>Yea Forums claims game is leftist propaganda
>It's not
What's her name?
>Yea Forums claims game is leftist propaganda
>It's not
What's her name?
Other urls found in this thread:
unironically disco elysium
Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden Victory
You fags lied to me
Let's get the obvious out of the way
Disco Elysium
>Game lets you be a fascist, libertarian, or moralist
>Can be openly racist, even to you partner
>Politics are only really a side thing to the main personal story
Cyberpunk 2077
>Shit game, Shazam was right
>Game depicts eating bugs (locust pepperoni) as a bad thing
>Game depicts regular not being allowed to own livestock as a bad thing
>Overal negative opinion on transhumanism
Just about every one. Its pretty much pllitically obsessed election fags screeching about games they probably dont even play.
Mods should really just delete the pol tier bullshit that obviously has no intention off talking about videogames.
Expeditions: Rome
fpbp, it's a flawless example that Yea Forums would prefer listening to propaganda instead of playing games
Disco Elysium is absolutely propaganda
Nice try.
>literally who e-celeb video instead of your own arguments
opinion discarded
I want to have comfy threads again...
we just had a comfy elden ring thread and a cordial and comfy elden ring lore thread. play elden ring and join us
>Just about every one
Name one.
Guilty Gear Strive
Baiken's tits are bigger than ever and testament being a meme gender is NA only. Some Yea Forumsedditors don't like it because it isn't fascist propaganda.
>Video footage showing dialogues
Meds now (but not HRT) leftroon
Lefty/pol/ shill thread dilate trannies
> mistaking v pot pol
That's where you fucked up
nice one but still not watching your e-celeb shit zoomer
next time have your own thoughts
>Some Yea Forumsedditors don't like it because it isn't fascist propaganda.
jesus christ
KEK wtf is the voice acting
>women need to back to the fucking kitchen
lmao, right wingers can't think!
That applies to most games that fit OP's description, but the next time you see a guilty gear thread go ahead and peruse through it.
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Shazam was right
>shazam said it was woke propaganda
There are so many reasons why CP2077 is woke garbage it's not funny.
Not only is this some literal who. It also completely fails to capture that Disco Elysium makes fun of every ideology it portrays. The communists are openly corrupt and their revolution failed. The fascists are few and far between, left discarded by a world that doesn't believe in nationalism anymore. The capitalists send literal deathsquads to quell strikes, and the moralists (the people who rule the world) need literal decades to get anything done.
But of course, you'd know all that if you actually played the game instead of parroting what others said.
No you don't need to buy it. Just pirate it or something I don't care.
exactly 95% true
>make claim
>can't substantiate it
>t-the next time you see
Fuck off.
Simply epic fellow chud
Strive is a weird case where the leftist shit is very explicitly from the fan-base by doing shit like running through pools with the name TRANS RIGHTS like Hotashi did.
Which makes it even better when a Ky player named YWNBAW bodied Hotashi the current Evo Champ even when Hotashi was using Nago.
>Take anti unchecked immifration dialogue
>Next dialogue options are all HURR DURR WOMEN ARE LE BAD BACK TO THE KITCHEN
Wow so nuanced lmao
>Disco Elysium isn't leftist propaganda!
>Only "people" that defend it are blatant lefties
>bussy squads are nearly nonexistant in the future
Rightoids unironically don't read. Why would you defend somthing that you haven't "played"?
left wing ideology ultimately ends up with what's true
It's hilarious how obviously stupid the lefties are.
Holy kek the absolute state
I bet they really believe anti immigration and sexism are the same thing
Why can't the left meme?
unironically accurate, there isn't much nuance in right wing thinking, unlike the left where disagreement is the norm
Better question, what game isn't considered leftist here? Fucking Pokémon is called leftist for having non-whites and the same for Strive. It's at a point where anons literally make shit up just to be upset
Wolfenstein TNO and TOB
>>Shit game, Shazam was right
No Yea Forums is eternally wrong about 2077 and was desperate as fuck for another TORtanic. 2077 is the best eurojank game since Kingdom Come Deliverance and nothing has come out since to dethrone it.
The only people who fall for that shitty, bandwagoning meme are retarded zoomers who weren't around to play VtmB, Fallout NV, or STALKER who can't tell when a great janky game is released. Literal mouth breathing retards
>what game isn't considered leftist here?
Most Nintendo games.
Zelda is an example of a blue eyed blond aryan saving his damsel in distress princess as part of a holy quest.
facts and sound logic is a bit dry and counterintuitive for people that think like children
>It's at a point where anons literally make shit up just to be upset
just like leftists lel
If a game is good it's right-wing, if it's bad then it's leftist. Simple as.
