Why is the Souls fanbase like this?
Why is the Souls fanbase like this?
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So why the fuck is Tiche like 9 feet tall anyway?
they are so used to sucking off miyazaki, that if they see someone whos not bending over and taking it up the ass, it invalidates their own effort
for real though Tiche is insanely overpowered. He's been better than the +10 Mimic this whole time but few understood.
Its a meme, nobody actual cares, but its funny to see how upset it makes people
You literally can't. If you try I'll find you.
>type A
It literally says it in the OP image you retard
She's crazy powerful but not as tanky as some of the other summons. A lot of late game bosses I switched to mimic because she kept dying halfway through. Absolutely skullfucks malenia with her 12 foot futa cock though.
They used to be like this. ER showed everyone we were all wrong, go as cheesy as you want fren.
Numen genetics
Yeah, she
All Black Knife assassins are female
Play however you want. I did a sorcery build and used summons to cheese the game my first playthrough, now I’m doing a fai/str build with minimal incantations and no summoning.
GRRM and Miyazaki seem to have a thing for varying sizes when it comes to Humans.
Maybe you didnt have enough damage because she literally never died in my first playthrough.
I'm half convinced that Kristoff is just fucking invincible. I summoned him for Placidusax and it barely even scratched off a fifth of his HP by the end of the fight.
because austistnon its a joke. one youre not in on because youre what were all laughing about. nobody cares that you did shit the easy way, except for you. thats why the jokes hurt you so badly. we giggle and shit post about git gud and all le rebbit posts about people saying the game needs an easy mode when it already has easy modes built in. seriously if youre having such a hard time with margit use the fucking gold summon thats right outside his door and then summon your wolves or whatever else youve found and gg ez boss.
Player characters is 5'10" and everyone else is 6'0"
mucho texto
>Publisher's marketing decides to push DS1 as "hard" game for some reason even though difficulty was never its selling point
>Since average retard has his opinions molded for him by someone else and has no capacity for independent thinking, average retard is now convinced that difficulty is a most important part of Souls game design.
>Games actually aren't that difficult if you play them as intended by developers, and this causes cognitive dissonance in retards who think souls games can pad their ego because they're too low test to play real pvp games
>Absolutely retarded spergouts occur.
That's not the point. You can use whatever you want to use, but if you use the blatantly broken shit, you have no say in discussions about the difficulty of the game. You played on easy mode.
One thing people need to come to terms with is that certain attacks in the game are simply too slow to be of use without a distraction.
I'm talking to you Collosalfriends
Y mucho bueno.
If you show them that the game is easy (or at least not difficult) if you actually use thoughtful in-game mechanics other than "str -> big sword / dex -> long sword" they feel attacked because they need everyone to validate them and their hard earned "difficult" achievements.
literally nobody actually holds these beliefs they only say shit like this because you get triggered
No. Its all in the game and you decided to play smart instead of long and suffering.
The easiest thing to do in an rpg is not think. Facerolling bosses until you randomly beat them or not is the easy route. Realizing an element exists solely to cheese the boss into the dirt and using it is the hard way to play because it requires you use your brain.
I don't care about how you play, my main gripe with summons is that they seem to break the enemy AI since they apparently can't handle more than one enemy on-screen, so a fight can go from being too hard to being too easy, nothing in-between. Would've been more fun had the enemy AI been better
self-imposing difficulty has always been a thing in souls games
glad u agree my post es bueno
No one actually gives a shit, it's just funny seeing how angry summonfags get when they're rightfully called out for being shit at the game
>Me see weapon/ash do big damage so me use! Me smart! Learn boss? Wut dat?
the only people who are like this are faggots who have absolutely NOTHING going on IRL, and so they considering video games to be their main measuring stick for success
Summons are my frens.
Feels like the table got flipped sometime after the game released. Its all people making fun of the anons forcibly holding onto the souls mentalities.
>got the trophy for getting all the trophies in the game
>cheesed through every single boss either with summons or ashes
>nobody will ever find out about it because summoning help leaves no evidence behind
get dabbed on, autists, i beat your casual game without any effort whatsoever
That's an awful argument. People who didn't summon didn't do it because they didn't realize summons are strong, they just chose not to. You give a summon to someone who beat the game without summoning and he'd easily beat it, but if you made someone who did use summons play the game without them they'd struggle a lot more
>for some reason
The reason is back when DeS started to gain popularity through word of mouth the first thing people and especially a lot of retards with any kind of platform said about the game was "dude its soooo hard, everything kills you in one hit out of nowhere!!!".
More like using the element the enemy is weakest against or an item like firebombs the boss littered right outside their arena and they are weak to fire.
You tryhards are so assmad all the time lol.
yeah I only wish that cheesing bosses had more variety, like if Tiche was really strong only against a handful of them while other summons/spells/items were better for others. When one thing is so strong that it works wonders in 99% of situation it's much less exciting
elden ring isn't hard
but only neets and streamers have the autistic amount of time it takes to learn all boss movesets
Its only less exciting if you are aware of that and keep doing it. If its boring using her and you keep using her its your fault you are bored.
I am used Engvall this game and he's cool.
