MSI RTX 3080 has just crossed the sub-$1,000 line on Amazon
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PC had no games.
Also name the game that's worth 1k to max out!?
If it gets down to MSRP, I will buy it
Until then, I can wait
I bought my 3090 for 2,000 USD.
Is it too much to ask for 12 fucking gigs of VRAM?
It will go below MSRP when the intel cards come out
Was it worth it\?
are the disability checks good or what
How much did you spend for a 3090?
Sure. It's nice not worrying about being able to run anything. It was 1/3 of my bonus for last year so figure I'd use it to upgrade the PC.
Nah, had it from my bonus.
I spent 2,000 USD.
Talk to me again when it drops another $400
I wish I could get a good 16GB VRAM card for Unreal Engine 5.
Not enough vram
MSRP is $699. The light at the end of the tunnel is so close. We're finally gonna make it bros.
how much you paid for your gpu and how much it costs now? did it worth it? how much is msrp?
do you mine with it? was it expensive?
The RX 6800 XT has 16GB VRAM.
I wonder why the AMD equivalent tends to have more VRAM than Nvidia.
All games would run 100fps 4k if any optimization would still be a thing.
You are just paying more to get broken games.
waiting to get a 6700xt or 6800xt for 50% MSRP
AMD fags upgrade every 3y nvidiots every year.
how much better is the 3080ti compared to the regular version?
I have a 1070 and still don't want to upgrade.
He bought the dip? dump et
Think I should go Intel or wait for 4000 series?
I have nothing atm. Gave my card away to a friend like 6 months ago (Kind of regret it)
6% faster for $500 more
Are AMD cards good for Blender rendering?
The fact no one is selling at near MSRP shows you exactly what these companies think of us.
I think I'll just go reference and mod it myself, because fuck these cunts.
Im holding out for the 2nd gen intel chips to see if they benchmark better than nvidia because 1st gen always sucks. i have an intel cpu
You click on the view on Amazon and get.
Blender worked with AMD to implement a HIP backend for Cycles in v3.0 (to replace OpenCL), which should be very optimized for Radeon rendering and give AMD GPUs feature parity with Nvidia GPUs.
not worth it even at MSRP
rank them user
The only mining I'm doing is in Minecraft :)
RTX 4000 cards are apparently going to have HUGE power draw, so make sure your PSU is good enough.
Based 1080p chad.
Optix still beats its ass, a lowly 3060ti renders about as fast as a 6800xt.
Or get this avoid buying a GPU that will end up costing you 1$/h to play games since electricity will go 5x in the next 5y.
wtf lol
Still 200% up from what it should be.
But if you're rendering with high-res textures, you're gonna want that extra VRAM.
Intel's new discrete Arc GPUs are going to have their own backend for Cycles.
which cards?
I ain't paying MSRP for a 2 year old card.
>muh midrange graffix card is down to twice the price of an ecksbocks series ax
>just the graffix box, not the cpu, psu, case, ssd, mobo, etc
looks like peecee gaymen is back on the menu
I hope this means they're making Open Image Denoise compatible with GPU acceleration. It has better quality than the Nvidia OptiX denoiser but exclusively using the CPU makes it slower.
Simple. AMD uses GDDR6. Nvidia uses GDDR6X for the 3080 and above. 6X is faster but runs hotter and costs more, because of that Nvidia cheaped out by giving you less.
sitting comfy with my 1650
its a good thing 90% of the modern AAA game releases are trash otherwise I'd feel like I was missing out on something
Nvidia will also never allow a x080 card to overtake a ti card, even if that ti card happens to be the 1080 ti - a card they've been competing with ever since the 2000 series
Too late. Waiting for 4080 now
I remember 2 years ago when everyone was laughing at me for getting a 2080. You niggers get what you fucking deserve. 4080 inbound.
That's from a 3rd-party seller. Look for the entry that says 'Sold by:'
still not paying
The Intel cards aren't sounding too hot. Apparently the strongest among them only bats up to a 3070 and the drivers are god awful.
Let me guess you 'need' 4k resolution
I want to use UE5 to render 4K animations, so in a way, yes.
It's not 2014 anymore gramps. The minimum is 2k now.
yeah, in the same way you "need" cum in your ass you fucking faggot
Sad zoomers can't cope without their fancy displays. Sad and unbased.
I will literally never move on from 1080p 144hz.
I don't think anyone here is playing below 1080p
I'm still playing on 1680x1050
fight me
evga 3080 12gb is $999 right now
MacBook Pro?
Time to invest in a new PSU and case since it's gonna be fucking huge and the cables will be plugged on the width side
You're forgetting the 1366x768 laptop menace