The best thing about elden ring is its soundtrack. Everything else was was a downgrade from previous games in the series.
The best thing about elden ring is its soundtrack...
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I thought it’s the exact opposite, lol. Elden Ring is an upgrade over DS2 & DS3 in everything EXCEPT soundtrack
How can one man have such a bad taste. The soundtrack is completely forgettable.
Radagons theme is still an ear worm for me
Lichdragon fortissax, godskin apostle, mohg lord of blood, godrick the grafted and regal ancestor spirit are the best tracks from have ever made. You only think they're forgettable because they didn't have them play extremely loud like in previous games. Listen to them again and you'll most likely agree with me. They're beautiful songs.
Dark souls ils games never had a good soundtrack. Notice how people post the same tracks over and over again?
the only memorable track in the game was from dragonlord, and that's because it sounds kinda similar in some parts to this (1:31):
overall i liked DS3's music more, it felt more personal and pointed, i enjoy the variety in ER as it's not practically all done by yuka like 3 and Sekiro, gives yuka more of a chance to shine with her style while leaving the bombastic stuff to tsukasa, kudo, and shoi
I literally played the latter 2/3s of the game with music volume all the way to 0 and still think it's a 10/10. The music fucking sucks and your taste is shit.
The soundtrack is very forgettable, the only good tracks are the field boss theme and the main theme.
Shit like Soul of Cinder or Ornstein & Smough, now that was some good fucking soundtrack.
The OST is trash bar for a few great ones like
>Lichdragon Fortissax
>Godskin Apostle
>Radagons theme
>Lords Apparition
>Margit's theme
the boss soundtracks in elden ring were forgetable fucking dogshit
pretty much every ambient soundtrack was either alright or good though
probably because every boss sountrack was just some orchestra with some oohs while the ambient soundstracks actually felt somewhat unique to the area you are in
First soulsborne game with an absolutely unremarkable soundtrack. First playthrough was 113 hours, not a single track stood out, can't remember a single piece of music.
Elden Ring has the best soundtrack out of all from games, are you all niggers deaf?
Absolutely based, some of these OSTs are the absolute best I've heard in ANY game, the boss musics at least the firelink/start screen music of other souls games are better
because you were overwhelmed by the game itself, close your eyes.. rest them for a minute while imagining this
I only like Godskin
the rest of the OST is a clear downgrade imo
still nothing in ER beats this:
Compared to every Das soundtrack where there are 2 memorable themes max, elden rings soundtrack was a breath of fresh air. Name me a track from any Das game that isn't the hub theme, the title theme or the final boss theme and is actually good.
Elden Ring music sucks dick. Bloodborne has arguably the best OST. Sekiro has far better music as well.
>Sekiro has far better music as well.
>Sekiro soundtrack
Pleb taste, if Sekiro's instrumentation didn't rub you the wrong way because of the complete lack of traditional japanese instruments in a gme set in japan idk what to say, the instrumentation is something you'd expect from a dark souls game, the instruments they use for the soundtrack are completely out of place in the setting.
The soundtrack has with shit like this, completely in line with what you'd expect from the setting, and then the composer shits on it by using brass and generic orchestral instrumentation in the main boss fights.
It's completely mogged by Bloodborne's soundtrack.
The only standout tracks are maybe tree sentinel and the menu theme, since they're the only ones that have any sort of melody. I would argue the opening theme is pretty generic, it's just catchy.
Even that and the other "ok" tracks are pretty forgettable compared to other OSTs in the series, even if they're good for ER.
>brass and generic orchestral instrumentation
add generic choir to it and you basically have summed up all the souls games post DS1, everything just starts sounding the same
only the original DeS and DaS1 have a somewhat unique soundtrack
The only good track is the Ancient Guardian because it isn't just generic strings. However, the songwriting is just flat out bad on that song, even though it's tonally different, so it's still a net loss.
DS2 had a soundtrack?
It has a great soundtrack but bloodborne absolutely blows it away.
that doesn't really grab my attention, though
i've always loved the buildup of the abyss watchers' music
Wasn't some of the soundtrack made by the Tenchu composer?
Tenchu 1 is legendary, it's a shame we don't get OSTs like this anymore.
>from previous games in the series
Don't pretend to be retarded. It's basically dark souls 4 in everything but name.
you mean demon souls 6
Some of the tracks are pretty good if you listen to them a couple times on youtube without the in-game noise blocking them out.
The problem is that none of them stand out on first listen or are catchy at all. Which is what elevates a good track to a great one, especially for a game.
I like everything that doesn't sound like ambiance and gregorian chants. I only liked the exceptions to the rule, which probably isn't a good thing when looking at the OST as a whole.
There are good themes but absolutely not that.
Also, is malenia's theme the only theme Kitamura worked on in this game?
There were Elden type games before Elden Ring?
I intentionally kited Ancestor Spirit for 10 minutes because the music made the boss fight so kino. But yes most of it is very forgettable.
>gregorian chants
Where did this game have those? I thought they would have been very fitting. I really wish the OST had more unique instrumentation than just strings and choir.
