I met my gf on WoW. I will one day be one of those “met on the game...

I met my gf on WoW. I will one day be one of those “met on the game, married in real life” couples and I think it’s funny. AMA

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hey, that is kind of funny. heh.

What class/race combo is/was she playing?

Not as funny as you user haha

I love seals they're so cute.

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Congrats user have a pic of these when your making meals for your little purse stealing bastards.

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Draenei disc priest
Me too user they are my favorite animal
We agreed no kids ever

are you both fat and/or unhealthily skinny?

Whats up with the cookbooks? Is this a new meme?

>no kids

meme couple

We are both teetering on unhealthily skinny but we are generally in good health otherwise, she has an unironic workout addiction and it all goes to her ass which is great for how small she is otherwise
Breeders cope

>Draenei disc priest
>We agreed no kids ever

She’s not a tranny I promise user. You can rest easy

>Draenei disc priest

>No kids
bu bu the ECONOMY user. Nah just yanking your dick fuck dem kids good call.

enjoy dying alone with dementia. I don't consider non-breeders like you to be actual adults. makes sense you met on a pseudogame like WoW.

>secretly regrets having kids but goes on to Yea Forums to preach his cope
I honestly didn’t know these “””””people”””””” had the time to shitpost

>We agreed no kids ever
Wrong, every woman on this fucking planet will want kids sooner or later. Prepare to be cucked.

People don’t really believe that having kids in the current world situation is a good idea, right?

Know a dude who met his gf in among us of all games

Have you never been to the south? People think it's all fake and that people who point out how obviously stupid it is to have kids now are globohomo shills or whatever the new hotness is now

calling normal people "breeders" is genuine bizarre behavior, peak tranny shit, i though it was exclusive to twitter and reddit, but it seems that these "people" are here too

gbtr and please never come here again.

>not wanting kids is Reddit

Wait till calling babies "parasites" becomes more common.

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YES! now go back to whatever subreddit you came from, you failure of a human being.

Yeah its pretty strange. Having kids doesn't need to be for everyone but as soon as I see this "breeder" crap and this shit about the current state of the world (as if that's stopped people before) I really have to raise my eyebrow.

ive been seeing the term "breeder" a lot here lately, also some very weird anti kids posts, are you people legit becoming retarded because of propaganda or is this another raid or something? it's difficult to tell these days...

i wonder if we'll start seeing pro abortion posts too

People will really be living in the 21st century with all its modern possibilities and claim that the state of the world is ruined and that having any children is shitty meanwhile u got people living thru the black plague breeding the shit outta each other.

>defending spawn camping

Anti natalists are the most pathetic nihilists

I'm glad you personally aren't having kids because you're pathetic, miserable failed retards, but in general children are a good thing

Go back to redit

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>We agreed no kids ever
no, you didn't agree with shit, she decided that by herself and you went along because you are a spineless cuck, at least be honest.

No because that would mean acquiring a woman amongst users on this site.
The daily gay, trans, incel, finance, woman hate, inconvenience of having a child, etc threads only leads away from peoples practicing their chances with a woman and therefore abortion ever being a serious or common concern.

>you have to have kids because uhhhh… YOU JUST DO OK?

This argument is fucking retarded. People managed to have children even back in the toughest period of times such as both World Wars, and even Soviet Era in Russia, where growing up there doesn't seem good for a child.
So unless you live in countries like China where there are very strict rules about raising a child or live in a country that is in the middle of war such as Palestine, not wanting children because of the "current world situation" is just an excuse to be lazy and avoid responsibilities.

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>reading comprehension
No one was claiming people couldn’t have kids in bad situations, but the fact that it is FUCKING STUPID for not only yourself but the kid you are birthing into a life of suffering, in this case it would be a life being weighed down by debt their whole lives which they can’t hope of paying off if you aren’t rich enough to pay for your child’s life which most people can’t. You fell for the children bring happiness meme, I’m sorry for your loss

go back already tranny, it's not like you can give birth anyways.

>a life of suffering
Nigger what country do you live in?
Just say you're too retarded to raise a child instead of being a drama queen here

Actual cope

user's will give you hell but my wife and I agreed to adopt a white child someday because the world's going to shit and we don't want to bring another being into it.

>Say something retarded
>Get called out for it
>hurr durr cope

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The couples do no-kids always live extremely consumerist lifestyles.
I do not really believe putting yourself or your partner on a feedback loop to play videogames for the next 60 years is essentially healthy nor even a solid plan as people tend to move on from their hobbies, get burnt out or video games just don't evolve to feel the same anymore. You see this very commonly among people in their 20's even here, to think that World of Warcraft of all things is enough to keep a marriage together for life is a bit absurd, even more so games in general since they're just products you have no control over what you are and will be given.
Having a child to me shows dedication, hard work and teamwork, the years of bringing a child into this world together with someone you love only strengthens the purpose of your marriage. I would love to play video games with my kid, teach him how to play baseball and cook eggs. I do not want to come home to an empty house or be self indulgent on the computer screen in my spare time, I want to relax and know I'm trying to work for a bright future.