Too bad you can't actually give any examples and the examples you will try to give will be absolutely retarded and you'll end up being laughed at if you try.
>Game very obviously takes the most caricature version of each ideology it portrays
that's not the point.but it's funny the sexists and racists always gather in the same rallies
>words words words words
It keeps happening
Nope, has non-whites and in BOTW he cross-dressed which caused feminine men to enact in gay sex acts.
>user can't tell the difference between genuine opinions , trolls, and schizos
Left wingers also claim things are racist and fascist based on no evidence either. People in general are just that retarded, it's not an ideology thing
>janky is good now
Now the leftist has to make literal shit up to try and own Zelda.
It is literally a right wing fantasy game.
>It makes fun of trannies and has homogenous exotic cultures! obviously globalhomo!
what did Sega mean? was it political?
>>Yea Forums claims game is leftist propaganda
>>It's not
Horizon: Zero Dawn
>Aloy is raised in/by a matriarchal society
>or rather outside one because they think she's the antichrist and their version of social correction is exile and shunning
>turns out this matriarchal society is backwards as fuck and is looked on as fucking crazy and primitive by the other caveman tribes
>turns out the literal Sun King who came to power by overthrowing his tyrannical father you expect to be the villain actually isn't, he's a total bro.
Its just a YA novel for girls but in videogame form, which is why Aloy is the perfect Mary Sue autist
and you have yet to disprove any leftist policies
What? Did you misquote?
>Link a single video
>Get seething (You)s by leftards
It's THAT easy
>It is literally a right wing fantasy game.
If cross-dressing and non-white feminist towns are right-wing what is left wing?
>Horizon: Zero Dawn
>not woke garbage
Not even worth a (YOU)
Garbage bait.
Im asking for a friend
>Zoomer doesn't know about the eurojank genre
>Zoomer doesn't understand that 90% of games are janky as shit anyways and figuring out how to break a game is literally child's play
The fact you let memes unironically inform your opinions should worry you btw
Leftist caricature. The reason why leftist aren't funny when they try to make fun of other ideologies is because they don't understand them or the people who think different than what they do.
>Get laughed at
>Post gore as coping mechanism
>non-white feminist towns
>a town where all women must leave and find a man and they have dating lessons
Your brain has been rotted by leftism.
bussy is a right wing tradition that leftists are trying to destroy with troons
/pol/ shits themselves over RDR2, it's always fun to fuck with them over it.
I legitimately do not understand how these retards can be smug and proud of intentionally making themselves stupider
Sonic is 90s Radical/Coolism and neo-luddite anti-mad technology
Your brand of right wing wants to exterminate individuals for exercising their God-given freedom of movement; you're the same as leftists.
Thanks for proving my point.
>I-it's calling you sexist ironically :)
>Making fun of faggotry is left wing
>A matriarchal society of brown women who are all violent thrives is a feminist concepts
No user, you're a low IQ niggerfaggot
>people laugh at you playing yet ANOTHER rockstar game that was gutted for multiplayer and online cash shops
>t-the games woke message upsets you!
>A town where men aren't allowed to enter under any means, even if it's the aryan that will save the world.
Sounds pretty leftist to me user
I don't understand why educated people are more delusional than literal inbred donkey farmers.
>Games breaking is good now
Oh no no no!!!
Jesus fucking christ.
But the mural straight up looks like antsemitism
Who was laughing at me outside of some racist morons? A lot of people loved it and I did too.
>Making fun of faggotry
I actually want to be walked through how Link crossdressing and being called cute is making fun of faggots. He even get's hit on by other men while wearing the outfit.
>educated people
>Who was laughing at me
I literally laugh at ANY moron who bought GTAV/RDR2 you are morons funding more linear cinematic experience that are getting worse and worse to hook you into shark cards.
Pathetic, you are worse than Gacha players.
Game is already forgotten
>Subservient state doesn't allow aryan men inside
yeah, pretty leftist
Lmao, games are all always broken you retard.
You retards who keep arguing about zelda's left/rightism and using race are all retarded. If by "right wing" you mean racist and not freedom-loving then you could interpret Link being white or the Gerudo being arab in any direction.
>i-if you ignore the reality
>m-my headcanon!
>y-yeah, pretty lefty-wefty
FUCKING LOL you guys are good for a laugh.
>I literally laugh at ANY moron who bought GTAV/RDR2
You can't announce your lack of taste and dipshit contrarianism any louder
I played both and never paid for a shark card. You don't have to actually buy one.
I doubt that.
Trannysisters... our narrative...
