Just bought the game. So I got spoiled about something something simulation, is that a big deal like it is for a certain other high school VN game danganronpa 2 or can I just play and enjoy anyway?
13 Sentinels
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It was all a dream bro
That's the tip of the iceberg and will be obvious about halfway through certain characters' stories anyway.
I used to read word up magazine
Is this censored? I remember seeing her ass
13 Sentinels contains every sci-fi trope. Like, every god damn plot device ever conceived in a science fiction story. Just sit back and enjoy the shitshow and bad gameplay. At least you didn't pay for it.
iori fuyusaka's ass
I'm OP.
Trope != bad though
Mostly just know that simulation theory is but a small part of the story. It gets plenty convoluted and mostly unnecessary
Any 60 fps mod for ryujinx btw?
thank you
Who's the writer btw? Anyone of renown?
>Trope != bad though
Everything is a trope, that's not the point
They tried to do too much
Most of it is homages to previous works, too. You'll probably notice tons of references
You can enjoy it anyway, that's only one layer to the whole story that constantly builds on itself
Based Kamitani came up with a plausible reason why they're naked and have their holes plugged
It's a VERY big deal, even bigger than the other game you spoiled; the entire game builds down to that reveal.
Honestly, while I do think spoilers can ruin a story, but if a game can be ruined with ONE word then is it really that great?
The entire game is presented as a desperate fight of young mecha pilots against aliens to protect their homeworld, then it slowly builds the reveal, which puts everything you've going through a new light
Knowing the truth about it basically ruins all of that worldbuilding and the game's narrative.
>It's a VERY big deal,
I don't get why people say this, to be it was really obvious it was a simulation from the first 5 hours.
>Knowing the truth about it basically ruins all of that worldbuilding and the game's narrative.
I don't necessarily agree, I figured it pretty early but there was a lot of the alien plot that I couldn't quite piece together.
No it isn't. You're trying to downplay it because you're desperate to trick that user into buying a narrative game he already got spoiled about.
Is your hate of Sony that strong you want to trick someone into wasting $60?
Holy shit why are there so many mentally ill console warriors obsessed with this game on this board?
It really is a big deal and takes away from some key revelation moments that make the game so good. It's like reading a mystery where you know who the culprit is, its just not the same.
>You hate Sony so you want someone to buy a porting on a third party VN game he's clearly emulating on the switch
Am I crazy or this makes no sense?
I genuinely don't understand how some anons didn't figure it pretty soon. To me the actual twist was that their bodies were real and the UFO are because they recycled a videogame
consolewar fags have brain rot, just ignore it
The game throws a lot at you, there's a lot of different layers to peel through to get to the truth and figure out how everything fits together. You can have a hunch but it still feels good when you're correct 5 or 10 hours later when your can piece it together and know you're right.
So being spoiled absolutely takes away from the experience, everyone always went out of their way to tell people to go in completely blind for a reason. It sucks how many people are getting spoiled because it's a fantastic experience when you know nothing.
>it's a fantastic experience
Honestly the spoilers are pretty mundane and a huge letdown for the game story's prestige.
I think I'm grateful I got spoiled and lost interest on the game as a result because I can see myself being disappointed with the result after playing for 20+ hours.
If you want world-building that isn't so much in your face about very repetitive anime tropes, you should simply avoid all Japanese games altogether.
It's pretty obvious that the people playing this are the same people completely amazed at plot twists in Naruto
Everything comes together very well and it keeps giving you juicy cliffhangers that change how you view the world and it happens multiple times which is just awesome. It's easily one of the best visual novels and makes very good use of the medium.
Dub or sub?
>Japanese honorifics in English
I couldn't handle the cringe. Sub.
>Still no JP NSP
You should be able to tell by the time you do a character story from the start yet not only you keep the info but also the characters themselves muse on the info
The dub is good.
JP is better
Is this in game? You barely see jap vidya with such a thing these days.
So did ryujinx pull ahead of yuzu in the emulation scene?
Why would you pirate this? it's not some AAA garbage from some multi-million dollar company
Its not, the first thing i saw when i started the game on the switch was the ass
Localization is pozzed you shouldn't support it.
There's a lot of blatant nudity
I can't keep track of all these characters and timelines. Just past the prologue and I'm already filtered.
Nice milkers, I feel like playing this game now.
Still can't believe. Will buy and see for myself but hopefully jap version isn't censored. I still don't believe the one you posted. No way nipples in my vidya they even censored position in mecha.
This game is beautiful. Why is the rest of the world stuck on shitty pixel art when vanilla has been showing everyone how to do modern 2d art for 20 years?
"Guessing" and "Figuring it out" is not the same thing. You can throw shit at the wall and have as many inane theories as you want early game, if one of them sticks you've "totally called it". It's only about 60% of the game in that you get actual evidence to support what is so far a theory.
While I agree I'll play douboes advocate and say reading a murser mystery while knowing the killer is an actually great experience. You get bullshited a lot less by weak writers and when the writing is actually good it shows.
There's never a reason to not play it in the original language
Can someone confirm if jap version has eng sub?
Where did you even get it?
why do you want to play the japanese version? what are the differences?
>why do you want to play the japanese version? what are the differences?
Dunno about that user, but I know Japanese, or at least a lot to play a game like this. I already played it in English and some other languages so I figured I'd give it a go in the native one.
Oh, last time I checked they only had NA. Thanks user.
I will import kiki kaiki and 13 from amiami so not sure if jap version had english also fearing eng version is censored that said jap might be censored and english not if nipples involved cause of cero if user didn't lie about picture.
What the fuck are you talking about? Anyway game never had any nipples and the nudity is pretty tame
I has English, but if you want to play it for the "censorship" there is none, the version are 1:1 except the languages in it
Does the western release not have JP audio?
It does
Someone maybe baiting here?
I just like smashing shit in mechs, the story was okay but very generic because of how much it referenced tropes