Back then people couldn't even read, eat food everyday, access healthcare or have access to just about every knowledge in this world at their fingertips. Someone's daughter could not leave an abusive marriage because she couldn't work, your son could be working at the mines for less than minimum wage. The kids have it easier now in some aspects more than in the past and that's the entire point.
Don't project your nihilism at literal children when it is people like you now who are responsible to ensure their life is more successful but all you care about is paying for video game currency and bing bing wahoo, a bit pathetic wouldn't you way?

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How many black dicks has she taken user. Be honest, no shame to say you watched a few times.

Yeah. No kids kinda guy myself, but that shit's nonsense. Some people can't grasp that they're the outlier and have to be shitty towards the norm.

Happens a lot on Yea Forums.

>We agreed no kids ever
so both of you feel you have shit genes that should be excised from the genepool?

eh, to other peoples credit. I've seen a overall shitty attitude towards no-kid couples. Most of this anger towards that toxic behavior manifest itself online. we seem to forget that the internet is basically a metaphorical dumpsite for our inner thoughts


There's literally not a single functioning human being past the age of 20 that holds this worldview.

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everybody dies alone retard, besides, why would you want to be a burden to your kids?

Nice Reddit thread

Wow I can't believe this user gave birth, fed, clothed, learned and will die alone!

I met my wife on bdo (shit game)

>you can't seriously love someone and have a dedicated relationship unless you have a kid
I will come home to wife and a cat, I will have peaceful and stress free life, you WILL seethe

I will have that and with a child.
I've lived that life you've described, it's still too quiet for me personally.

I think having kids is bad cause I have zero faith in the structure and stability of our relationship, as well as our ability to be good role models for developing youths. But that's just a quirk of our engagement teehee!

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my wife's sister met her husband while playing on some private wow server
she's a cunt and he's a beta

>People getting so fucking mad that you and your gf don't want kids
Lmao. Fuck them, fuck this world and fuck society. My wife and I will also enjoy our endless alone time and endless money without the time and cash sink known as children who would probably just grow up to be godless demons in modern society despite anyone's best efforts anyway

They are but there's nothing wrong with not wanting kids. The main goal of your life is not just to reproduce believe it or not. What a shitty low bar to have.

I wonder what it would be like to raise a seal from birth without any large bodies of water nearby, not even a pool or bathtub.
I think it would survive, but could it be happy?

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and also the part where you have to waste literally your entire life and all your money on bringing someone into the world who didn't even ask for it

The only meaning in life is having children
You will have no legacy or meaning unless you have children

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Glad you know what you want user but you should respect what others want to. Also have you had a kid? Do you have any idea how difficult it is? Don't sit here and wag your finger at people who don't want kids. Plenty of great influential people throughout history didn't have kids too.

You are both retards for still playing WoW but she has good taste in class-spec. Though you are a stupid zoomer who both think you won't want kids so definitely so you're a lost cause.

I have asked a lot of people why they had kids and literally the only answers I ever got essentially boiled down to "idk lol, bored i guess"

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Starting to scream anti natalism when someone merely says they don't want kids is completely nonsensical anyways. Anti natalism is a biiit more than that. People act like if you don't have kids you're some kind of fucking demon, what the fuck man.


Why is legacy that you won't live to see and is out of your control automatically "meaning"? What gives it intrinsic value above anything else? What objective reason should I care about "muh bloodline" and other shit that won't matter after I'm dead without emotional existential dread arguments?

except me

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If all the decent people think they’re being brave by not procreating, and all the short-sighted retards pop out a bunch of kids by accident, what happens to the world?
If you don’t want to have kids, nobody is going to force you. But having a few, teaching them to be decent and treat others with respect, is the best thing you could do for the future.

It's literally just emotional existential dread arguments yeah. I mean that's what it is. Some people are more affected by that than others.

*legacy instantly vaporized when humanity goes extinct, then atomized when the sun goes supernova*

You can spread your legacy and influence through culture via your memes, literally any retard can pop out babies.

>life is all about me and nothing in the future matters when I'm gone
>nothing matters and I should just be a loser failure my whole life because science man told me so

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>>life is all about me and nothing in the future matters when I'm gone
>>nothing matters and I should just be a loser failure my whole life because science man told me so
Projection. I was born to ignorant trailer trash who had children just because they were in your mindset and experienced firsthand what parental regret is like, so no thanks. I'm not going to inflict that on myself or my children

>what happens in the future matters
>but also ignore the evidence telling you that the future is fucked
which one is it bud? can't have both

every time someone talks about meeting a gf through video games I want to fucking kill myself
how the fuck is this possible? where are the fucking girls that can go out with me? I'm a fucking handholdless 24 year old virgin I want to fucking die every day I'm so fucking lonely and can't escape my hellhole of a home because I can't drive

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How is NOT having kids selfish? If anything it's better for others because it lessens a burden of resources. And at any rate there are far more useful and beneficial things you can do now for the future besides having kids.
>having kids is the most important thing in life and that's my highest aspiration because church man told me so

>can't drive
>expects a gf