The king of video games

The king of video games.

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sup yall its me its ya boi bald

ever since he got the new camera I can't help but gag when I see him. such a disgusting creature. he's good at gaming and streaming though

he is probably more dirty than a tourney smashfag

>has no mother

Why does he look so fucked? Is this legitimately due to a lack of proper nutrition?

>Get ass handed to him in X video game
>Blames chat and claims he doesnt actually suck
ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

he looks fine wtf are you on about. he has hair and clear skin and isn’t obese. literally doing better than the vast majority of american men

Disgusting anorexic bald incel who is only popular because he goes on long, nonsensical schizo rants about random shit.

Between this mongoloid and 70 IQ crackhead XQC I feel like zoomers really gravitate towards watching degenerate NEETs with 0 life skills, probably easy to sympathize with

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>The king of MMOs
FTFY, he literally cries over other games because his brain is rotted from over a decade of playing WoW.

>get recommended some videos on YT where he discusses certain topics
>relatively well-spoken and presents his arguments while also considering other viewpoints
>tune in to his stream
>extreme over exaggerations and obnoxious loudmouth behavior
I genuinely do not understand how people find something like this entertaining to watch. Twitch streamers, especially the big ones, just feel like the modern version of reality TV stars. So often will my friends ask me if I saw what X or Y streamer said or did and how Z streamer responded. Who gives a shit? I don't get it.

>king of mmos
Thats not joshstrifehayes though.

Looks literally like a humanoid rat lmao

He says mmos are too hard now, he joined the casuals finally in our struggle...he is king

>now has a house to himself
>still lives in the attic

do neet's really

he's a legitimately smart and eloquent guy but yeah streamers are basically clown prostitute hybrids, they have to play a certain role for their brain damaged fanbase or else they get bored

I wonder if it has an impact on their actual personality, if you pretend to be someone for long enough it has to influence your everyday life

what's the lore behind the booger wall?

at least xqc is genuinely entertaining to watch, fagmongold on the other hand has the personality of a wet mop

Wasn't it dried blood from his fucked gums?

Drama frogs. they play video games to review them, not to enjoy them. Streamers cater to these people because it gets them clicks on reddit

>Goes long periods of time without bathing.
>Doesn't drink water and drinks soda almost exclusively to the point that most of his natural teeth rotted out by his early 20's.
>Solid food diet consists almost entirely of processed snack food, instant meals, and fast food.
>Goes outside so infrequently that every time he's exposed to direct sunlight he can't fucking see and is blinded. Almost every single one of his outdoor videos is when it's cloudy outside and he's sitting under the awning of his deck where he can escape the purifying rays of the sun.

The man is so naturally disgusting and unkempt that his literal millions of dollars wasn't enough to keep his gold digging e-thot girlfriend around for more than two months living in his house. Let that sink in. A thot was so grossed out by his personal hygiene and diet habits that she couldn't stick around long enough to marry and then divorce him for an easy paycheck.

Asmongold's audience is almost exclusively boomers in their late 20's and older. Zoomers have no idea who he is.

more like the king of retardism

maybe, blood is cooler than boogers so you know he means business

He is literally built for BBC

>King of Video Games
>Is Part of Individuums who destroys gaming

Pretty sure he plays a character

lord god king emperor of games

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Big Belf Cock?

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literally who

is it true that he's still a virgin?

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>Asmongold's audience is almost exclusively boomers in their late 20's and older. Zoomers have no idea who he is.
t. boomer in late twenties

imagine living in texas

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>The man is so naturally disgusting and unkempt that his literal millions of dollars wasn't enough to keep his gold digging e-thot girlfriend around for more than two months living in his house. Let that sink in. A thot was so grossed out by his personal hygiene and diet habits that she couldn't stick around long enough to marry and then divorce him for an easy paycheck.

It's true, he had a streamer gf but they were poly and she was open about not having sex with him. He said he's never penetrated a woman

I like when he plays non-mmo games like that Vampire Survivor game

Wow just like basically all of Yea Forums

What a disgusting fiend, he’s entertaining tho.