For example:
>pipe organ, maybe for Volcano Manor ambience / boss
>gregorian chants
>Angelic choir (no orchestration accompanying)
I think the only track that isn't generic instrumentation is Ancient Guardian.
I beg to differ. I've had mohg, fortissax and the godskin themes stuck in my head for days. And I stopped playing a week ago.
She must have done all the violin parts that are frankly eeeeeh
she did a bunch of ambient tracks and a couple major themes, earlier linked in the thread is the black knives track which is quintessential yuka, and she did renalla for a major theme.
i really liked her stuff in this game but it's hard to compare it against DS3
>It's basically dark souls 4
It's not though? The games are very different.
Which ones? I can't remember any violin parts in ER.
Most of it is gregorian chanting like
i'm illiterate when it comes to music so i have no clue how to describe it, but one thing i've noticed is that starting with DaS2, the games' music never really had any noticable or catchy melody in them (besides bloodborne, which i think had great music).
like, with DeS or DaS1, i could easily whistle or hum along with most of the music, but with the latter entries everything just felt like a giant orchestral clusterfuck with booming choirs and tons of instruments thrown inbetween, elden ring being no exception
Mohg had harpsichord, which was fitting. But yeah same issue as above, just because the track has unique instrumentation doesn't make it automatically good.
The harpsichord is still drowned out by the generic strings, and the song itself isn't anything to write home about. It's still one of the better tracks in the game, but that's not saying much.
Most of the bossfights have chanting going on toward the endgame. The one time its used really well is the Radagon cutscene when he hlds the hammer high and looks to you.
I don't wanna be that guy but you didn't get to endgame.
yeah the tracks should be catchy first and foremost. If it doesn't immediately click with what's going on in the game, it's a bad OST, even if you like the track on its own.
It's hard to notice the music in bossfights like this because it's almost always drowned out by how loud the boss is.
The soundtrack is trash for the most part lol.
Absolutely delusional.
I swear long ago when DaS2 was coming out I read in here somewhere that the series composer said in an interview that he just doesn't care much about the music and thinks of it as nothing but work and does the minimum that's expected of him.
Sometimes they just fuck it up and don't realize it. A 4 minute song isn't going to be understood in a bossfight you beat in 1 minute with sound effects and shit going off constantly.
I'm replaying bloodborne right now and there are a lot of songs that make me LET'S GO motherfucker.
>or some say kosm
>ah, you were at my side all along
Am I dumb? It literally starts with a string instrument, no? Maybe viola then
Not an argument. Concession accepted.
You fags lost the pvp war, you are going to lose this one too.
having the last minute of this track yelling at me louder and louder and drowning everything out while i was trying not to get grabbed and killed was pretty good
The only memorable Souls theme is the DS1 menu theme:
Kino shit right there. Load into this and you'd think, "Fuck yeah, some fantasy adventuring shit about to be happening now."
bloodborne is just what the doctor ordered after elden ring: a good game but disappointing in many ways mid-late game.
You can set the fucking sound settings to your liking, you retard. Why would that have an impact.
The tracks suck because they're poorly mixed uniform droning with no melody.
The best you get are 10 second snippets of something that is trying to stand out before it's back to more dull compressed farts.
It isn't my favorite, but I liked how they did an interstellar out of body experience vibe with this track.
its hard to argue against BB's music, it's not samples going through FLstudio, lots of different composers (though elden ring has ~5 i think), just the performances alone add a tremendous amount to the music
The majula theme is the most memorable music they made outside of BB
if it's one thing i've learned from bloodborne it's that when a boss fight is about to occur i crank sound volume down to 4-5 and always keep music at 10
Orphan of Kos and Vicar Amelia especially are ear grating
There isn't a single track in Elden ring as well made as midir and Gaels music, never mind bloodborne
>The only memorable Souls theme is the DS1 menu theme:
Fuck you nigger.
There is a fuckton of memorable tracks from DS1
>Moonlight Butterfly
>generic demon theme
>credits song
Shut up, bitch. I ain't a scrub so I ain't replaying O&S a million times to remember that theme. Fucking jive sucka.
Same. I keep subs on and turn voices down just enough to hear their accent.
I did the opposite for Godrick though.
I would have preferred him pontificating at me more instead of any music during his fight. Guy was a king.
and ofcourse, how could I forget
So you're just a troll, gotcha.
i would love for a boss to be verbal, you could conjoin it and make them sing at you for maximum ludokino
I'm not a troll, sucker. I'm just drunk,. Deal with it. But what I say is truth.
true, majula and the nexus had the best hub music
You're a nigger is what you are. Fuck off.
This is probably the best composed track in the series, maybe not the most "epic" or "kino" like some of the final boss themes, this track is memorable in that it has clear movements and doesn't just crescendo into crazed chanting like a lot of the final boss themes.
>yet another choir screeching
fucking YAWN
what you can't hum the tune of AAAAAAAAAAAAAA iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii EEEEEEEEEEE OOOOOOOOOOOOOO uuuuuuuuuu AAAA EEEE AAAA OOOO
No idea what you're talking about schizo
Godskin Duo is probably the most overrated track in this entire OST. There is nothing interesting to it.