Utter shit. Don't care at all for the story or characters.
Utter shit. Don't care at all for the story or characters
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Same for all DLCs and all characters in NV.
but it had the best pistol in the game
Joshua was based
Thats it. Thats the whole dlc
>Kill some random NPC that looked like an enemy
>get locked out of the entire DLC
i realized new vegas is a technical piece of dogshit and has pathetic gameplay. its writing isnt even very good. its better than fo3 but really both games are objectively fucking terrible. I dont know how we all fell under their spell.
The entirety of New Vegas is bad since all it has is story and characters but no gameplay. Thinking about playing NV is much better than actually doing it.
Common trait for NV. Overwritten boring ass characters.
Minsc from Baldurs Gate had more personality and character development in his battle cries than every single NV companion combined.
Go back to Fallout76
On a related note, isn't it fucking weird that the DLCs for New Vegas shove a whole bunch of predetermined backstory on the protagonist, completely destroying the player's own roleplay?
This is completely overlooked, yet it's complained about for the Fallout 4 protagonist endlessly.
I'm sorry you think NV is Moby Dick, but it sucks
NV is more comparable to a Paul Verhoeven movie than high literature
Joshua Graham was actually underwritten and overrated. His arc was considerably undermined by the fact that they had to condense the story down into one DLC, so the whole theme of him being a militant religious fanatic who inspires aggression out of his tribe is something that is never fully demonstrated, and as a result Daniel seems like a retard by comparison.
yeah it's weird, the nv dlc was pretty bad in general and felt like a different game
i think it was made by different teams
Honest Hearts is the only dlc led by the original team
more like paul lovesshittinghispantsoven LMAO
Zion was great, the tribal violence was great, Joshua was great, the loot was great, the only thing that wasn't was Daniel. And even he has some merit.
>Kill bunch of NPCs with prominent white and red paint on them
>See guy who does not have white and red paint shoot a guy in white and red paint
>"Wow, he must be an enemy if he's killing my enemies!"
gameplay wise only lonesome road was good. story wise only dead money was good.
Claims they ween't overwritten and uses the volumes written to back that up.
Do you know what overwritten means? Less is more. You don't need an encyclopedic background backstories to make interesting characters. Obsidian has never learned this.
It isn't. PV at least had humor that lands and is fun. Dialogue is also not overwrought
This was the least good, but I wouldn't call it bad. The worst part about it is that Joshua's endings are the only ones that make any sense, with sparing Salt Upon Wounds being the clear better of those ones. It would be nice if Daniel wasn't as clearly a bitch, and anyone at all were happy with leaving the canyon. Fuck how he lied to Waking Cloud, and fuck that he's unhappy in all possible endings.
Yes. Joshua Graham was underwritten because he needed more writing to complete his character and make the whole DLC's themes come full circle. What don't you understand about that? He wasn't overwritten because he lacks everything which links his character to the plot and makes his backstory relevant.
Joshua was a legionnaire. He was a bad person for the longest time. In trying to find his redemption in the eyes of his god, his has prolonged the cycle of violence that Fallout as a setting tries so hard to warn about. Unfortunately, this is never a big deal because we don't see Joshua do anything extremely morally incomprehensible and thus Daniel is a pointless character.
Do you know what overwritten means? Because Joshua Graham is not overwritten. Execution is a vital part of the writing. If a character is overwritten they have more depth and execution than is necessary. Joshua doesn't. He needs more.
What you care for?
Okay tendie go back to playing Dora the Explorer
>get ambushed by tribals
>immediately afterwards have tribal approach me from a mile away in the same area, in orange filter game might I add
>expected to not shoot him
I'm sure this is some sick commentary in Sawyer's dumbass head.
If your retard brain mistakes green and brown for white and red, it's on you. You're just an ADHD retard who shoots first and got mad that the game punished you for not thinking for more than half a second at a time.
I agree that the backstory with le funny bear and bull man used to justify him being your nemesis/narrative foil or whatever was a bit too much for the standard blank slate narrative, but the courier and ulysses having history together isnt near as egregious for roleplaying as the sole survivor being either ex-military or a former lawyer (the two genders) suburbanite searching for their son
at least with the courier outside of the ulysses stuff they could realistically have been doing anything prior to the events of the game
This. Honest Hearts reused the tired old RPG cliche of having your character be the sole agent in giving another major character an epiphany, which completely undermines then natural trajectory of that character's arc, and lazily condenses it down to one moment of consideration.
Joshua Graham should've tried to become more merciful over the course of the story, and we should've seen that. Then when he falls back into old habits, the Courier could've called him out on it, so then he changes his ways. It shouldn't just be "Hey don't kill this murderer/rapist, spare him and become merciful, bro!" because that's completely unnatural and gives the player too much significance in the plot, which just kills the immersion since he's really not a member of the tribe nor is he anyone Joshua really has come to respect or admire.
They're tribals, they're all the fucking same, unless you zoom in with a scope you can't tell which subhuman color they're using.
>They're tribals, they're all the fucking same
Blatantly different color schemes of significantly different vibrance.
