>Japanese game
sucks off Edo period with samurais, kabuki, etc
Fucking hell dude, where is my American/European Colonial era representation? Am I just stuck with Ass Creed and RTSes?
Japanese game
There are a lot of japanese retro stuff dealing with the time period, especially koei's
yes, youre stuck. there might be some obscure ones in the past, but no new ones will ever be made.
Are you implying the Japanese should make video games about America’s shitty nonhistory?
No, I'm saying they (and the nerd world at large regardless of country) have an overabundance of media based around old Japan. That's neat, but in comparison media focused on the west's 1500-1700s is rather sparse. Partial conversation starter, partial fishing for good recs.
You get what you deserve you worthless tranny worshipping faggot.
make your own game
>invaded country
>had pissfight with Brits
It's nothing impressive as a history, and all culture in America comes from non-Anglo immigrants post-1700
Because American history as well as early warfare is boring as shit
People would go "muh Natives" if they tried.
They used to.
Good. "American history" just means genocide and slavery. There's nothing else of note.
kek. ok, weeaboo.
What's stopping a game revolving around the Powhatan tribe that met the Jamestown colonists?
Also The American Revolution must have been quite the pissfight for both the Spanish and the French to come bring their armadas over to give Cornwallis 'army a royal ass whooping.
A game set in that time period now would be a marxist deconstruction of the heroes who fought in the revolutionary war through the eyes of an escaped African American, in order to highlight the structural inequality experienced by minorities at the hands of anglos.
Ass Creed 3 did this already by ruining the characters of notable heroes like Charles Lee.
Not like native american history is any more interesting.
Americans hate their past the most, so they will never EVER get a good history game
There were fewer than 3 million natives in the US during America's founding, the majority of all natives were in South America avoiding harsh winters and enjoying better agriculture.
The genocide myth was perpetuated in the mid-20th century, while disease took its toll, the bigger change in the population was caused by an ungodly amount of intermarriage. Turns out Native women knew the way the wind spirits were advising them to join.
>implying i like Japan or America
>some of the "Americans" were Euros
>they entered into mutually beneficial alliances to get support troops from Europe to secure shit like trade deals and future troop support after independence
Wow, so interesting. What a rich cultural story.
Sid Meier's Colonization
What's native american for "massa" ?
People want to play knights with swords, whether euro or Japan. No one wants to play some fag in tights and a wig running around with a musket
>The genocide myth was perpetuated in the mid-20th century, while disease took its toll, the bigger change in the population was caused by an ungodly amount of intermarriage
Support this with a source or gtfo. America's actions are well-documented, including the "residential schools" in America and Canada post-colonisation
Why don't you go ask your american developers to make one?
Whatever happened to Kou Shibusawa?
did Kessen really kill his career?
Complete with many sources, enjoy.
no true. i would love a total war game centered around the civil war. too bad nuCA sucks ass
>conspiracy theorist linking to other conspiracy theorists
Holy shit I love Japanese takes on American history. This pic is apparently of George Washington being guided by Lady Liberty into battle, drawn in 1861. They draw John Adams swordfighting huge snakes and shit.
Hasn't Japan already made a fair few medieval european games already?
Put a samurai in revolution 1700s or civil war 1800s
>all claims sourced from several papers
Might as well be a meta-analysis.
Do not for a second imply games like Ghost of Tsushima is not dramatized the same way a Call of Duty campaign is, there is nothing stopping the colonel west from doing the same.
Squaw or something like that.
colonialism bad
all the nigs and spics and asians who were colonized would boycott the game and threaten the devs
There's Holdfast: Nations at War, as well
The colonial era does not make for exciting gameplay as is, because itd be shit for character-controlled combat just because of the style of war that was done at the time. The only things exciting about early America was its political shenanigans uptill Andrew Jackson, then again to post-Civil War westward expansion and Western games
>American/European Colonial era representation
That's pirate era bro, it's represented well enough
Pirates bro
Where's the vidya adaptation holy shit
Pirates is an entirely different setting than the American colonial era
Spaced apart by about 100 years, and while technically the same location are massively different locales
Like saying Black Flags and Ass Creed 3 are the same setting
>Am I just stuck with Ass Creed
It was a pretty good representation though
Name one (1) Japanese game about the Edo period, it's always either the Sengoku/Azuchi-Momoyama period or the Bakumatsu
Ghost of Tsushima
Do you even know what the Edo period is?
>Like saying Black Flags and Ass Creed 3 are the same setting
They are, you even have Florida in Ass 4 hard to argue that's an entirely different setting from Ass 3, just a different part of the same setting
not him but isn't that when edo (tokyo) became the seat of the shogunate or something? before it was kyoto
That IS the Edo Period. It's all Tokugawa Shogunate.
>no Dynasty Warriors: American Revolution edition where you choose one of the founding fathers and mow down thousands of redcoats
Based history ignorer
>Trash tier art
I suppose certain things will never change.
The Mystical Ninja games
The Tenchu games
Bushido Blade
Muramasa the Demon Blade
All of the Way of the Samurai games except the third one.
Post the one where Ben Franklin or another founding father has a fuck-huge cannon.
