon literally tells you Ranni cast her rune aside
Proof from 30 second point

As I said, it's a simple matter of logic.
The only way to reach Farum Azula is by lighting the giant kiln, this is pretty self explanatory if you play the game.
Bernhal's armor description states that he was "a champion worthy of becoming lord" "until his maiden threw herself into the fire".
What the fuck do you think "throwing herself into the fire" means? Maidens exist for the sole purpose of doing that, Bernhal didn't know that and after the deed was done he rejected the Greater Will.

ok sorry.
So maybe Vyke had the great rune of Godrick and the one of Ranni.

Also, I know it's going straight into schizo territory, but there are floor-tiles around Leyndell and presumably other places sharing that style of architecture that feature four interlinked rings
Fucking four. What happened there?

Attached: Nikocado Avocado Sinophobia.png (858x566, 582.01K)

Also, it's incredibly bizarre that there are shit loads of unnamed demigods in the walking mausoleums, but the game doesn't really seem to hint at people before Marika or how they could have been born.

Kill yourself retard.

Yeah makes sense, after all even Hyetta, who is a pseudo maiden is able to "envision the flame"... ofc of the wrong kind.

>The only way to reach Farum Azula is by lighting the giant kiln
>uses teleport on the Belfries
>gets to Farum Azula
sure you can't go to the "main" part but you're in Farum, so there are ways to get there without using the kiln. After that just build a bridge to the center of it or sth lol

People need to realize already that what is true for the player character does not have to also be true for other npcs.
It's not like Vyke and Bernhal must have only the runes we missed, that's never how it worked in these games, it's almost as if you people never played the previous games.

>The assassins’ targets were multifold, but none was as devastating a loss to the Eternal Queen as that of Godwyn the Golden. After his death, the Elden Ring was somehow shattered, and the order of the world broke with it.

It's posts like this that make me doubt your intelligence, user.

I could probably make the jump from the floating belfry-tower Farum debris to the main city. It'd be hard, but I could probably do it with a run-up.

Ahhhh ok, so does that basically confirm there could be lots of mini unnamed demigods in the dlcs if Godwyn/death is somehow involved?

Doubt my inteligence? Bro you should assume my intelligence is at base, 9 points max. But please explain further

He's right though, theres a direct teleport to Farum from the Belfry's. Obviously its a fucking ruin now but we see at one point it was whole so who's to say that teleporter wasn't easy access for the longest time.


>Retard attempts le witty epic comeback!!!
Shut the fuck up, dumb bitch.

Bell turtles houses souless demigods. There's at least 7 in game.

missing radagon crosses

sorry, this?

Attached: eldenring.png (634x541, 356.76K)

Maidens don't have a specific purpose for throwing into fires because the two fingers, the ones who sent out maidens, are surprised that you need to burn down the Erdtree to get it.

I got a better one.

Attached: unknown-18.png (1024x1024, 968.32K)

perhaps if we kill enough rats for their arcs we can kind of repair it. Boggart can boil us some glue to keep it together

You realize that Enia was making stuff up, right?
Right? Please tell me you understood that.

Yeah, something like that.
Go to the East Capital Ramparts Grace (I think it's that one), by the Draconic Tree Sentinel. The tiles there are decorated in symbols of four-interlocked rings
As I said, it's likely that they're everywhere and I've just failed to notice them until now.

Why are great runes such a terrible mechanic compared to humanity or ember?

>from Vyke's armor we know he was the closest one to become Elden Lord
>Enia was talking about him
>But which Runes did Vyke claim for himself?
There are six or seven dead other demigod children of Marika's, so he probably killed two of them considering Tarnished are barred from entering Lynedell without at least two of them to get to the thrones and Elden Throne.

One of them should be the Rune of Death. Interesting how it has those squiggly lines which I assume are roots, does this represent the crucible?

Thank you

We can keep maximum 699 of them, has anyone tried getting the True ending?

You seem to assume that more runes = better.
Looking at the Age of Dung ending, I think it's safe to say that this isn't necessarily the case.

You mean they're the best mechanic in that they give you an option of what kind of bonus you get not just the basic HP one and aren't required for PVP.

they would be kinda good if you get your great rune activated after killing a boss but you don't.

>hey what if we gave the player an earlier insight into late game areas?
>user plays the game
>whoa Bernhal must have reached the place through this afterthough portal that purposefully locks you out of everything!
>I will also proceed to ignore what the game says about his maiden linking the flame


The Great Runes you get need to be buffed, I'm not for nerfs but the other Great Runes need to be on Godricks' level.

>I will also proceed to ignore what the game says about his maiden linking the flame
Never said shit about that, I was talking about the belfry's which do link to Farum whether your brainlet mind can handle it or now.

>six or seven