This controller is unironically the best controller I've ever used.
Why does Yea Forums say it's shit? The D-Pad is great.
This controller is unironically the best controller I've ever used
i hate how cheap hollow and light it feels i hate the face buttons and the bumpers and the dpad
>Hollow, light
I think you might have a fake
the fact you feel the exact opposite of the way i do must mean you're gay
Mine broke when it slid off my lap and fell on my carpeted floor.
yea it's great desu
my favorite dpad for fighting games too
Put batteries in it
It took the Xbox One controller and fixed its only flaw (dpad not being good for fighting games)
Now the only possible thing they could add to make it better would by gyro
>Why does Yea Forums say it's shit?
Its mainly Snoys and the gyro autist who lash out
i just bought one after the drift on my ps4 controller got too bad. i thought it would be jarring changing but i got used to the controller quickly and it feels awesome. not having to use ds4 or fuck around with steam settings to get a decent controller experience is a great benefit too
they should switch X and B desu
Agree with the cheap and hollow part. Hitting the stick guard with the analogs feels and sounds weak compared to my other controllers. I like the rest of the things you dislike about it though.
Had the R1 button die on me shortly after the warranty expired. Never had that happen before with Xbox controllers as the sticks start drifting first.
The fact that is light is a pro for me
>unironically the best controller I've ever used.
>no gyro
first of all its ugly as fuck
second, asymmetrical joysticks are for mutants
its the same as xbox one so
and the bumpers and dpad are the worst parts
anyone who can play 2d games with a dpad in that position is a mutant. for 3d its good enough
snoy falsefag detected
whyu does this shit keep getting shilled? I've never seen this threads until like for the last month.
Personally I bought one and its nothing speical. A PS2 controller is better than this.
You shouldn't be eating greek sandwiches while gaming you messy faggot
>round buttons that hurt your thumbs instead of smooth flat buttons.
>symmetrical joysticks are for mutants
look at every third party controller, look at nintendo, all asymmetrical now, ninty even went there and right back with the switch
every profag gaymen controller maker makes an asymmetrical playstation controller due to demand
sony doesn't go asymmetrical purely because they don't want to lose face and be seen as giving in
I agree it would be better if the dpad was higher up for 2D games, but when the alternative is the terrible DS4 dpad, I know what I would use.
Yeah nah. Already replaced it with an Elite 2 controller, the PS5 controller feels flimsy and cheap in comparison to the Series X ones.
>replacing stick drift with more expensive stick drift
wicked hot upgrayedd
but i guess it's the same everywhere, even sony uses the same part numbers for their stix
Sony doesn't go asymmetrical because they don't cater to hideous mutant gamers. Symmetrical joysticks work best for symmetrical hands. Common sense.
Yeah its bretty gud.
>ignore decades of ergonomic research
your thumbs are literally in the wrong place on a sony controller, if you're gonna do symmetrical analogs as both primary inputs, you need them higher like the wiiu pro controller, not stretched sideways like some fucking mongoloid
I have one and use it for most games, but it's cheap feeling, has far less technology in it (removable rechargeable not even included by default), and commands a price equal to its nearest competitor for no reason.
Only got it on because I it was on sale and I had store credit. I'm sure it will drift eventually, all fucking controllers do now due to console manufacturers cheaping out like you said.
Sounds like mutant cope.
it's a nice controller otherwise so i'm actually kinda serious about it being wicked hot
you'd figure console manufacturers would try to solve the drift problem collectively but nooooooo
>T-these buttons hurt my widdle thumby-wummys
Do you have brittle bone disease or something?
bold statement coming from a braindamaged snoy
Same, I got a custom orange one and a white one
Give me the qrd on this controller.
I have an xbone controller I use on pc and the dpad is the worst part of it. Is the series controller any better?
I see you haven't tried this one then.
needs gyro and paddles.
this doesn't have to happen with modern controllers
Solid alternative
The bumpers kept breaking for me, or didn't even work out of the box.
just a little gyro tilt would have totally avoided that,so painful to watch.
>breddy nice layout
>breddy nice d-pad
>fucking useless for anything needing analog triggers
not great for racefags like myself but hey not bad
>they went back to the xbox 360 d-pad
Faggots keep crying about the d-pad but I don't see anyone using a dualsense for fighting games.
ds4 is goat though, just needs to get rid of the touchpad gimmick and a better battery
bad sticks
t. have a ds4
>round buttons
and that is what we call SOUL
not even him but the ds4 is a fragile piece of shit with embarrassing battery life, you're better off with the lowest end gamestop third party faggotpad
>decent sticks
>decent buttons
>average analogue triggers
>powerful but extremely chinese smartphone app
>based back paddles
if you don't need back paddles it's pretty average
>6-button face layout with pressure-sensitive buttons
>super round design for great ergonomics with bigboi hands
>funky but confident and comfortable d-pad
>reliable and nice triggers
This might be the most soulful controller design in history, if you really sit down and think about it.
Honestly, what else are you going to buy?!?! The Elite Series 2 is nearly double the price and has some issues of it's own, DualShock apparently has problems with PC and not everyone likes the layout, I haven't tried the Switch Pro but it's also more expensive, and finally third party controllers are either more expensive or MadCatz tier or both. It just seems like the best overall option especially if you like the original 360 controller.
I already thought the Xbone had a great dpad and I was apprehensive about the new one but it's even better.
I love that clicky lil'nigga like you wouldn't believe.
>No gyro
It's worthless
True racefags have a wheel anyways.
This was nearly pure sex in controller form. The Switch Pro controller was such a goddamn insult in comparison.
>true racefags
don't limit themselves to simshit that require wheels for everything, arcade racean is still racean
the touchpad is good on PC for stuff like radial menus.
Series X fags, are you using the controller wired, with the official dongle, or with bluetooth?
I have the dongle from fucking years ago so I use that, it supports any of the shit I'd plug into the controller like a headset and whatnot. Sometimes I'll switch to bluetooth if I'm dicking around with my laptop and don't have the dongle handy.
Wired is for cordcucks.