Quake hampions

quake hampions

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thats a good one because quake champions is a dumb and bad game that isn't even quake at all and its players roll around in shit like piggies

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The cope...

QC is the most Quake game ever made.

it is quake in name only, quake games don't give you characters with different stats or activatable abilities

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it's funny that this guy praises quake live when QL is shit too because the railgun doesn't one hit kill unarmored people like it's supposed to
Technical specifications
Damage Per Hit

100 damage per hit
80 damage per hit in Quake Live
devs are fucking retards, the entire point of the railgun is it is an immediate punish to anyone who does not have some measure of armor AND full health. it requires high skill to aim and hit people moving full speed. nerfing the damage = retarded = not quake.

If you actually played the game you'd know it's literally Quake 3 with both new mechanics and mechanics from Q1, Q2, and Q4 that weren't present in Q3.

What's the name of this Russian?

There's no major difference in how Quake Champions plays compared to Quake 1/2/3/4 multiplayer. The different starting stats are negligible, and the activated abilities are not going to be the reason a team wins or loses. The better player will always win more because of map control, movement, aiming, and raw gamesense. Quake Champions is in NO WAY comparable to a class-based shooter like TF2 or Overwatch, because all characters have the same access to the weapons around the map, the mega health, mega armor, etc. It's literally Quake at heart and plays exactly like it. Also, what I find more interesting than the activated abilities are the passive abilities of different characters, which offer a half dozen different movement options to shake up the meta.

If you want to play Quake 3, go play Quake 3.

lmao imagine being this seething faggo

boars.Yea Forums.org

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God, you fucking whiners are the reason Quake Live died, not the devs. As soon as loadouts got added so the game could be more accessible to newcomers who weren't the best at securing starting weapons each life, all you elitists quit the game and never came back. Now, instead of having a healthy playerbase for an arena shooter, we have fuck all because you can't handle the slightest change to make the game more casual and accepting for noobs.
Fucking elitists ruin everything!

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Same people that seethe over random crits in TF2. They're shitters, plain and simple.

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The irony is fucking palpable.

>activated abilities are not going to be the reason a team wins or loses
you should watch a pro game if they even do those anymore. 1v1 is the most played game mode and character selection is a huge part of it

So many great games dead because autistic elitists can't handle any change to the formula. Fucking poser fags.

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80 damage is massively punishing already, faggot. There's no real need to reward people with kills when the point of Quake Live is space control.

That's true, I forgot about that since I don't play a lot of duel anyway (FFA Deathmatch is where it's at).

RG ruined Quake, it's a crutch weapon.

no it isnt. quake games dont give you load outs either. you start with your dick in your hand and have to go find a good weapon.

ffa death match or instagib were mine, bu last time i played queue times for anything outside tdm were a couple minutes atleast.

Matchmaking is so gay, especially for a game like Quake where all you need is two people in a server for it to be playable. Still, I queue up and then tab out and browse the Internet for a few minutes until I hear the audio cue for a match starting. Not too bad.

Those things aren't Quake, but the core gameplay is still 95% Quake, and a game that's still 95% Quake is still very fun.

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It's going to suck when they run out of classic weapon designs to make.

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Any advice for CPMA movement? I played duel on it a couple days ago and felt like a turtle compared to everyone I played against

goddamn i miss making /arena/ ocs

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/arena/ was too good for this world

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QC was too good for this world
awfully mismanaged, horribly timed, catering to autistic pros from the word go
this is not how you grow a community
it peaked in the closed beta and shortly after release

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Duck in Gamestop

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Sure but at least it's still very playable to this day.

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quack champion

quack hampions

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is it? I remember the performance only getting worse over time, with levels often taking 2+ minutes to load on an ssd, the framerate dipping below 30 etc

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Why change a formula that is already perfect
I just wanted HD Quake 3
Why couldn't it simply happen?

Only issue I have is load times.

