Why did it flop?

Why did it flop?

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i dunno op, did you actually play the game?

it's a relic of the end of the 2010s

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I remember pirating it right when it came out but quitting shortly after. Don't remember why I quit though, I was hyped about the game.

1) No actual market for this kind of game in the mainstream.
2) Uninteresting setting that most people would just view as BioShock/Fallout 4 IN SPAAACE.
3) Dull, repetitive gameplay.

The talent left after New Vegas.

Bad Writing and Mediocre Gameplay

No Parvati romance.

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Its just does everything poorly
>the whole, everything you do have consequences, isnt actually real outside of the first town
>every single story is the same. I shit you not it is always some version of; man in power bad, lets put woman in power instead
>the guns feel like shit
>the mechanics feel incomplete, skill trees give you miniscule increases and even taking weaknesses (which is opt-in for whatever reason) doesnt actually do enough
>some playstyles like sniping is just straight up worse than walking up to them and shooting with your strongest weapons, nullifying any build variety whatsoever. 99% of the time you WILL be using your heaviest armor, and your strongest gun/melee and thats it
>too many inconsequential characters
etc etc, you get the point

Isn't that game just liuke fallout in space

go woke go broke

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cope chud

it didn't

looks like shit

No. Fallout, even with all its faults, have a certain unifying theme to it. The stories, characters, technology, artstyle are very 'fallout' for better or worse.
This game, doesnt even have anything memorable like nukes, or vaults or power armor or anything. Its just a worse borderlands in that way, but at least borderlands had neat guns to shoot with


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Unironically, it's Soulless. Nothing stands out, you finish that first town/area and the rest of the game is worse. Artstyle is meh, combat is meh, companions are meh, quest design is meh, world design is meh, there are story bits and writing that are good but almost overall is mediocre

Because it's made by Obsidian.

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thank FUCK the LE BEARDED GENTLEMAN is a dying fad

Should've let The Sawyer handle more than just design.

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nuke america, unironically

woke. short. its an episodic game posing as a full release. lol the combats super dull too. this should all be obvious. i cant think of anything they did right desu.

this was the first time i ever kicked a party member in this type of game. it was the dyke i just didnt want to know what happened wich never happens. DAinquisition had that one fag but i liked him and the dyke elfe behaved like an unlikeable dyke believeably so i kept her too.

wtf does desu mean why did i write that?

>first time i ever kicked a party member in this type of game
for me it was the faggot who kept whining every single time he opens his mouth. Even his mission is pathetic and stupid. I should have shot that nigger the first time i saw him

you're new is showing desu senpai


Damn I thought Sawyer was cool.

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I was going to write up why it sucks but I don't remember anything but the companions and I found most of them to be annoying.

I wonder what will replace it.

He is.

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It's just so...generic. nothing remarkable about it, the combat, storytelling, world-building, sound design, none of it makes the slightest impression

It launched next to a giant.

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For me it was because the game was so heavily railroaded comparatively to something like Fallout. It felt like a theme park where you just go ride to ride with no consequences (I never beat the game, but I assume a cutscene at the end probably says the different decisions and that's really it). Everything just felt lackluster and I didn't feel like any choices I made, whether they were story based or skill/level based made any difference anywhere.

>no replayability
>melee weapons are an afterthought
>recycles similiar conflict between planet hubs
>character builds aren't varied enough to be interesting
>boring choice between MUAHAHA EVIL CORP and objectively good faction with negligible downside means it lacks any depth whatsoever
>the people who made New Vegas are not the same people that still work at Obsidian you dumbfuck "made by Obsidian" doesn't mean anything anymore
>lame ending

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Does the game have any redeeming factors?

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Because it advertised itself as the cure to dumb Bethesda Fallout.

And then it was every bit as dumb, but with less loot, exploration and characters. The only thing it did better was being incredibly pleased with itself.

i ask this every single thread discussing this game, and i have reached the conclusion of, no. The game really didnt have anything new or interesting compared to its contemporaries.

