I don't get it.
I don't get it
I like both, i also like des, ds1, and ds2 sometimes as well. They all have their own qualities
Devs brainwash people to shill their games. People need to wake up to this
Elden Ring is much better than Dark Souls 3 but really only for the world and legacy dungeon design. Outside of Lothric DaS3 is pretty shit.
I like all Soulsbornekiro games :)
>Elden Ring is much better than Dark Souls 3
It really, really isn't.
Weird af strawman, majority of people who liked er liked ds3, try harder next time
normalfags love "open world"
Elden Ring is nicer to look at. Anything that made these games good or unique died with dark souls 3 so the least it could do is have some pretty screenshots.
DS3 has almost no build variety and everything is boring/unimpactful on top of its strict linearity restricting any build that's not Quality melee.
Elden Ring not has a ton of broken builds to choose from that cover all build types but you can start working on whichever one you like from the minute you start with very little restrictions.
This. Even though 99% of the open world is just grey rocks and trees. That’s all it takes for normies to rate a game 10/10.
What? I had issues with my faith lucerne build. You know about poise casting right? Lightningstake is great with it and u get buffs, also had zero issues on my pyromancy run and int run
Completely irrelevant.
The point is that regardless of whether the game actually deserves it, Elden Ring is drawing in a tonne of flavour-of-the-month chasing window-lickers.
Fucking dumbass.
Worse still, Elden Ring is a sub-par Souls game. Dark Souls 3 had better bosses, better weapons, better world design, was more mechanically fluid, was less buggy, the list goes on.
Zero issues with my faith lucerne build*
>Dark Souls 3 had better bosses, better weapons, better world design, was more mechanically fluid, was less buggy, the list goes on.
Well yeah the game's obviously beatable, but you're not gonna argue that the faith tools in 3 are better than the ones in ER are you?
>Elden Ring is Dark Souls II 2
Prove this wrong.
Not an argument, go be retarded somewhere else.
So Eldern Ring is like DS2
so why people hated DS2 but love ER?
>Can't refute anything so I'll just say lmao
DS3 did not have better weapons, Elden Ring has the best weapons in the series outside of bloodborne
dark souls 3 is too linear and loses the sense of exploration
just wish it wasn't post-apocalypse trash again
Are you somehow under the impression that what you posted was an argument?
This. The worse example of this is Nintendo unfortunately
Yeah, I don't get soijak posters either.
Saying "it's better" isn't an argument either fuckwit
Nobody shits on DS2 for its build variety. It's by leagues the best part of the game.
People shit on it for the rest of the game surrounding that.
it's funny seeing DS3fags get put in the cuck shed with DS2 loonies
just admit it, your game had its day but it's been completely overshadowed
>GRRM association
>title evocative of LoTR
Literally made for reddit
this is so true
Yes buy every build gets better tools in er, even pure melee gets powerstancing. Everything is more powerful in er including enemies and bosses.
>it's more mechanically fluid
There's a quantifiable statement from the post you're quoting, you mouth-breathing spastic.
That's just a statement which is meaningless without evidence, literally the definition of a non-argument
DS3 is on rails which is easily its biggest sin. ER might as well just be DS3-2 anyways in terms of how everything functions, plopped into an open world that is good by even a contrarians standards, and they fixed a bunch of crap that was underwhelming and weak.
see; weapon arts, magic, going back to END pairing load and stamina,
I'll admit DS3 has a good rampup towards the end, the sequence is great up until SoC, but Sekiro is frankly better in that regard and for an isolated linear game it completely mogs DS3 and there's little debating that. You can say that you appreciate the build variety which is there, but it's definitely diminished with the changes to magic, loss of power stance, and overall imbalance of infusions (quality).
overall i have liked all their games, DS3 was great, ER is a culmination of so many of their ideas I don't see how someone could be a fan of their earlier games and dislike ER, it's not perfect but it's another great game in a sequence of great games.
see and then kill yourself.
No it isn't its an unsubstantiated claim like everything else you said was. the only valid response is "no it isn't" or flippant dismissal, guess which one is funnier.
open world normie FOMO
>Elden ring open world
If you consider the same ruins and the same 3 dungeon tilesets (some even having normal enemies as bosses) good side content
Marketing. Elden Ring is the first Soulsborne game for all my normie friends and they think its sweet because of the cinematic visuals and they can summon for hard shit. My brother and I who have played all the games both agree this is the worst game they've made.
Dark Souls 1 is still the king baby. Yes the later areas are lacking, but the first 65% of the game not an inch of space or time is wasted, the progression and design up to that point is as close to flawless as we will probably ever get
I didn't like many of the earlier catacombs but the moment they started having a puzzle involved it was all I would ask for from a tiny bit of side content, on top of that there is a few that lead to other areas, variety within those types, and several have a completely hidden subsection within them. In terms of side content in an open world it's better than any other game I've played, and I urge you to find comparable content in another open world game, I'll wait.
