ITT schizo games

ITT schizo games

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I might like it. but who am I?


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The fuck you mean beastiality patch

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this rustles my social contracts

hes based

>maybe if I throw a bunch of philosopher names and complicated phrases around people will think this is intelligent

>>maybe if I throw a bunch of philosopher names and complicated phrases around people will think this is intelligent
yes, thats literally how it works. Have you ever read some philosophy or maths?

>bullies force boy to steal girl clothes from the locker room
>force him to wear it
>shove their dicks in his mouth
>then they make fun of him for being gay

OP's pic unrelated btw

Based game. Simple as.

What’s the VN?

this is now a pseudcore thread

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Fear and Hunger is schizo kino.

I thought that was already implicit with the OP image!
Anyway, I've been playing Spec Ops: The Line. So fucking kino...

I fucking hate foreknowledge

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>*shoves a 3-hour fight in your face*
nothin personel

he also makes fun of them for being gay, and fun of himself.

Chuunibros did we peak here


a snake masturbates excessively

This gross freak giving his "speech" in front of class I think is exactly when I dropped this piece of shit. Never taking reading advice from weebs ever again if that's what they consider to be deep

These themes touch something inside me

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I think most of them weebs are just very impressionable youths. But in an anonymous setting it's hard to see that at first.

already knew it was going to be these two, get more original taste
just kidding

surprised it took you that long, love it or hate it subahibi makes quite the impression very quickly
this one was great but it only played like two times

Why does this shitty vn get to have such good music?

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Downloading Muramasa now, is it as schizo as they say?

>didn't get to the part where he fucks his desk
>or his tulpa

R07 fag has no right to complain about that

for me it's

everyone is a bit chuuni in their dreams

Is it necessary to read any of HIgurashi outside of chapters 1-8? same with Umineko? is anytnhing outside of chapters 1-8 worth reading?

I don't see many people call it schizo, but it is certified Kino.

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It only goes full schizo at the final routes

read Umineko 1-4 and figure the rest out urself

The torrent on the /t/ visual novel thread has the bestiality restored already.

Yoru no Himawari always reminds me of Umineko
And did you know the morse code in tractatus logico philosophicus spells out something like "yes it's me, mahou shouji riruru"

There's more to it. Read looking-glass insects and you'll understand.

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Anything Michael Kirkbride ever wrote

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your mom


This and Pathologic

How would you define schizo games? Just by the presence of main characters that are crazy or would you say it needs something more to it?

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It needs to feel like it was created by someone with mental illness or made to evoke the feelings of mental illness in the player. For example, Drakengard is my favorite schizocore game.

I got a little further, but that scene I mentioned was a standout in how retardedly cringe it was. I think I actually got to the beginning of Zakura or whatever's chapter and when I had to watch the bazillionth masturbation "bullying" scene in a row, I just dropped it out of boredom. It doesn't even make sense, if you think about it, if anti-bullying is one of the themes here, why does it even have noncon H-scenes to whack off to? I was actually enjoying the Yuki chapters because she was the only interesting protagonist.

Higureko is good though. I mean they're long as fuck but generally fun to read

what from

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already tried that and as per usual it didn't do jack shit

Try yandex

Kara no Shoujo 2. Murder mystery VN set in Tokyo in the 60s. Lots of people with mental issues or straight up insanity. Even the player character suffers from obsession caused by loss of the loved ones who were (mostly) murdered along with the murderers themselves who can get pretty interesting in how they are portrayed.
The screencap is from the opening video itself, also google image search is trash now and he might have gotten a result if he used yandex if it would work at all that is.

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thanks user
are the murderers ever pov characters?

>That blood
Must be a bad period

You get multiple scenes from murderers pov in both games though in the first game it's mostly just murder scenes. Second game goes a bit more into alternative povs and like half of the game is presented from the eyes of multiple characters.

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Ain't that true

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>Yoru no Himawari
Nah, for me it's

agree on tractus-logico philosophicus though

If you walk around the girl's house and look at stuff before the actual shooting there's lots of schizo ramblings to be had

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For me it's Denpa Relay no Shousha
It's a tribute album, but still

you will never be a woman

picked up

just do what anno does and throw in random old testament lore and everyone will think it's deep and sophisticated

Anno uses Kabbalah lore, and it's not random.



not really, though it has some deeply disturbing parts. it's great though, give it a try.

>t. antifairi



please tell us more about it, rabbi