>make a chicken dinner
>call it a Chocobo with Popotos and Coerthian Carrots
>everyone claps and calls it lore accurate because there's a CUL class
Make a chicken dinner
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What's with all these shitty cookbooks lately?
what the fuck did you expect
do you think we are going to be able to pull fantasy foods out of our ass into the real world
There is no recipe called "Chocobo with Popotos and Coerthian Carrots" in the game or in the cook book.
so they do eat chocobos?
And a little bit of chicken fried
>ah yes
>that series famous for its food
There's actually an entire questline about someone stealing and cooking someone's pet chocobo.
its always the same fucking woman huh
Cook books and cooking is a meme
if you can’t cook you’re retarded
You can play FFXIV in China?
This makes sense, wide variety of different meals with different origins and its neat to see what substitutes they have for fantasy animals.
This doesn't, because nowhere in mainline or wars or the phone games do you have churros, po'boys, fried fish, burger towers, kung pao, and pomegrante juice.
This one makes sense even if its just a vintage collection of silden generation-baby boomer recipes
And the gimmick for this one being all or mostly street food is neat I guess
anyone have the PDF or ePUB?
she cant keep getting away with it
>anyone a nigger?
Buy the goddamn book
How does miss Rosenthal keeps getting away with it?
Are these all the same fucking cookbook or something and this Rosenthal merchant just changes the cover or are they actually discrete?
smart people exploiting morons
She probably just changes the recipe names to fit the game.
No there's different stuff.
wow can you stop being anit-semetic
I want a Rainbow Six Siege official cookbook
Should I get a cookbook?
I like the FFXIV one because it does already have a lot of recipes within the game as well as a whole crafter job where you cook shit. All the other franchises' cookbooks are fucking stupid though.
isn't there one for World of Warcraft?
do you like cooking?
There are millions upon millions of recipes available online.
>no Cooking Mama cookbook
>CUL gets a cookbook
>ALC, ARM, BSM, CRP, GSM, LTH, WVR get nothing
Explain this.
I thought the official Halo cookbook was just Doritos and Mountain Dew.
she can't write them that fast
Get this one.
>inspired/based on the franchise instead of actual in-game foods
Fuck off with that gay shit. I remember there was a recipe site that actually tried to recreate in-game food items though, but it was kill not long after I found it. Forgot what the name was
>cookbook by a car guy
It's a great argument on why you should not get this book.
It’s one shitty YouTuber that got popular and now every company is licensing her to make video game cookbooks
If some faggots actually want to see the recipes online instead of booting up all of the games, I'll make one
>no monhun cookbook
You should watch his Youtube show. It's amazing
what did you think it was gonna be your dumbfuck, chocobos dont exist
Recipe Reborn, and they are basically the same as someone who tried the recipes she made and now owns the book.
Sorry, wasn't intending to reply, my mouse was acting up >595513250
He's most famous a car guy but he does a whole bunch of random shit. One of his latest shows was being a dork in Japan and he had a show that was literally rebuilding stuff like a lawn mower that had been taken apart
>tfw I get really mad when people have a little fun with a goofy cookbook
I still think it's cool.
Chef Tomboy?
I know that feel you feel so well.
The thing is you would be getting this book for the entertainment aspect and not for the recipes themselves. If you want to learn to cook something normal there are far better resources for this than his cookbook.
>Meol is described as bland
>Add coconut into it
>cover includes the crystals of all the worst jobs in the game
Lmao, it's like they're trying to tell you that the book might be shit.
None of those are bad except maybe DRK but it just got Living Dead fixed.
MCH is pretty bad in SB and EW.
>He needs a cookbook
Cooking is easy. Just slap together whatever sounds good. Christ.
I didn't even notice the MCH crystal.
I got this as a gift, it's cute.
I did not need to see this
Literally this.