why was it so forgettable?
Why was it so forgettable?
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It wasn't?
>Ulcerated Dragon bullshit in the middle of the city
Yeah fuck this place
because it's empty and it has no context. no NPCs, no quests, no story, no world-building
just like the entire game
it has all of those things if you're not retarded.
I found it to be the best dungeon FromSoftware ever made. But it’s exactly that, a dungeon, not a city
Wish we learned more about the different sieges
>have to read hidden text scroll and watch the lore video from Vaati to understand the game
shite design, mate
We have 46382246 Elden Ring lore threads reaching bump limit daily
While no one cares about the story of cinematic, verbose games one week after release
They’re doing something right
Good job proving his point.
t. spoonfed babby
go back to AssCreed, kiddo.
to be quite honest I thought it was the best "big city" in soulsborne thus far.
Leyndell was easily the best dungeon in the game. It felt fucking massive. Loved every minute of it.
>I can't put 1 and 1 together and need others to chew my food for me because my throat is swollen from all this dick I keep sucking
it's a "royal capital" the size of a village
not at all immersive or believable
I played the game completely "blind", didn't even watch any of the trailers, and still understood the lore enough to be engaged. You're just a braindead idiot.
bigger than any Bethesda "capital" for sure
Literal autists.
Think about the fact why no movie, tv series or book ever has relied on such autismal tactic about it's story/narrative. It's only found in video games because they know most "gamers" are fucking autistic and will take such treatment without questioning anything and think it's "deep"
Get help
>no movie, tv series or book ever has relied on such autismal tactic about it's story/narrative
Damn, it's almost like all of those are different media. Way to out yourself as a smoothbrain moviegame enjoyer, user.
>what a shit film. where's the plot, who are these people? the ending makes no sense.
>look at this place. it's empty, no context, no characters, no story. what a stupid film.
No one here thinks it's deep, that's what we are trying to tell you. That you are to retarded to put 2 and 2 together.
>can't stop posting about it
>Think about the fact why no movie, tv series or book ever has relied on such autismal tactic about it's story/narrative.
Why would I think about other mediums?
video games inherently can't simulate the feel of exploring a vast kingdom, that's why they should compromise and let your imagination fill in the gaps instead. leyndell feels too small because you can explore most of it and it's quite obviously a video game level, there are no inaccessible vistas and such to make the area feel larger than it is
Small, empty model city that obviously never had anyone living in it. No meaningful plot development. Copy pasted mini bosses.
It wasn’t horrible but I expected much more from the capital of the world were in
trolled le epic style xD
>I was just pretending to be retarded
A tale as old as time.
I expected at least like a handful of friendly npcs.
Anor Londo has real life paintings they copypasted from the internet and pretended were paintings in Gwyn's palace.
The environmental immersion in these games has never been perfect, but people really forget how flawed the older games were when they make these kinds of threads.
Good job calling out shit game design and triggering the FROM cult. Keep fighting the good fight.
they are indoctrinated from even before Dark Souls one, there is no hope for them. FROM can re-release Mass Effect Andromeda and they would still love it
>I can't enjoy a film unless there is blatant exposition, handing over all of the details on a silver platter for me to gobble down like the lazy fuck that I am.
it's okay to admit you're a child. mommy still cuts the crust off your sandwiches too, doesn't she?
>having to do actual WORK to understand a fucking video game
the absolute state of you
>NOOOOOOO user, you don't get it, there's so much deep lore and story! You just have to watch this 40 hour youtube series explaining all the reddit theories!
I wish i was being hyperbolic but fromdrones really do this
Why would anyone lie on the internet?
It's empty and 90% of it was just to fight reused enemies and more garbage items
>40 hours to understand something you're told about by multiple people throughout the game
If you have Down Syndrome, sure.
>It's empty
It's more alive than any other grand city in any previous souls game.