He's not talking about Japanese made games retards. He's talking about why the setting is rarely used period. Even the west has made more feudal era Japan games than they have age of sail or shot'n'pike. Europeans we're actually traveling and conquering the world while the nips were on their backwater fighting one another but it's hardly done in games outside of rts
On the off chance that you aren't trolling, Ghost of Tsuhima is set in 1274 while the Edo period begins in 1603
Why does japan understand SOVL of america better than americans?
so why dont the japs hate us for nuking them? I'm sure many do but not nearly enough as I thought. apparently they still like the US to constantly have representations of US culture in their media almost always in a positive light
Cause there's little record of wars and battles prior to the arrival of the Euros. I bet that if the natives had proper writing and had recorded their disputes over land it'd make for a good basis for movies/games.
The only thing the Japanese understand are homosexual cartoons and being mindless drones.
The US did a lot of propaganda work after WW2 was over, same in Western Germany
Sorry but that is highly problematic, unless we make proper adjustments to show how western history was really like: black and female.
I'd be willing to bet it was more like a bunch of plainsniggers skirmishing and raping/cannibalizing each other instead. more like starvation simulator
and yet germans hate us by and large, I'm not surprised just trying to figure out what the difference is, though we do have an active military base that is the cause of a lot of it
literally kill yourself immediately
Nigga just accept no one cares about your Colonial period. People think Cowboys are cool, which is why we get cowboy games in every genre, but no one really gives a damn about your independence movement. It's one of the billions that exist.
>he didn't play warband colonial and western mods
Sounds like a viking game but set in America.
Because Japanese history is actually rich and interesting US is just discount british history but more retarded with extra racism.
Tell us some "interesting" Japanese history.
Are there any Meiji restoration games?
japan wins again
american funding rebuilt japan bigger and better than ever
Go back to Europe, mutt.
Pirates are colonial period and people love that shit.
>and yet germans hate us by and large
Not really, honestly. I mean, at least not in Western Germany.
t. German
actually I'm in Europe right now
not in England though
They love American culture like everyone else. Also they know they did wrong and deserved to be nuked.
Do woketards really believe that or is this bait?
Not even american but your history is pretty cool dude
Good. If your kind stayed there instead of fucking up other countries you'd be better off now.
the extremely cruel conscription and 'no one gets captured alive' stung far more than being conquered by a foreign power, because you could argue that cruelty from one's homeland is worse than from a conqueror. the whole 'culture of cute' thing stemmed from that. also, while we did bend them over a barrel, we turned them into an economic superpower. japanese standard of living went up greatly in just 1 generation
That's clearly not what was implied by OP's pic or use of AC as an example of a game that delved into the period. If he had wanted he'd have said "where's my pirate games?" but there's a trillion of them so that line of thought would be stupid.
you have a piss poor understanding of vikings then
I'm British. White America's a complete culture vacuum that's only existed for 200 years
I'm comin home in about 6 weeks
The sengoku period alone is more interesting than the entirety of American """history""" and then you have Edo period, Boshun War and Imperial Japan afterwards which were all kino as well.
Cool. I hope a non-white shoots you :)
post your hand abdul-ranjeet
Nice goalpost moving faggot he said people weren't interested in colonial era games only to be proven wrong.
yet you come to our messageboards speaking our language
yes, our language. we're appropriating it. you speak American now and you're our colony
Kek, project elsewhere, mutt.
I'll shoot your mom
with cum
in her pussy
Before America ruined it, Edo period was the pinnacle of Eastern culture.
US turned Japen in to a rich society, nothing there to hate really.
American history is racist
>The Onin War
>The Sengoku, culminating in the Battle of Senjogahara (and maybe even including the Battle of Osaka Castle if you're a Yukimura Sanada fan)
>The Bakumatsu
Great Ace Attorney is Meiji-era and Victorian England
>budget China
>pinnacle of Eastern culture
Because Japan remembers Eagleland better than we do
what's wrong with killing indians anyway?
They invade, kill and rape each other for years before the white man arrived but when the white man steamrolls over their shit they're the bad guys?
GoT2 setting centers around Imjin Wars with new samurai protagonist.
Yor kidding right, you call american history racist, kek, britain was way worse.
Both nations have great history, you cant hate, but should not act based on feelings. Americans history is indeed rich.
would pay for a Trump voice pack
Not him but most of Japanese games both Japanese-made and foreign-made are Edo period due to the simple fact that the grand majority of exported Japanese tropes (for the gaijin) and romanised history (for the yamadas) comes from that period.
There are always ninjas or geishas, daimyous, stashed double-sword, andon lanterns, tower castles, shamisen music, tiled roofs, etc. in there somewhere.
Genuine attention to historical Japanese fashion/architecture/technology is something you get in one work every decade or so.
Why people keep watching Calarts?
Greedfall has a colonial setting albeit fictitious but it has niggers.
The nukes weren't as bad as the firebombing of Tokyo, and the US lent a lot of money and resources helping Japan recover and rebuild specifically so it wouldn't foment a rebellion. Because WW2 taught us that punishing the losers of war like we did after WW1 creates generational resentment
When they lost the Japanese expected to be turned into a literal colony of sex slaves (like they were doing to Korea and China). But that didn't happen and the US promised to return full sovereignty of Japan within 10 years if they behaved themselves. Which they did
Then with Russia building their own nukes and China going full communist the alliance with the US seemed rational
No, western Germany was specifically forced bu Europe to adopt Holocaust curriculum in their schools and to march their citizens through the death camps. Japanese school curriculum just kind of glosses over WW2 and doesn't acknowledge that they did the same shit in other asian countries. Partially because the US didn't care all that much, but also because Japanese right-wingers are still in denial and go apeshit if you mention Korean sex slaves