Then play Q3. Jesus why is this so hard for people to grasp? QC is Q3 with more; if you don't like that, which is fine, then play fucking Q3.

ok so what quake3-equivalent game (being not quake 3) can I play as of 2022?
legit question

People already don't play Quake 3, and the big update to Quake 1 barely helped it. After two days it was dead again.

Because Quake Champions isn't a remaster, it's a new game.

>no community servers
just one step away from true greatness

Quake Live.

because people would have immediately called it a pointless cash grab
all they had to do was not implement abilities that interfered with kill times or allowed you to onetap your way out of certain death
ranger's orb is close to being perfect, the telefrag is insanely hard to land (or at least used to be)
bullrush is close second, it should only be a repositioning tool and deal minor damage, not outright gib people
visor's wallhack was fine until they removed the activation sound cue
anarki's injection - pure bullshit, full heal is unacceptable
nyx, clutch - completely unfun to fight
galena - claymore mines have no place in quake, especially with teleports and jump pads
doomguy - always was a meme mobility tool gimmick, more than fine
blazkowicz - retarded by design, impossible to balance, he shouldn't have been implemented in the game
athena - worthless, and her yelling just gives your position away
sorlag - bullshit because it basically blinds you, the damage/dot is irrelevant, DK was busted for that reason as well on top of having retard damage
i don't remember keel's nades being an issue ever, they were insanely hard to connect
strogg is high risk high reward, and can be infuriating if you know where to hide
eisen - fucking worthless self insert

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>eisen - fucking worthless self insert
Should've been a fucking I'M AN ENGINEER from Enemy Territory. Fucker even speaks German. God damnit, Thinkerror.

I support this idea.

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no game will ever beat q3a
no not even quake world


He's right. Arena FPS and Old-School Shooter "anbases are full of troglodytes who larp as hardcore vets of these games despite spending more time bitching about anything new and try to claim cred for video games because they lack personality. Funny part is they spend more time doing these things and watching "boomer shooter" youtubers instead of actually playing any games.
I hate this circle jerking bullshit, and it's why I avoid interacting with any sort of FPS fans.

this is likely either an extremely vocal minority or straight up a group that was made up for the sole purpose of shitting on the games
everyone i know who played q3a/ut99 were more or less on the same above average level you know the type - not a clueless noob anymore, but not sad enough to grind the game for hours on end, with the occasional autist who just seemed to get the upper hand in most 1v1s but wasn't invincible
personally i was always a ctf/tdm (q3, ut99), vctf/ons/tam (ut2k4) and 32 player payload/ctf/cp shitter (tf2 until roughly 2012), sometimes topscoring/fragging, sometimes scraping the bottom, and it was okay
servers were a mixed bag full of people of all skill levels and ages and it was the most varied, fun, chaotic experience you could get
fri-sat and sat-sun nights were reserved for 16v16 giant, fun custom maps, starting at 7PM, and emptying at roughly 2AM, full of banter, shitflinging, rage and adrenaline
zoomers will never, ever experience something this fun in vidya in their lives
they're stuck with "skill based" matchmaking with their balance patches, loot boxes, levels, accolades, consolation prizes and whatever the fuck, their experience is streamlined, neutered, castrated
i refuse to believe they're even having actual fun anymore
nothing in their vidya would compare to the tingly feeling of the game calling you a flak monkey or a combo whore

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Ukrainian space force

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Nope, this isn't Quake.
This is.

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get this tenebrae abomination out of my face

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It's Dark Places mod. You don't have to like it, it's still Quake. Just like Doom has a Ray Tracing mod now and you don't have to even buy a RTX card.
You don't Agree? You'll find out why you were wrong, then.

shut the fuck up helmut

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People like you is why Quake is dead

No, ESL faggot.

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>You don't have to like it, it's still Quake.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Quake is actually the Darkplaces engine running Quake, or as I've taken to calling it, DP+Quake. Darkplaces in itself is not Quake, and is in fact a separate engine with its own physics quirks, file load order, config setup, and licensing that just happens to run Quake content.