>unless you zoom in with a scope you can't tell which subhuman color they're using.
You know video games are for people who don't have cataracts, right?
if you post under this one your mother will get aids and die
definitely the weakest of the DLCs in terms of main storyline but still a fun experience.
joshua was a really unique and interesting character and zion is a fantastic sandbox. I think the tribal storyline could have benefitted more from making joshua's effects on the dead horses a bit more morally ambiguous so it's more of an interesting choice between him and daniel
The player can't see shit, Sawyer, your DLC is plagued with shit game design.
this isn't even b8, this is b7
It’s like every other DLC after Dead Money. Only good for the loot.
>Less is more.
Is this the most nebulous catchphrase passed off as writing criticism there is?
>The player can't see shit
>...Except the player's Courier highlights enemies when he zooms in from Boone's perk
>Can clearly see the White Leg getting highlighted red while Follows-Chalk does not
You couldn't have picked a worse video you fucking retard lmao
>Joshua was a legionnaire
He never was a "legionnaire". He was one of the founders of Legion, much like Caesar he knows it's a sham.
>genocide the entire clan
>Leave 1 guy alive
>You are forgiven :^)
What a shit writing. What's the point of letting him live after that?
>see a guy
>he's green on the radar
>whatever I just shoot him
>failed a bunch of quests
>reload save
What's people's problem with that?
Don't forget the compass literally points out hostile entities, and the non-hostile tribal doesn't have a red tickmark on the compass. You literally have to have ADHD to not notice he was non-hostile instead of shooting wildly, especially in a game where everyone including the protagonist is a bullet sponge so you can't cry "B-but they one-shot me!" even as an ENDlet on Very Hard.
>He never was a "legionnaire"
He was *the* Malpais Legate. Have you played the game?
>start DLC get attacked by tribals
>start shooting one of them but hes not red
>think he's a friend
>he isnt, I just have to wait for him to kill the rest of the caravan guys
>it happens again with some dude on top of a rock
>kill him after he does whatever he was doing
>follow the mission
>kill a guy named Daniel
>wonder why the fuck he has a name
>search it on google
>fucked up the whole DLC
>reload save
other than that i liked the DLC eventhough I didnt really care about anyone other than Joshua
Yeah, he was a Legate. Doesn't mean he believed in Caesar's idea. Unlike Lanius, his successor, which is 100% into that stuff.
The fuck are you talking about? He was the first legate in the Legion. And being a founder doesn't matter. He still did bad things. What a non-sequitur.
user, you can still do bad things without believing in it. Just believing in a cause doesn't make what you do acceptable.
Oh yeah, surely he did bad things. I mean, this is probably MORE incriminating. Somebody brought up in Legion culture doesn't really have a choice, their morals are heavily skewered.
Couldn't care less about shitter mechanics, let alone bugged ones that aren't supposed to happen and certainly don't on properly patched games.
>just rely entirely on the console player pacifier bro fuck immersion
>You literally have to have ADHD to not notice he was non-hostile instead of shooting wildly
Not wildly, you are still under fire from hostile tribals who just ambushed you.
>especially in a game where everyone including the protagonist is a bullet sponge so you can't cry "B-but they one-shot me!" even as an ENDlet on Very Hard.
So? Not like you can holster your gun and he'll stop being hostile.
>closes eyes while playing game
>"woooow why can't I see anything shit game design, no I won't use console baby pacifiers!"
Not in regards to video games. Video games are ideal for the show not method of storytelling. Far too many devs are self indulgent to a fault and ignore economy of words.
Any dialouge should take no more than two sentances to establish the character in a video game .
Very few devs understand the medium they work in.
>woooow why didn't you just look at the pacifier instead of playing the game
>by the way let me TP you to the next quest lol
>fast travel? nah bro, you gotta have a scripted encounter first
>here's a locker lol
>Not wildly, you are still under fire from hostile tribals who just ambushed you.
So you're flat-out lying. That White Leg Follows-Chalk shoots is the last one in the encounter, the only way any would still be shooting at you would be if you went on - as I said - a retarded ADHD shooting spree without paying attention and basically ran past half of the enemies. And again, if you're "still under fire" even if you have 1 END on Very Hard you're not gonna get one-shot, you have enough time to look at the clearly different-looking tribal to figure out what the fuck makes them different. You're trying to justify playing an RPG like Call of Duty and failing miserably.
Christ, even DSP has more brain cells than your retarded ass
It is your faukt you shot the hostile.
There is dumb and then there is what you just said.
>console player pacifier
Only a console player on a TV 10 feet away from them wouldn't be able to tell apart Dead Horses and White Legs by the very blatantly different color schemes.
The absolute cope and damage control lmao
Yes, you stupid nigger, the two tribals are the tail end of the ambush which Shoot-Me-Please is part of. Fucking hell, it's just bandwagoning non-playing redditor cultists left talking about NV left, Honest Hearts being garbage was always a consensus, go back to your yearly Fromshit.
>the two tribals are the tail end of the ambush which Shoot-Me-Please is part of
The one who doesn't shoot at you at all after he kills the White Leg that you can't miss unless you have blatant ADHD?