what the fuck went wrong?
What the fuck went wrong?
Is this yuri?
Arguably yes but not really.
Nothing? It was really good, especially the prequel with Jacopo and Morgana. Most coomers just expected some nukige and ended up being disappointed by it. This is a VN for those that prefer the spiritual and pure side of love, rather than the carnal one.
>what the fuck went wrong?
absolutely nothing, best boy did nothing wrong
He did everything wrong, but I guess he deserved a chance.
write the entire plot here
A little too long and drawn out. By the time you decide to save the witch I had already emotionally checked out.
it's fantastic
>turns it all around in the modern day sequel and finally gets his jailbait gf
How did they get away with this?
You're cursed by a witch.
Did I miss something? I read it all and even the prequel thing, both of the two things in steam, but don't recognize this picture
The localization
Worst VN ever written I genuinely despise it and any pedantic fuck that thinks it's good.
Go back to your shitty chuuni VNs.
She turned 16 so it's fine.
It's just official art.
tranny vn
Read more VNs or just an actual book you fat nigger. I'd call it entry-level but it's such a snoozefest that I'm not even labelling it as such. It's boring contrived garbage that has a couple promising moments in part 4 and 5. It has no merit other than the atmosphere but even that is lost when things start to get 'revealed'. It's shit, you're shit and fuck you. The characters are all faggots so maybe you relate to them and in that case I understand.
The fact that I personally do not get to marry and impregnate Giselle. Other than that, the game's perfect
>literally tortures and then murders his gf
>causes her so much pain, she goes on a millennia long revenge spree
>still gets that sweet pussy in the end
How can one man be so based?
Why do you think it's the worst? I found it to be pretty decent. I admit it was a little too cheesy at times but it wasn't overbearing
Biggest waste of time ever. I also hold a personal grudge against it because it was one of a few VNs in my backlog and it put me off the entire medium for a while after finishing it. Though I guess I'm grateful to it for teaching me to drop stuff the moment I feel like it's garbage rather than pushing on to see some boring character development and contrived ending that people somehow think is good
Why do you think it was a waste of time. I liked the atmosphere and the music if nothing else, even though I agree that I only liked door 3, Giselle's flashback and the final chapter
kek it was funny if nothing else. She wasn't even an actual tranny, kinda like beatrice in Umineko. Both didn't deserve it because they were abominations not by choice
sex with dearest mell
Be honest anons was the Michel/Michelle thing really that divisive for you? I didn't feel like it was tranny propaganda or that his desire to be seen as a man was stupid. I felt bad for him and I don't know if it's because of the writing but not once I thought the guy to be a woman whereas I am unable to accept FTM trannies
It's Gothic, tragedy, kino.
Always felt to me like he was just a guy born without properly formed genitals
Don't they even mention him having Adam's Apple?
It was decent but it loses it halfway through
Actually rather meh contrary to what some believe. There were a couple good tracks but nothing god tier memorable like in umineko and whatever else. Also got very repetitive but that's kind of unfair to be specific to this VN for because it's an issue with half of the entire medium.
and for the story
>door 1,2 and 3
Shitty 'muh tragedy' endings that were mostly frustratingly dumb. The writer can't do tragedy or anything interesting for shit.
Dumbest most boring shit ever.
The only character that was remotely interesting was Jacopo but that's destroyed with all his bitching about his faggot wife that he put in the jail himself. It's stupid and annoying.
>the rest of it
Couple good moments here in door 4 and 5 but that's about it. The rest of it is uninteresting filler, their love story was meh and their individual backstories slogged on for an eternity.
The ending is contrived shit and every way they try to tie things up comes out of nowhere because of 'muh cursed house i dunno'. It's set up as some kind of mysery that idiots have described to be like umineko but literally nothing happens with that initial premise.
There's never been a visual novel that I've finished and not bothered to glance at any side content but fata morgana was the first. As soon as in the after party they started explaining the themes of each character I closed the game and deleted it. Thank fuck I didn't buy it on steam at least, I never want to remember all that bullshit.
you will never be a woman
you're an ultra-giga retard
see and respond to that instead
why does every thread have a retard like this guy now? like clockwork, everytime you try to discuss something good there's one guy trying to display his shit taste to the world like anybody gives a fuck
Because I genuinely despise the VN and want nobody else to get memed into reading it.
>author confirmed that Michel still doesn't have a dick in the modern times
What went wrong with this thread is that I have not seen this posted yet.
Otherwise it's an easy 10. One of the few good vns.
>make all that horrible shit that happens with every character, to the point where it's almost comical
>big reveal is that character is a tranny
>somehow tries to equivocate all that horrible shit like being literally tortured and raped for years to "my fee fees being hurt cause they misgendered me"
I can understand people who love this VN, I can understand people who didn't like some of the touchy moments and thought it was cheesy or whatever.
What I can't understand is people who think it's terribly bad and the worst VN in the universe. I mean cmon, there's no way these people are not just being shitposters.