The Blair Witch Project had an accompanying website that had all the "lore" they left out of the film, and that film is a horror classic:
Do you people actually call them dungeons when you come across them? I just think "this is a mandatory castle. The tombs are more like dungeons
I think its because it was nothing but a barrage of annoying enemy encounters. There are no tense moment like anor londo roof walking and dodging archers which are incredibly memorable
Fromdrone truly are just edgy redditors. Why are they allowed here?
>>NOOOOOOO user, you don't get it, there's so much deep lore and story! You just have to watch this 40 hour youtube series explaining all the reddit theories!
Every single user in this thread is making the exact opposite point lmao. Keep projecting your own retardation
t. forkknife player
Extremely low bar there and still not even sure it is true. What is so alive about it?
The official terk for these levels is "Legacy Dungeons"
No, you the fortlife player because, it's just like Elden Ring. Both games have no story and are just fighting random stuff you see on the screen
>best dungeon in the game
>best area of the game
>why is it forgettable
just stop playing games, they're not for you
And estus flask are called, crimson tears. Doesnt mean I'm going to call it that
Any PS5chads with milicents prosthesis.. I will give anything.
Just betray her bruh
Leyndell is literally the only memorable part of the game
>Anor Londo
So dead it's being kept under a spell to seem like it's alive
>Shulva, Eleum Loyce
Super dead
Guards are actually following orders, some are chilling, playing music, conversing or resting sitting down, dooters in the roof, the acting ruler is still present and sane.
Hey user you do you, I was just explaining the reason as to why It was being referred to by the term "dungeon"
>Both games have no story
But the story is extremely straightforward and simple, you can't be that much of a brainlet.
Why does the idea of using your brain while playing vida offends you so much, user?
>there are dozens of threads of anons constantly disagreeing with each other on every single aspect of the story because the lore is just a bunch of vague bullshit
>this somehow proves that it's easy and straightforward
>Both games have no story and are just fighting random stuff you see on the screen
You should've just opened with "I don't even play games, just cry on 4chinks all day". Would've saved some of those user's time, including mine.
subterranean shunning-grounds is the best sewer level of all time
Never went into the sewers and I'm now doing a frenzy build. Should I go underground before or after Mountaintops?
I can think of three ways of designing a city in an open world game to account for the limitations of game development and maintaining content quality:
1: The entire game/majority of the open world is one intricate city.
Deux EX MKD, GTA, Past Assassins Creed Games
3: The city is large, but composed mostly of window dressing with static NPC's, with most buildings being little more than scenic terrain
The Witcher 3, Horizon, Modern Ubisoft etc.
2: The in-game city is designed around the parameters of being a video-game level, i.e it's smaller than the idealised version the narrative implies, but is generally more detailed, developer-curated, and more purposeful at a granular level
The Elder Scrolls, Elden Ring, Pokemon Games
Do more than one of these, and I think you're bound to end up with severely diluted content
It's nice to imagine a vast, sprawling capital extending miles in every direction, but it would be completely unfeasible to fill even a fiftieth of it with satisfying content. Or consider a pokemon game that included the sprawling lush forests and mountaintops of the anime. Sure, to an extent you could do that, but make it realistically vast and you'll soon run into problems like levelling and progression.
It seems people are also incapable of considering the circumstances that led to something like Skyrim's cities being far smaller than they ought to be narratively. You have the substantial increase in graphical quality following Oblivion, the myriad improvements in environmental assets/terrain etc. and the fact that it was still being developed for X360/PS3 hardware, so compromises had to be made somewhere.
that's just because most of the people who post in those threads are either retards, contrarians who say whatever they think will get the most replies, or both (like with any other game discussed on this board)
lolwhat, I'll remember that place for the rest of my life.
Before so that Melina seethes at you for going frenzy.
So the "proper" order would be Leyndell -> Shunning grounds -> Giants?
Literally everything Vaati says is directly from the game.
>he didn't do the sewers
>he didn't find roundtable hold
>he didn't do Goldmask's questline
>he didn't go to the divine towers
>he didn't fight the ulcerated tree spirit
>he didn't fight the crucible tree-knight
>he didn't find Fia's old pad in the copper quarter
Why are you so forgetful? Could it be the rampant masturbation and dopamine burnout?