I've looked about this game for a while. I checked if the companions, factions, weapons story or whatever is good... but I haven't seen anything that can redeem this game. For some reason, a lot of people still praise it, but what they like about the game is pretty bad and their tastes are decidedly casual.

>epic exclusive on release or alternatively through windows store
>gamepass was only 1 dollar at the time so whatever
>the crosshair is for some reason 1/3 up the bottom of the screen like im playing halo 3 in 2008
>on a fucking 2019 PC game
>uninstall shortly after first planet partially due to boredom and partially due to feeling violently ill whenever i had to interact with combat

maybe it flopped because the rest of the world is becoming as tired of shallow, dull pseudo-RPGs as I am

Because go woke go broke is real and sex sells and there was nothing sexy about the game at all. Fact.

I get the appeal. I love the handler from mhw. All the mods get rid of her appeal, I like her tired eyes and kind of plain face look

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I was playing Disco Elysium when this came out. I generally like Obsidian, including PoE and Tyranny, but the writing in this just seemed so cringe compared to DE that I didn't even bother.
Maybe I'll give it a shot some day.

I kind of liked it, but it seemed super unfinished, there was worlds in the map that were obviously meant to be places you could travel to. Then the only romance esque thing I can remember is you have to hook up two dykes.

Even as short as the game was I think they could have done something cool with the story. But they wanted to do le quirky dialogue and LGBT shit.

Gameplay gets really stale when you are just pressing left and right on the D-pad to instakill everything and when you spec in the points to get party skills refreshed on kills its even worse, alternatively you go lone ranger and ignore party skills and members and then you're one tapping everything yourself with the bonus weapon dmg you get from playing solo, it's got neat world building but the enemy types are also just reskins of enemies you see early on over and over. If the game was on sale for 10 dollars or under it might be worth the purchase I guess it's worth the pirate if you wanna kill a few hours

Is the writing at least better than borderlands?

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If you really want more of the jank new vegas had then it's the perfect game for you

>sex sells
but im not trying to play sex, im trying to play a video game. I dont care if their sexy or not, I want FUN. If it's not fun then why bother?

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do you even ifflifilufuthflu?


It's an alright game, not worth the price of new AAA game. It only has one memorable story part. It's le evil corpo

Because it was boring and forgettable.

its funny how the titles are more fitting reversed.

uh no not really. Though I did enjoy dodge jumping around and swinging a hammer into things.

no it's very much like that

retards will say politics but the game was just boring. the characters were not engaging and the humour fell flat. didn't help the project had a shoestring budget - who the fuck makes a space game with no zero g?

That's kinda the problem with AAA games, they aren't made to be played they're made to be sold, that's why so many times the marketing budgets for AAA are the same or slightly Less than the entire budget for development, pirate AAA and buy indie, many (not all) indie games are built with the core gameplay fully fleshed out first and the story graphics and accoutrement are after thoughts and it shows when you play both.

>Go woke go broke
More like hire women get a shit game.

The guns feel weak and the combat is mostly unenjoyable. Stealth is jank, and companion ai sucks. Not very fun to play, and not very rewarding to explore. Writing is mediocre but tries to inject 2016 american political themes which is done without subtlety and all your companions are mentally ill and need you, the protag, to help them work through their trauma. Also all the npcs are ugly as sin, except the priest guy you can recruit, who looks normal. The most likeable female is your ship's AI. No, you can't fuck your ship.

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Daily reminder that Honest Hearts is an example of pure, unfiltered Sawyer vision. Is that the kind of game you want to play? If not for the extensive Van Buren dev documents, New Vegas wouldn't be as good. Sawyer had nothing to do with its success.

I hate the ship bitch

Short was not a problem I had with the game.

If he worked on the game then he is by definition.

>for me it was the faggot who kept whining every single time he opens his mouth.
that narrows it down

I don't understand. Why don't game companies make good games? Who plays this stuff? Obviously there is a market for bad games like this one but who is playing it and genuinely thinking it's a 10/10? Boggles my mind bros.

It's mediocre (5/10) but it didn't flop lol

who the fuck said its a 10/10?