>One of the few good vns
as expected, morganakeks are all entry level retards
read the thread
>Westoids wank Umineko
>Tranny twist
>Westoids wank Morgana
>Tranny twist
Something is suspicious here. Do all the VN do this creepy shit
Is anyone able to explain why __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SHOULD I CARE??
I'm curious, do you read any entry level gothic novels like Wuthering Heights? If they are similar I'm gonna pass on this VN cuz I hate this particular shit.
>morganakeks are all entry level retards
Not him but I also love this VN and I'm someone who has learned Japanese (above N1 at least) quite a while ago and has been reading/playing these in Japanese for years which is to say I'm obviously FAR from entry level. Assuming you don't know Japanese then I've definitely 100% played stuff you haven't even touched yet.
What's the excuse then?
it helps that morgana and umineko are among the only VNs that you can recommend to a normalfag knowing he wont run into creepy loli porn or whatever else
The Michelle shit was fucking retarded and Giselle and Michel are the worst characters in their own VN
did you miss the part where the main character was locked in a room and subjected to torture for exended periods of time
Isn’t there Steins Gate, Ever/17 and Utaware whatever as VNs that don’t have porn?
>What I can't understand is people who think it's terribly bad and the worst VN in the universe.
It literally fucking is, apart from untranslated kusoge no one gives a shit anyway. It is so terribly written, the music and visuals don't save it.
yes, it's literally just a guy who was born deformed
Name vns where characters are not written in the typically autistic style of most vns/anime in general. You cannot pull anything from the top 10 of VNDB either. I will wait.
finally read this the other month and thought it was simply okay, I really liked the music and the atmosphere, some tracks reminded me of keigo hoashi's work in drakengard/nier/yuki yuna but the story itself went downhill for me as it progressed, I don't really mind suffering however it feels like they really overdid it with this, you finally reach the point where the MC is confronting morgana and she literally hypes up her backstory and how much she suffered, how they won't handle it and shit, it seems bizarre like there's a disconnect between the narrative and what the reader should feel, it also numbs you because every character has some tragic backstory where they suffered for decades, by the 4th or 5th time I was getting told yet another unfortunate tale I stopped caring
this disconnect can also be applied to how the narrative is told, it's a story about people telling stories, it's as if you were playing an old school RPG with random encounters every 5 steps but instead of a monster you get someone's backstory for a couple minutes to hours, I mean thinking about what "really" happened so to speak, the MC just wandered around the mansion for a bit and fixed things, it gets even sillier near the end game because the characters just outright start doing the "let me tell you about my backstory now" routine and it gets tiring quickly, I wish more things happened in the narrative itself instead of it being flash back city for 95% of it
finally I didn't care too much for the MC's whole saint routine where he just takes it every time and forgives everyone, I get that's the whole point of their character but at the same time it doesn't mean I have to enjoy it, felt like shirou's retardation in the fate route but on actual steroids considering how much bullshit he just accepts
That happened to pretty much everyone so I don't get why she's supposed to special in that regard
MC literally had nothing to do with everyone getting tortured
the white haired girl isn't Michel
If this was real life? Sure. But this is a written piece of fiction. You know exactly what the writers intended with him, stop pretending you fucking faggots.
Every bitter post shitting comprehensively on a game tends to omit an alternative good suggestion
If you say saya no uta then get fucked
>the MC is confronting morgana and she literally hypes up her backstory and how much she suffered, how they won't handle it and shit, it seems bizarre like there's a disconnect between the narrative and what the reader should feel, it also numbs you because every character has some tragic backstory where they suffered for decades, by the 4th or 5th time I was getting told yet another unfortunate tale I stopped caring
Are you me? Exact same thoughts. It felt so incredibly pretentious.
when did I ever say she was retard? that's an enormous leap, I don't understand your comprehension at all
He's not a tranny, he was a male born with some hormonal condition that led to him having malformed genitals. It's not even his only malady because he's also an albino and kind of sickly and frail in general. His parents assume he's a girl because his sexual organs are mangled at birth, and it becomes obvious he isn't one once he goes through puberty.
It's just an unfortunate guy being born with a medical condition. Not comparable to being born with a perfectly healthy body but wanting to mutilate yourself because you want to be the other sex.
>rape is... le horrible
no but they are basically all garbage, do NOT believe VNfags lies
>Assuming you don't know Japanese then I've definitely 100% played stuff you haven't even touched yet.
Making this assumption on Yea Forums of all places is pretty silly. I'm not fluent but I've read one untranslated eroge which was decent.
>What's the excuse then?
I dunno, I guess you're an outlier. Everyone I've come across that likes the VN is a pedantic shithead obsessed with literary tropes and aesthetics.
Anybody who says 'one of the few good things in x medium' is a retard and not worth discussion with. It proves inexperience with art in general and I'm not going to change your rigid mindset so there's no point. Fuck off.
Saya is a good VN but I wouldn't recommend it as some kind of alternative to the house in faggot morgana. It's probably the best short VN I've read.