You just know it's gonna be GOTY or at the very least a contender
Xenoblade 3
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It will be, but journos will overlook it as usual. But for me it’s either this or Lego Star Wars
Yeah let's be real, people will love it but because it's a JRPG that isn't Final Fantasy, it's going to be pushed aside for other things.
Guarantee GoW Ragnarok will usurp it, whether it's deserved or not.
I can't describe how excited I am for the game.
>Yeah let's be real, people will love it but because it's a JRPG that isn't Final Fantasy, it's going to be pushed aside for other things
Idk it's a major Nintendo release so I think it'll be given attention to by the press. Xenoblade is a lot more popular now than it was 5 years ago too.
True, but Xenoblade 2 was given some major attention at the time only to be forgotten in any GotY conversations.
That said, you are right. The times are a-changing. Might have a good chance at some strong press when it comes out and keep momentum, too.
Probably a wise choice to move Zelda into next year too as it gives Xenoblade a lot more breathing room. I think that played a part in Nintendo's decision desu.
Xenoblade 3 in-between Pokemon and Zelda would really hurt 3 I think. But now that it's moved back I've seen so many people start the Xenoblade series on Twitch cause of 3 and possibly Zelda being pushed back. Literally see at least 10 people a day starting the series.
Yeah Zelda being moved was almost certainly part of this. I imagine the releases around and between Xenoblade 3 and Pokemon are going to be smaller titles to help coast things along and keep interest for the big titles going strong.
Haven't see a ton of Twitch streams but that's a great sign. I'm actually starting X finally myself so it's been fun seeing the series blow up from near-irrelevancy.
Lol I just realised Pokemon S/V doesn't actually have a release date. It's just penned for late 2022 which could be 2 or 3 months after Xenoblade 3. If that's true there's really no competition for 3 and I think it'll sell even better than 2.
It's Pokemon, it's coming out in November. It's virtually a given by this point.
Xenoblade 3 will have a good two months of freedom to sell without competition, aside from whatever smaller release Nintendo tosses into October.
Somewhat off topic but I found a weird glitch(?) when playing DE:
In the cutscene where Junks is headed through the back vent on the Mechonis, the volumetric clouds from 2 are visible in addition to the original clouds from 1.
I don’t think these clouds are in another cutscene
Makes me wonder why they didn’t choose to use the cloud graphics from 2
not with elden ring, buddy. Try somewhere in the next dimension.
Elden Ring is old news. Yeah journos will jizz all over Elden Ring but Xenoblade 3 will have a much more interesting world to explore.
Does Elden Ring have this though?
*blocks your path*
Games that run like shit are disqualified. It's a shame because it could still be the best game released this year, but it still cannot be GOTY, I'm sorry, but I don't make the rules.
Yeah that game looks interesting too tbf.
this game is pozzed tho
>taion is named after Actaeon
>Actaeon is most known for seeing artimis the hunting God naked and being eaten by his own hounds as a results
>Mio's group are betraying and being hunted by their own soldiers
>Eunie uses a hunter's rifle
>Eunie is paired with him implying she's the reason he defects
Eunie bros...a storm is approaching.
I’m getting the urge to replay Xenoblade 1, but I want to keep my levels low so I can have fun with the combat system. Any tips?
I doubt it. I love the Xenoblade series but the game are niche and clunky as fuck. I hope the translation isn't garbage this time around.
I wonder if Xenoblade 3 is going to be delayed from September to later. Normally Nintendo's pretty good on pre-orders 6 months before release at Gamestop. Which this says to me a delay is being considered. Would you be fine with a Xenoblade 3 delay to winter if this happens?
>I love the Xenoblade series but the game are niche
One of more popular RPG series that isn't FF or DQ though.
>I love the Xenoblade series but the game are niche and clunky as fuck
Xenoblade 2 made it hit the mainstream in Japan and gave it a popular foothold worldwide (for better and worse) and there's the smash boost. We're gonna make it xenobros.
Upgrade Arts. Equip gems. Link Skill trees. Raise affinity.
Right, Xenoblade 1 would be one of my favourite games of all time if the combat was more engaging and the side quests were better, so I hope this increases my enjoyment.
>I love the Xenoblade series but the game are niche and clunky as fuck.
Also use Monado Armour when a white vision tag appears. Use speed when a red vision tag appears etc.
>I wonder if Xenoblade 3 is going to be delayed
I fucking hope not.
I hope not either. Its still strange pre-orders for physical copies aren't open yet. Maybe they'll open in May.
Well I didn't know Nintendo did the 6 month out preorder thing so thats news to me. Really hope it isn't delayed. I swear if it's cause that twat putin is still invading Ukraine I'll travel to Russia myself a put a bullet in his skull.
>enjoy XB1
>try out the 2nd game
>x walks in
I've noticed Nintendo's pretty good at retail pre-orders six months ahead of time for games. Usually at my local Gamestop with amiibo. However lately Nintendo stopped that. Which sucks because that's how I snagged my collecters edition of 2 and DE.
The people who give out vidya awards don't care about RPGs unless they're made retard proof and center around the specialest snowflake in the world. The fact that Monster Hunter, an action game with RPG elements, gets thrust to the forefront of the category every year it comes out should say everything.
