I’m bored. What should I play?

I’m bored. What should I play?

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no one is going to post about video games in this thread

I am. I recently bought Valkyria Chronicles 4 and the remaster of 1 on switch. Wondering if I should’ve got it on my piss5, but the sale was nice

Lenin was right

>15 dollar french fries
The fuck

Even if i was rich i wouldn't buy that. I bet they aren't even good.

Asparagus has a solid gameplay and story, go with that

>open food 1000 bucks

>10 dollar water
just nuke miami


I have some rich friends that from time to time invite me to fancy restaurants and pay for the meal.
The food is pretty mediocre.
The best shit I've eaten have never cost more than average


>fancy restaurants
They probably only bring you to meme expensive "restaurants"

Good fresh ingredients prepared simply will always trump ANY attempts at fancy shit.

>high prices justified by "you're not just paying for the food, you're paying for the experience/ambience"
>sounds gay, but ok whatever
>18% service charge on top
fuck that shit man. Overprice your food or hit me with the service charge. Not both.

>american food 5k
Better be made outta golds

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is voss water flavored or something

i've seen plenty of zoomers run around with a bottle
even if i like water i cant bring myself to pay the retarded amount it's sold for to try it

It's the creation of a Turkish elementary school dropout and the food isn't even good.

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anons complain about $60 video games but not about $100+ food wtf

>people pay for this

where do all the popular video game streamers stream?

i dont see any big ones on youtube on twitch

what in god's name is meat sushi

>pay for the rest of the food anyway

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All of the super expensive restaurants are meme restaurants

That'll be a $700 tip

It's not buffet, but it is a pointless meme restaurant.

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the Sea Bass is a C+ at best

Had no idea what "Golden Tomahawk" was so I looked it up. It's just a big ass steak wrapped in gold tinfoil it looks like.
$1000 each

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I should note that the golden wrap is edible, so take that however you want.

What's the point of eating gold? I know it gives you gold shits but do you take pictures of it and frame it somewhere to show how rich you are or...? I don't understand the upper class.

It's just regular bottled water that's extra filtered to remove 'impurities' (i.e. important minerals)
It's also sourced from municipal water plants, just like every other bottled water.

This nigga eats native American artifacts

It has no taste and adds nothing to the food so yes it's entirely a meme. Usually food with gold in it has a very small amount so that steak probably tastes noticeably worse.

>What's the point [...] I don't understand the upper class.


Is gold not poisonous?...

oh it's this dipshit

man, I would love to own a pretentious restaurant and sell zoomers literal scraps served on cheap toilet seats for thousands of dollars

there's no point other than to make yourself feel something
it's like with internet porn: the more you consume the more depraved your tastes get
similarly, the more money you have and can spend, the more elaborate/nonsensical/expensive things satisfy you
so, in conclusion: internet porn isn't bad and neither is money, but if you lack temperance in your consumption they'll lead you to further degeneracy

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>56 dollars for two martinis

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People just buy one bottle and refill it with normal water.

Bros... do people eating gold cause the price to steadily raise? Is edible gold just a massive scheme to make gold more scarce?

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Pure 24 karat gold is safe to eat

It passes through your body so you could technically recycle it from the shit of people who eat gold.

I wish I could work at once of these scam restaurants that rob white people, 700 dollar tip for one fucking meal

No, gold actually is chemically inert. It does not react almost with anything

Gotchu bro.

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Thought this was an elden ring item

>Restaurant charges big money for edible gold
>Later on they hire people to wade through the sewers in search for shit gold
>Retrieve the gold ans extract it from the shit and serve it to the next person
>Make millions from feeding people "recycled" gold

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>start restaurant
>customers pay for gold foil
>install fancy toilets that people want to use
>harvest gold from shit to make more foil

The guy buying it clearly wipes his ass with $100 bills or has one day left to live, why are you crying?

I just want a 700 dollar tip

Hope you charged it to the discretionary budget.

so go get high end service training and work at his restaurant

I wasted 38 bucks for a pizza port and a jack and coke at the King Gizz concert the other night. I'd have said no if i hadn't already been waiting in line. Good thing I pre-gamed / had edibles still.

What's the point of eating gold when your body can't process it and you just poop it out? You end up pooping out almost $2000 worth of gold and it's gone forever.

>king gizz

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What's exactly special in this restaurant?

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Shit taste. They were on point. Best musicianship I've seen live.

and its actually closer to $2 of actual gold if not even less

>on point
You will never own property and I'm glad for it.

upper class turk here
I used to regularly eat in his flagship restaurant in Ankara, it was far from the most expensive option and it was near the bustling part of town. it was under Sheraton btw in case you know the chain
a friday night meal at nusret would cost like 20-30 USD per person and after that you'd hit the nearby club, 20-30 there and voila, you'd spend 60 bucks tops for a good night out.
nusret would come and talk to us too, he liked us as we were 18 yo kids with some cash on them, always tried to teach us cool places to bang chicks (which were pretty awful shitty taverna-style bars because he didn't have the rich mind set yet)
I've been to a total of 4 different Nusrets in Turkey, all were kino up until 2017? where he got meme-ified and jacked up prices
now its incredibly fucking expensive and I haven't been there for 5 years at least, none of my friends go neither. I've heard its full of arabs and russians for the last couple of years, you literally have to know arabic to work in nusret as a waiter

I'm going to order some enchiladas today.

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>King Gizz

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Oh yeah, that's probably true otherwise why don't you just scrape it off and keep it. So you pay something like 1500 dollars to put gold leaf on a stake only to poop out like $2 worth of gold.