Das3 was a bland souless forgettable husk of a souls game. I can hardly remember 5 distinct locations from that game because it all melds into one long, dull, colorless, swampy mess when I try to recall anything that isn't ithryll.
Lmao, ER's weapons are trash.
90% of them are just copy-pasted from Dark Souls 3, but being shoehorned into the Sekiro engine instead of the Bloodborne engine every weapon that isn't a Katana is sluggish as FUCK. Go compare a straight-sword from DaS3 and a straight-sword from ER, it's night and day.
Balancing has also been thrown out the window, and anime faggotry instead of being relegated to a few specific weapons is fucking EVERYWHERE. Dual Wielding is broken and there is almost no reason not to do so if you're going melee and you can spare the weight. Scaling is fucked. AFFINITIES are fucked, they put random Int/Fai requirements on weapons that have no business requiring them. Not even spell-casting catalysts are safe, half of them are pointless (e.g. an arcane scaling staff, that only boosts 2 specific spells, that themselves require faith to cast and no int).
Name a single fucking way in which the weapon design has improved in Elden Ring.
Protip: You can't.
ER > BB > DS1 >>> DeS > Sek >>>>>>>>>> DS2 > DS3
You may now kneel.
Lmao learn to read you fucking invalid.
it really is. guess I won
DaS3 is a retread/mix of DaS1 and BB, both of which are superior games. Elden Ring does its own thing with the open design and improved combat.
A plus point for DaS3 are the bosses but the levels are not very good.
there was a lot more to see than caves and catacomb in my experience. i Just saw those as bonus dungeons with rewards like more ashes
Elden Ring has weapon arts and summons for players that got filtered in DS3.
Which is funny because DS3 was already one of the more friendly From Software games.
shame that they killed the multiplayer because japs can’t apparently code a game without giving hackers a backdoor into your system
i like both
And DS1/2, Bloodborne, and Sekiro had amazing build variety or something?
second one's being sold at full price right now. You're looking at ads.
hope this helps OP
Game of thrones fans.
>when all you can reply with is ‘lmao’
>improved combat.
Elden Ring’s combat is even more of a mess than Dark Souls 3. Dark Souls 3 was already dreadful because it was sword and shield bloodborne
The open world of Elden Shit Ring draws in millions of braindead normalfags + the casualized spirit ashe system being the games easy mode = massive popularity.
FromSoftware is DEAD. You will never get a proper and tight designed closed world, everything from now on will be soulless open world garbage, wasting your time with running around doing nothing relevant just to encounter copy paste content 70% of the time.
I've already Black Listed FromSoftware. Elden Shit Ring open world made me realize that I'd rather sit through the menus and diablo loot cancer of Nioh and Nioh 2, which made me appreciate those games much more than I initially did, so at least that is a positive.
Why should i give a fuck about u and ur brother?
DS1 did
>Heh heh. You're welcome!
It's not nearly that bad, but it does suffer from the similar issue of throwing multiple enemies at the player while not really accounting for the same around them. The bigger problems, in my opinion, are enemy scaling, enemy design, how the game treats its toolset, and overall balancing.
Every so often, the game earmarks a point where it wants you to play in an extremely specific manner. The Godskin duo wants you to use sleep, Commander Niall wants you to use bewitching branches, Melenia screams at you to use bloodhound step, and the Elden beast wants you to be a mage and void 3/4 of its moveset with retaliate or black hole - just for a few examples.
You can absolutely beat any of these fights without these methods, but, due to the ludicrous enemy scaling in the second half of the game, there is a night and day difference in difficulty when you approach them with the "intended" method. To make it worse, thanks to the aggressive nature of enemies and their emphasis on combos, most players will be punished for interacting with enemies in any way outside of constant disengagement or using the optimum method - i.e. bloodhound, shield wall poke, or physick magic abuse.
Elden Ring also has some severe balancing issues to top it all off. Weapon arts like bloodhound step and nebula trivialize the game, and the meteorite of astel may just be the single most broken sorcery From has ever put into a game.
Damn user, I wish I was as cool as you...
multi enemy boss fights are the absolute worst. I can deal with boss sperg rage attacks that last 5+ attacks and force you to perfectly dodge all of them but having 1+ other mob chase you, while you try to hit the boss in his 2 second window is annoying as fuck
>everything will be open world for now
doubt it
From only made ER that way because Bamco wanted a miyazaki directed game and banked the whole thing no questions asked
Miyazaki is the studio chief now, unless the publishers states they want him as the game director, and are willing to pay the price for that, he will not be involved, and when he is involved it has to be a studio-wide endeavour, as he cant manage the studio if he is directing one project
tl;dr smaller projects will exist and will be like sekiro and DS2-3, they will not be open world because the studio can't afford to put all hands on deck like in ER, unless the publisher behind the project is willing to fork the expenses for that