Fuck Journos and Fuck Geoff Keighley.
It might be your GotY. It very likely will be mine. But it never will be "the" Game of the Year according to any mainstream journalists. Hell, it won't even be JRPG of the year because there's two shitty Pokémon games releasing this year, and they'll probably coincidently """forget""" to nominate it for best soundtrack again.
I don't think Xenoblade 2 was GOTY. I wound up liking it less than the first Xenoblade on Wii. That said 2 still has some of my favorite moments in the story. I just think gacha burned me out in the end. I wound up loving Torna overall despite the limited party because of how well 2's battle system held up with a balanced party made for it. I don't know if Xenoblade 3 would be GOTY material at the Game Awards. That's been taken by Elden Ring this year. I'd love to see Xenoblade 3 get nominated like Metroid Dread was.
Guys, how do I get into 2? I want to love it, but the combat feels like such a slog and I keep getting wrecked by groups.
How far are you?
It took until Rex got his Topple for me to enjoy
I haven't played in a while, but I was still pretty early on. Shortly after rescuing Nia and meeting the pon party member's grandpa so we could get a ship.
Oh yeah. I say play until you reach a bit of ways on the 2nd Titan before dropping it.
Check the skill trees for each character, there's a node that says "lets you combo arts into arts".
Get that one ASAP, it's probably the single thing that changes the pace of combat the most. The nodes that let you start combat with arts already charged also help a lot.
Xenoblade X was nominated because it was the best Xeno
The nerfed outfits and XC1 type of story will get their attention.
Honestly just look up a guide for the combat, the game teaches it really poorly and even though I love the game it took me until my second non-NG+ playthrough to actually understand what I was doing.
There's a good one by Enel but it has some spoilers for party members and stuff like that.
Chuggaconroy has a spoiler free guide but I don't think it goes into as much detail about the combat and is more just general info that the game doesn't really tell you and is important to know.
Does this count as an indirect kiss?
If the tone is like XC2 again, there's probably gonna be a Japanese humor moment about that.
Yes. Mio is literally playing his flute and there is nothing Eunie can do about it
All I want is gameplay footage and playable mechs that aren't worse than ground
Yeah right. It will just come & go completely unnoticed just like XB DE.
F for my boy Uraya
XC2 and XC1DE not getting any nominations for music is criminal.
Sell me on Xeno 1. I only played X and 2
The game would either have to be unimaginably bad, or really, really successful for this board to hate it.
There's already people preparing themselves to defend the theorized FE Fates twist.
Armour can only be acquired via sidequesting but it's not a situational art like Shield or Speed, it's straight up the best art in the game
>here bro, free 75% damage reduction from all sources of damage (barring Talent Arts which are covered by Shield anyway)
>you can effectively spam it lategame because a Vision will fully charge Shulk's talent gauge, which means you always have a response for anything the enemies can possibly throw at you
>FE Fates twist
You mean the "there was a third party behind the eternal conflict" twist?
Because I've got news for you, pal, this has been in this series from birth, see Solaris and the Gazel Ministry
The trailer already told us there's a "real enemy".
I think the first two chapters or so will deal with characters believing in the Nia/Melia war and after that they'll switch to fighting the third party.
And that makes it okay to build a game around a conflict between two nations, with 2 separate main characters giving unique perspectives of each side, only to go HAHA IT WAS ALL FORCED?
You're being very optimistic with that assumption, I can see the war lasting most of the game, with the true enemy being revealed around the time of prison island in the original Xenoblade.
Oh no, I agree that the war itself will be most of the game.
I mean that the actual party will each get a chapter where they believe the waifu wars are the real issue (assuming each 3-man party starts separate), then after a bit they'll switch to fighting the real enemy while the minge wars rage on in the background.
y'think we'll see a rodied up rex and a frail old shulk (wearing a lab coat)?
Even if that were the case it wouldn't be nominated, remember that Xenoblade 2's soundtrack recieved no recognition for its quality in spite of it easily being the best of it's year and the year after.
I kinda doubt it.
I feel like they won't consider a true enemy until you take out both sides after most of the game.
Assuming that they're normal humans by the end of their respective games I'd imagine they're both long dead by this point.
You're gonna have to explain to me why exactly that's bad
Fates is bad not because Fight Club was actually causing falseflag operations in both countries, Fates is bad because of everything else that surrounds it, including "the plot ball that breaks after once use" and "people insta-dying from saying 'the peeepeepoopoo men are behind this'", among several other problems
Stop talking like your opinions are facts.
The XC2 soundtrack was just a cheap imitation of XC1's OST.
No but the 525 years old Zekenator the briger of chaos will be a secret superboss
>I can see the war lasting most of the game, with the true enemy being revealed around the time of prison island in the original Xenoblade.
that's roughly 40% of the game, way less if you consider sidecontent
Because it's a cheap way out of making all playable characters dindu nuffins instead of having two different sides with their own clashing philosophies that equally have merit, and leaving it up to the player to decide who was right and wrong.
I just hate that specific plot twist in general, I hated when Suikoden 3, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, and SMTIV:A did it too, and those were handled way better than Fates. The fact that Nintendo never made a golden route for Three Houses was very surprising to me, since the backstory strongly implies it also was the super secret mole people behind everything.