I'm just trying to keep the joke going by calling it leftist. my first post was an texteme parody of how political faggots act
How is a pro-monarchist aryan hero that saves a damsel in distress from an evil desert thief at all left wing?
Please try to explain.
The skeptic in me wants to believe there's as much retarded dialogue when you pick the other ideologies but I don't think a bunch of developpers from an ex USSR states are capable of this.
>>i-if you ignore the reality
Ignore the reality? You literally get kicked out even when they know you're Link user
>The most caricature version of fascism is heavily in favor of traditional family roles and female subservience
>Main character is a depressive alcoholic with amnesia
>His nearly schizophrenic thoughts express fascism as unflatteringly sexist
>retards who paid for linear cinematic experiences from Rockstar
Ganondorf is white
See, this is what I mean. Just look at this "mindreading" idiot.
It's considered a joke the entire time and if someone has to explain that to you then you're literally a closeted fag. It's a fucking gag
not that user but maybe its not left or right wing. its just a fucking story. retard. not everything has to be about your politics vs theirs.
I had fun and enjoyed it. You're not going to make me feel bad about it, just making yourself look like a giant faggot.
Considering you only play garbage I assume that's true for you.
>maybe its not left or right wing
Because it would upset you that it is right wing?
What if the perceptor is an arab who sees his race as superior and the germanic as an invader of his gerudo ethnostate? He would see the game as left wing by your twisted logic.
Are you really incapable of seeing different perspectives?
It's not about "fair", it's about not even being remotely close to hitting any mark. If you want to make fun of fascists you must first understand what fascists believe before you can ridicule it. Strawmans are only funny for the group who made them and no one else.
>It's considered a joke
you keep saying this but can't provide proof for something that's apparently easy to see. Next you'll say getting your dick sucked by a tranny is proof the Holocaust didn't happen
>I had fun
Outing yourself like this, are you a masochist?
I have no idea how someone gets that from a Zelda game, and is completely unable to enjoy anything. It's bullshit to make themselves seem above others over shit no one actually cares about.
>NEET or thirdie who thinks $60 is a lot of money
>T-the game is actually nuanced because it's using political strawmans IRONICALLY
Woah that changes everything!
>Literal faggot asian as author's self insert shitting on you for wrongthink (mostly the dialogue options the game bundled you with)
Most retarded thread in Yea Forums and that is saying something
I have unironically and never seen someone who is both anti-immigration and not to at least some extend sexist.
Yup, had a blast with GTA V and online for a while, same with RDR2
>What if the perceptor is an arab
Gerudo are not arabs.
>germanic as an invader of his gerudo ethnostate
Play the games.
>He would see the game as left wing
No, no he wouldn't.
>Are you really incapable of seeing different perspectives?
You failed to even attempt to create a plausible alternative perspective.
>Literally 0 politics
>When you enter the mayors building in deltarune, politics is joked at as some shit that dumb adults only care about
>The only thing thats considered pozzed is the yuri relationships cause toby loves yuri
>The game is about trying to find the good out of anyone no matter how evil they might seem to be. The opposite from the very cynical writing most lefist series are these days
>Toby literally had a character say faggot in a previous fan game
>when interviewers try asking political stuff about his games he replies with "no comment"
Oh, by all means tell me what games you play. Let the board know your shit taste
I'm not left wing in the slightest but neither am I a fascist/nationalist. You people who believe in the latter only use the "think differently" arguments because right now you have no power. The nazis sure didn't let faggots "think differently" when they burned all their books.
Why though? their ideology is a joke and their mascot is a getriatic fatty with a junk food addiction. It doesn't get more real than that. We triedyour way for 4 years, it didn't work.
Pft you're fucking retard
>The game is about trying to find the good out of anyone no matter how evil they might seem to be.
Did we do the same Iceshock run?
It's seeing into the minds of these /pol/ people, and seeing the fucking train wrecks they really are. They have nothing in life, so politics it is to give them a false sense of superiority. They can't even play a fucking video game.
Take your meds retarded niggerfaggot
>t. femanon
I've heard women love sexists, so this isn't a very convincing argument.
And the faggot just keeps "mindreading". When you are done talking to your mirror image, perhaps you'd like to join the conversation?
I'm not telling you
Fascist care about tradition, racial purity, moral purity, and physical health. The game clearly portrays this in its few fascist characters it has. The only one of them I'd say is being presented unfavorably is the crypto fascist, and even he is still clearly a nice person who's helping an eldery man in his dream of finding a cryptid.
>Strawmans are only funny for the group who made them and no one else
There is some irony in here I'm sure you won't get.