>TF2 is literally unplayable
TF2 is literally unplayable
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water is wet
Works on my machine, faggot. Stop doomposting.
Just play on Uncletopia
Despite the class limits
Despite the sprays disabled
Despite the no random crits
Despite the no weapon spread
Despite the tryhard fags that roam it
Its fun, I promise you.
play something else you autistic retard
just play 16v16 skial
Uncle "I'm an oldfag pro because I started playing in 2016" Dane
I miss the Weeabootique
Forgot the tranny mods
just use this list of servers to avoid bots
I do, actually. I play Dustbowl all of the time and it's the sole reason why I'm getting better at this game. Also 16v16 is better than 12v12 or 6v6./spoiler]
>Class limits
I'd prefer if they were removed, but having 5 engineers on last isn't fun if you're trying to cap
>Sprays disabled
Fucking retarded. There's a feature in the settings to allow you to disable them if you're bothered. And don't give me that "gotta protect the minors" excuse, people will just pull out their furry porn objectors anyway, so it's pointless
>Random crits and bullet spread
I mean, people flocked to Uncletopia because it disabled said features, it's kinda the point
Bullshit. Maybe when the servers just started but now it's full of fucking retards that don't do the objective and just sit back doing jack shit
I gave it a chance, and blacklisted the entire server list.
You are already typing a reply proving why the community is literal sewage and you're desperate for new players
it's playable even in casual
you just have to hop between servers for a while to find one without bots
What happened there that was that bad? Legit curious and nothing else.
Myself I played it a bit and didn't find it much different from skial or any other servers. Still had retarded players who'd do weird shit and medic+cockbox combos and what not just like my normal pubs. Couldn't handle playing without crits in my case though which is why I quit.
is this true? fucking hilarious because i started playing January 2016
he joined steam in 2012 so he could play tf2
In his q&a video he says he started playing in 2012
>if you joined TF2 in 2016 you've already been playing for 6 years
>and only witnessed 1, maybe 2, major updates
I feel sorry for anyone that started playing this game after 2017
based. i played on the dusbowl+ skial EU 10 years ago first, still visit it once every few years or so
but i'm mainly a payload+ EU guy myself
Sorry, but I'm a Furry Poundchad
>No class limit
>Sprays allowed and encouraged
>Random crits
>Weapon spread
>Good mix of tryhards and casuals
Mannconomy killed TF2 and F2P was the final nail.
>doesn't like the second best payload map in the game
>fucking furry servers are the only serves that keep the tf2 soul
jesus christ
It gets really fucking annoying when people only vote for Upward or Badwater, I wanna play on other maps as well, not the same 5, don't people get tired after a while?
upward is a godawful map that i hate playing, but badwater is one of tf2's greatest that I could play endlessly
you can't get tired of upward it's impossible. would play 1000 rounds of upward before 1 round of shit like breadspace, voodoo, goldrush etc.
Fuck no, literally everyone has something we can point to to TF2 shitting itself violently and dying.
Fucking Gun Mettle and starting to listen to youtuber retards.
Game chugs along just fine for EIGHT, YEARS. and in the span of like 6 months just fucking falls apart. With ACTIVE disincentivizing user servers with the fucking contracts system.
It sucks to live in a part of the world where literally the only pubs with active players are 24.7 instaspawn 2fort servers.
The game is over a decade old it might be time to move on
Entirely willing to when someone bothers to make a game worth playing.
TF2 has withstanded many blows in its lifespan, but MYM was definitely the hardest hitting one
On the ctf engie bot overhaul thing, there's actually a fair bit more to it, to get it all working again.
When I've got the navigation bugs sorted, maybe I'll upload the files I changed or bring it to their channel to see if they'll push it as an update.
Had to touch a number of files, delete bad/outdated stripper configs and rework some .nav files in getting it working.
The point is, I did get CTF engineers working again for the TF bot overhaul mod.
Meet Your Match was just that last little droplets of the diarrhea shit Gun Mettle sat on the toilet for a year ago.
>join casual
>snipers top scoring and keeping in check the entire enemy team
>spies pulling insane trickstabs and facestabs
>join community server
>none of the above
Really makes you think
Have you ever considered trying something that isn't payload
No sprays is the only bad thing here. And it’s not secret that the only other big server is Furry Pound and it has none of these issues, except maybe tryhards.
That's what you get with community servers
>wtf I love MyM matchmaking now
For those still hoping for a major update, would you call it quits if they did nothing, nada, 0 for the 15th anniversary this October? Like not even a blog post like they did for the 10th saying they're working on stuff? Would seem like the final nail in the coffin honestly, after that you just have to accept what we've been getting for the last 5 years is all we're ever gonna get from now on
all other gamemodes are either compfag fests or engiefag fests, payload has a good balance of casual play and tryharding
It's a problem with community servers NOW, because the map rotation was almost entirely occupied by Valve servers, which led to the propagation of the 24/7 server and the WaCkY MoDiFiEd VaNNIlA MAPP xDDD because there literally just isn't enough player traffic to make custom content worth it.
Why is this game's volume so fucking loud? I need to put my slider to like 8 out of 100 for it to be normal
I just play solo with enhanced bot mods whenever I wanna scratch the itch.
Doesn't last much longer than a hour then I'm back to playing something else.
Because it was at a time when it was considered normal to adjust your actual pc's volume, rather than everything being designed around your audio maxed at all times.
What is Counter Strike and Overwatch
Counterstrike is a different genre And spray patterns are faggot shit and
My peeps already moved on and so have I, mostly. I still come back to TF2 and probably will, but I pretty much only play solo against bots now and keep grinding achievements.
The social aspect of it sailed a while back, I think.
If you haven't ever used the TF bot overhaul mod, it's really good imo. The TF bots were sorta never finished, and they're not perfect, and the latest version of that mod has a couple bugs, but load up a match and it feels more or less like a live pub with good players.
Set the bots to spawn with random difficulties and it's almost indistinguishable from live matches. Much of it due to both stripper and the mods done by the plugins.
>Community server
>no hackers
>Play on skial 2fort or turbine
>When "popular" players get mad they switch to sniper and buttfuck everyone. Instagibbing people around the corner or airheadshots from their asses
Stop shilling ur dumb mod
I do not believe any sniper or spy when they start playing well. It is way more likely they are using hacks than they are actually just good.
Will also say again that the latest version of that overhaul excludes engineers from CTF and Arena, some PLR maps don't work at all due to bugged scripts, Mannpower and Passtime don't work, and RD and SD support is "faked" by default.
I've been picking at the mod myself and got CTF engineers back in and working again, fixed the PLR maps, fixed some bugged CP maps, made SD and RD less artificial, wasn't hard just tedious and I had to touch quite a few files and rework some navs.
I'm looking at the Eldursun's engineer bot script to get the rest of their builds working reliably and to see if there's anything to be done with upgrading teleporters. Somebody else got this working in their own script, but if I can get it working myself, maybe I can get those guys to push it?
The only bad thing is that the pathfollower library it depends on is locked to Windows and converting it to Linux is above me.
>complaining the volume is too loud means I always keep mine maxed
Dude this game kills my ears on fucking volume 20, get your head out your ass
I'm not involved with it.
Want me to shill for cathook instead?
>no hackers
but how do you know?
Your system volume, not the game's volume. Hell L4D2 does this shit too, or are you not aware of the INFAMOUSLY FUCKING LOUD helicopter.
My response was towards the other user who implied that there are no hackers on comm servers.
Shut it.
Why the fuck would you play CTF
>mfw I sit between them and hog the intel for myself
>Eventually go cap