Taking advantage of elemental weaknesses is fine, because that alone does not allow you to demolish bosses so fast or safely that you do not need to learn them.
the thing is I don't consider stuff like that to be impressive, just incredibly autistic
you've just given me a great idea to troll people though: the "you didn't beat the game" people (AKA STRfags) most likely didn't beat the game with Daedicar's Woe talisman on....so can they REALLY say they've beaten the game? This is what I'm gonna do now, as soon as anyone says "you didn't beat the game" I'll just ask them to post a video of them beating every boss with that equipped
if they don't do it I call them a casual
if they do I call them a no-life loser
I hate what this place has done to my brain
>Learn boss
Utterly shit game design. "Learning" boss doesn't make you smart or skilled, literal chimp can do tasks like this without any issues, it's just grinding muscle memory instead of some in-game numbers. I have more respect to someone who wrapped boss up by using tools game gives them to avoid having to "learn" boss than to fart-huffing tards who take pride in performing chimp tasks.
If a chimp can beat the game without summons, why can't you?
The thing that annoys me about meleecucks isn't them crying about everything else being OP, it's that they genuinely think their basic bitch playstyle of ignoring 90% of the content is how the game is meant to be played.
Tiche is nice but can get destroyed in no time in various cases. but I’m dealing phat damage too so that’s a non issue
Why would I bother? I have healthy self-esteem and a big dick so I feel no need to arbitrarily restrict my entertainment to pad my ego with some bullshit. I actually finished thole game without summoning simply because you don't even feel the need to do so if you make a good build.
Did you do a ng+ or a new save? I'm bit worried about my next move.
Counter point: You avoid mechanics by using ashes and ranged. So who's the one gimping the gameplay now?
>being more dumb than a chimpanzee
Granted the chimp doesn't have crippling social and developmental failings but come on sister.
Amazon dommy mommy
So for me my usage of Spirits went Wolves/Jellyfish -> Demihuman Gang -> Flying Puppets -> Tiche -> Flying Puppets
I used Tiche once wish was all I needed, what a goddamn saint
>If you skip mindless grinding that provides nothing for you, you are dumb
lol cope faggot
Its cope. Doing anything but the most basic autistic actions is genuinely too complicated for them to do reasonably well. Using a pot to toss at the boss is out of the question because they will, without a shadow of a doubt, get killed switching over to their pot and trying to throw it.
They are inept to a degree that cripples social development.
So if actually fighting the bosses is not the intended way to play, what is?
You think I stopped attacking when I used ashes?
Are you retarded?
Stop blaming vast amounts of people for the actions / words of a few.
This just makes all you tards come off like pure schizos.
>developers make game harder than they intended to
>losers who have no achievements in life shape their entire personality around the fact that they can play the shitty game
>developers make new game that better reflects the difficulty they wanted
>losers can't stand how this invalidates their personality and delude themselves into thinking that this is not what the devs wanted
a.k.a how cults work. people say this is a joke but I bet my left ball half of these people truly mean it. for some reason this series has a knack for attracting pathetic faggots and it shows.
We're not saying you CAN'T use them. We're saying you're a fucking casual if you do. It's no different than getting help from Phantoms in other Fromsoft games to help you beat a boss.
You can do it but you had to make the game easier for yourself to beat the boss and so people who could beat the boss without help are entirely within their rights to call you a fucking casual because of a choice you willingly made.
By the same token someone who actively makes the game harder for themselves by doing gimmicky shit like a "No healing run" get the right to shit on people who use healing and so on and so forth.
>a chimp can beat it
>but I can't
All he's saying is you are more dumb than a chimp, its your own logic, not his.
You can skip anything you want because you can't beat it user, just remember the chimp didn't skip anything.
Your character being shorter than the enemies makes the enemies easier to see while playing.
And we're telling you its ALWAYS been a joke you never got.
This is a website for absurdists, you bought bridges strandfan.
So its literally a race to the bottom for who can beat the game in the least fun way possible by handicapping themselves in every way so they can be """better""" than the next faggot. Absolutely incredible. In that case, you're a fucking casual, I beat the game with no armor, talismans except daedicars woe, at level 1, no weapons either. Faggot.
>developers make game harder than they intended to
who the fuck are you to claim this? lol
>it's too hard for me so OBVISOULY they didn't intend to
get your head out of your ass, kid
>I have more respect to someone who wrapped boss up by using tools game gives them
I can understand that, knowing when and what item to use is just another part of tactics
this is why "1v1 fox only no items final destination" is so dumb, the argument could be made that being so tunnel visioned that you don't use items is a lack of skill because you are just relying on muscle memory, and get overloaded by too many things happening outside your control
surely someone who can look at the environment as it changes and adapt to it in an instant is a skilled player in a different way?
Sekiro has almost an internal commentary on this kind of mentality
>there are no hard and fast rules, you just win your battle, that alone is the most important rule
>a shinobi would know the difference between honour and victory
it's basically saying "do whatever the fuck you need to do to win, a victory is a victory, how you got it doesn't matter in a life or death battle" and I completely agree with that: if my life is at risk I will kick someone in the balls, I will shove a finger in their eye, I will bite if needs be, when you die it's OVER, and I'm not going to let my own pride kill me sooner because I think something is "dishonourable"
user, that's just shitposting from Yea Forums. nobody in the "souls fanbase" actually cares or believes that shit.
If an opinion seems too retarded to actually be real, you might want to start questioning if it's actually not just bait.
You being a shitter doesn't mean I'm not going to shit on you for being bad at the game. That's not just in Fromsoft games. That's in any game.