You do still lift right bro? Gaming isn't a excuse to be a fat fuck anymore.
You do still lift right bro? Gaming isn't a excuse to be a fat fuck anymore
don't care, i will never get laid anyway
You shouldn't be lifting for a femoid anyway faggot.
The amount of fallacies in your post are enough to make an entire people sink into ignorance
I lifted for the focusmaxx in games
I am dangerously underweight actually
never did, I have some equipment at home but there's no way I'm spending what little money I have on the gym jew
>Lifting to get laid
>Not lifting for yourself
Yes I got a deadlift pb today
I have AIDS from sucking too much penis
I keep going on and off and each time I go off, my weight shoots up. It's warmer now so I can go back to the gym and not worry about my sweating clothes freezing in the car.
Is a tractor tire and sledgehammer a good thing to start with if I want to lose weight and gain a bit of muscle, or is that a meme?
I wanna start Judo
I'm looking to lose some weight before I do some bulking, hopefully at the same time I find a new job so I can spend more on food.
I'm 6'1 and 175lbs and still feel like I could probably lose another 10-15 lbs before I actually look thin.
anyone can get laid, it doesn’t matter how fat ugly/socially awkward you are, there is always a woman out there for you
If you spend more than 30 minutes here per day, it's unlikely you will have ever made it.
just pick a fugly woman and be happy, user.
Lifting won't get you laid either. I know, I've tried and most of /fit/ can back me up here.
I still lift because it makes me feel better and I like the feeling of being strong.
>Unironically being a gym rat
Aside from doing simple short strength exercises at home why would you ever waste hours in the gym if you're not even going to use that strength in your day to day life.
>girl told me to "go a little bit slower please, its too big"
Feels good. But ultimately meaningless, the real meat and potatoes is in getting her to date you and connecting with her on an emotional M28ym
Absolutely a dumb meme. Just do Starting Strength (Stronglifts)
I'm doing pretty well, it's the people I hang out with that seem to have issue.
>have fat friend
>hound him for months about losing weight
>keep making fun of him every time he eats anything
>make a point of theatrically drinking from water bottle when he's drinking soft drinks
>couldn't meet up for a while, says he's started exercising
>ask what
>"swimming, user, doing about 6 km a week"
>start laughing uncontrollably, make whale noises and tell him to stoo wasting his time on meme shit and get a gym membership if he's serious
>"yeah okay I'll think about it"
>look dejected for no reason and ends up snacking later that day
He's a fun guy, but his choices in life are frustrating to say the least.
Because gym bros are trying to hit on each other, I mean chicks bro
Flipping it or dragging it by rope would be fine but sledgehammer is absolutely a meme.
>not swimming and lifting
Bro, Swimming is a great full body medium resistance endurance activity.
I love lifting.
didn't know crabs were so based
You should be exercising so you can defend the ones you love
>Friend actually caves to the bullying
>Loool fucking faggot you actually started exercising?
Off yourself
People are just retarded and don't think about how much money they'd save with a home gym. That being said, unless you have a place for pullups, a 45lbs barbell and at least 305lbs in plates and some bands for face pulls, warm up and recovery, your training is really suboptimal and not at all comparable to what someone with access to a gym can achieve.
Great bait
I want to listen to elden ring soundtrack while lifting but spotify wont let me :(
i've never loved anyone
Was 138 kg on February.
Currently 131 kg and I enjoy my workout.
Just started Elden Ring.
Gymcels are retarded
>someone doing workouts numerous times everyday at home
>someone who goes to the gym once or twice a week for an hour or two and eats fast food afterwards
The ancients didn't need all this training equipment, neither do you
Just do calisthenics. Why care about lifting 300 pounds. Especially if you're just looking to be less fat
Good job, fatbro. We're all gonna make it.
Went to the gym 4 days a week for 5 months and made no gains. Don’t care anymore I’m overweight now but still go in to work up a sweat a couple of times a week
Yes it's leg day today. I don't like it but I still do them twice a week
Based niggerman
Oh I didn't fix it oh well
>Lose 13 kg after starting wfh
>Only real reason I can think of is eating two slices fewer of bread per day
I don't lift, I don't care about getting big.
I practice Muay Thai 3 times a week and do some basic no-equipment workout at home the other days.
Getting big is for fags.
Every faggot that LARPs as a muscular gigachad is either a lanky skeleton or overweight.
im a powerlifter bro
Bruh, I train 2-3 days a week. I'm not roiding so it's not like I'd see substantial gains from lifting every day or even multiple times a day.
I do the same shit I used to do when I still went to the gym, except I only paid $600 for my equipment once instead of paying $500 a year.
Calisthenics is suboptimal for most people and doesn't give you clear progression which is important for building muscle. It's also wholly insufficient to train legs. No fucking pistol squat comes anywhere close to squatting 360lbs or deadlifting 405lbs.
This. calisthenics everyday is more worthwhile than "hardcore" lifting a few times a week
If you don't have a home gym I feel for you. Public gyms are ass
>Body weight exercising are not as strenuous as lifting weights
No shit you retard. It's also wholly unnecessary unless you are aiming to become the next terminator
Lifting is about making your brain release dopamine and satisfying autistic needs to hit certain weights not sex
Used to be able to do 1/2/3/4 for reps, then I started working more.
Miss it a little bit, but don't miss having to eat so much food. Now I can eat a small meal for lunch and have a shake for dinner and be just fine.
Still do chin-ups and some dumb dumbbell exercises ofc, but far from what I was before.
I worked out for a month and barely saw shit its a scam
I managed to stick to an exercise regiment for like 4 months and then uni started and it all fell apart.
But martial arts faggots told me that you didn't need strength to make someone spin in the air???????
Lol if you're skinny you could've gotten a six-pack within that time doing sit-ups
Nta but you can't get a 6 pack in a month lol
is it possible to have a consistent routine with antipsychotics
If you're skinny enough, it atleast starts to form
I've been training all winter and I only got fatter despite being having more speed, flexibility, strength, and stamina than last year.
Tell me your stats Yea Forums
>Chubby physique
If that's true every skeleton could go get a 6 pack whenever they wanted but that's not how it works. It takes at least 2-3 of ab work to get it showing
Skinnyfat but you can see my abs
if youre fat swimming just means floating on the water retard
Yea Forumsirgins at it's comedy peak
>every skeleton could go get a 6 pack
They could, but won't
Stopped lifting when I quit my job. I hope I have proper living schedule again soon
Thai 4x/week here (When I don't skip any at least), I just started lifting as well because it's taking a toll on my oldfag body, knees, lower back and shoulders specifically. I usually hate lifting though
I'm aiming to become the strongest version of myself I can achieve naturally. Can't do that with calisthenics alone but they're part of my training regimen. You do what you want, just don't spout bullshit about how lifting weights isn't necessary like you know everyone's goals.
>74 kg
> You do still lift right bro?
I was, then I got this chronic pain in my left wrist for a few months and stopped.
Im not going to do anything that threatens my passion: vidya.
Yeah unlike you saying it is necessary because you know everyone's goal right
Don't know how far gone you are, but do yourself a favor and still try to eat plenty of meat and lift at least once a week. When my life got more stressful the last 2 years, I would lift 1 or 2 a week or sometimes even skipping 1-2 weeks but I still managed to keep most of my muscle. It's ridiculous how easy it is to maintain muscle compared to building it and you're really doing yourself a disservice by letting it waste away.