That's not strictly true because I did have sex with your mom very deep and hard. She said you could never satisfy her like I do

Lol. Why shouldn't a man be insecure about his "girlfriend" soliciting attention from other men? That is extremely concerning behavior if your goal is actually spending your life with this woman and not just fucking around, which it should be if you're in a relationship.

Insane how brainwashed numales are.

balding is natural, the only fucked thing about him is his teeth. if any of you anons ever have kids please train them to at least brush their teeth.

go ahead and neglect them in every other way you like (because they'll survive), but at least get the dental stuff right.

I genuinely can not comprehend and do not understand why he has such a huge following. I’ve tried watching a stream and it’s 90% of him saying “okay boys” “big dick big dick”, he has no actual substance yet everyone seems to love him despite being the epitome of disgusting. He has no sense of basic self nutrition nor hygiene I just don’t get it

I dont get why people like him and xqc are so popular. I mean i know a majority of their audience is teenagers, but when I was a teenager me not any of my friends or really any of my peers thought retards screaming at videogames was amusing

Why do zoomers derive enjoyment from watching retards be retards

Thanks for proving my point

sacrificed his mother for fame and gold

Yes user.
The screaming mald lord is a character. Being disgusting white trash with a blood wall next to his bed visibly eating and drinking like shit on stream for over a decade, however, is not a character. He didn't fuck up his own teeth with a shit diet loaded with processed sugar as part of a character he's playing before he even had a character to play.

Dunno how me cumming in your mom proves anything except that bitch loves my cock.

Didn't he get mindbroken by /mlp/ recently


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Didn't this guy whale hard in lost ark??

I get he's a millionaire but doesn't he also frequently bemoan how shitty cash shops are in mmos?

what emotion is this image meant to convey

Yes. He's an absolute hypocrite and the next time he bitches about a store mount in a game his chat will certainly let him know.

it should be illegal to have hair that long when you are balding that much

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He btfo your point troon. Keep seething chud

I only remember him because of that one Elden Ring video where he thinks "filters" in video games are real.

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his radhan reaction was genuinely kino

>another 2L Wendy's cup on set please
>also those crustys on the blanket arnt showing enough
>could I get a dirty fucking napkin for christ sake? How hard is it you guys?
>silent on set! Live in 3..2...1...

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Swearing a lot while openly admitting to being a grifter is what zoomers consider the peak of masculinity. Call me /pol/ but this is unironically the effect that rap music has had on the average young person
He also cries about people buying level-boosts and raid carries when he frequently has people donating gold/items while also getting carried

>I have a 85 IQ: the post

The craziest thing about big-time streamers is that they make more money than doctors but they don't live lives of luxury at all, in fact it's the opposite where they're totally sedentary.
They're complete addicts through and through

I am fucking diamonds

No I will not subscribe to Amazon prime. No I will not watch Twitch streamers. Go fuck yourself shill stop worshiping these soon to be billionaires.

well yes but my statement is true nonetheless

>they don't live lives of luxury at all
Didn't XQC buy a fucking sports car when he can't even drive?

Is this where your life have led to? To bait people with a video of some schmuck who can't act for shit?

Yes we get that you're a jealous poorfag

This is still some of the funniest shit he's done.

hi asmongold

>Brings up money out of nowhere
That's what it always comes down to isn't it
Your e-celeb's accomplishments are not your accomplishments

my life led me to your mother's vagina, so i guess it was a good direction afterall

A man who shapes an entire industry..

Why am I supposed to care how this homunculus reacted to something? Maybe if it his reaction to getting hit by a car it'd be interesting.


>t. poorfag

>gets his pot destroyed after waging war against the bronies

Is the money really worth it when you like you belong near al kharid gate?

how many time are you gonna reply to the same post?


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this asmongold sounds pretty fucking based and funny
gonna watch his streams now

Ok falseflag troon.

Why this nigga is so popular.
I've occasionally get linked his youtube reaction shit and it's some of the worst fake reactions out there.


true, i looked us some clips and they are genuinely entertaining,i think i'm gonna watch him now, and all thanks to this thread

Seriously, how do you get a body like this? Man looks like he hasn't done any form of manual labor in his fucking life. I at least helped my dad lift some heavy boxes as a kid

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Glad to see someone enjoying the sloppy seconds.