Yeah, I think I'm done. sick of feeling like I'm still at lvl 1. Fuck these cheap enemies
Yeah, I think I'm done. sick of feeling like I'm still at lvl 1. Fuck these cheap enemies
Other urls found in this thread:
Maliketh fight is amazing. Probably the best fight of the late game. Take off your stupid ass soreseal talismans
that's not a cheap enemy thats a boss and there's only one of them
just get good
Bosses are enemies 3rd worlder
... used summons?
Beast man is amazing. A big furry beyblade with scarlet rot 2.0 is not fun or challenging
They give you 25% more damage but balance it out with stats. They're not the problem.
I had trouble with my greatsword until I learned to roll into him to either be right under him or behind him.
Have you considered not getting hit?
Honestly wish second phase Maliketh had more health
>Yeah I use the soreseals
Every fucking time…
What about his "judgements cut" attack after he slams his sword in the ground?
become proficient
Explain to a retard pls.
Fact: you have not done the math
Why did you make this thread as though anyone believes you're playing the game for real? And why do you think this isn't yet another Elden Ring thread among hundreds? Why do you do this? Why do you contribute to shitting up a community?
just use rotten breath and run around lol
Cheese it with an ash summon and Carian Retaliation.
Roll behind him
I have and they're worth it.
No, you're a moron and they're not.
When he does the flip attack prior to the sword plunge slice AOE, you need to unlock camera and roll twice towards him to get behind or to the side of him. Then it's enough time for a charged R2. Make sure you arent in front
Once you are at lvl 120+ there’s literally no reason to use it.
I'm on launch edition. I tried +10 mimic tear & it got stomped. People really overhyped that thing
once you pass lvl 100 the damage negation is finished
>literally no reason
>free levels
i took them off and he still kills you in 1 combo with his spin attack into undodgable omnislash at 50 vigor
By late game, assuming you aren't putting points into stats like a retard, the bonus health drastically drops off while the extra damage stays the same. The extra damage stats are essentially worthless because they won't add up to enough damage to kill the boss through your shit survivability. Also assuming you have soreseals on you also probably have shitty armor as well, dropping you damage reduction even farther than what it could be. You can get like 45-50% phys damage reduction by the time you fight maliketh with talisman and heavy armor
Use Tiche instead
Research the concept of diminishing returns and opportunity cost
I'll try that if I decide to go back. Not sure I want to waste more time with this
>t. 160+ hours in
>using soreseals with 50 virgor
My sides
Respec to vigor and strength to solo every boss easily or use arcane
>i took them off
Past level 100-ish they become too much of a handicap damage negation wise while the extra stats do not give that much extra damage, since your weapon upgrade levels will matter much more. If you try to mitigate the damage negation handicap with other talismans then you're basically handicapping yourself even further when you could use shit like the canvas talismans or radagon's icon instead.
They don't apply here.
Holy shit
I hate elden dung
Do it user, thats one of the most consistent punishes you get off him. Another one is dodge the 3 airborne slices, then roll towards him when he spins towards you to end up right in his face for a big hit.
I have 40/40 Vig/Str. One hit starts eating your HP
Equip a great shield if you can’t dodge his spin attack
i feel like no one ever brings up the parry in this fight
i thought it was great, in general i liked a lot of the boss gimmicks, summoning for radahn, the physick for mohg, radagon and malenia's anti-parry game, cool stuff
Maliketh melts summons dude
>lvl 138
>str 15
>vig 40
>end 25
>dex 27
>still using soreseal
Why shouldn't I?
I can wear half the armor sets while and still weild 6 weapons. Where do i lose out?
Skill issue
after playing the whole game without summons, i tried the mimic tear on maliketh and beat him so fast i was actually disappointed i didn't get to learn any of his moves.
By taking 25% more damage
filtered, this late? kek
Im wearing full ronins except the helm which is the blue scarab beetle helm. I also use alexanders shard, spiritual antler (sic) and the talisman.
Ive got 3 items on that increase the damage i recieve and it still hasnt stopped me curbstomping everyone and surviving malenias pokes.
>do 2% more damage but take an extra 20% in return
wow! so good!
i'm not asking for strategies on how to kill him
>ever taking damage
>literally too braindead to hit roll at the right time
>purposely gimping yourself and still winning
>meanwhile "u didnt beat the game" troons seethe that ive beaten the game gimped and they get filtered by malekith
Sucks to be most of you itt. Git gud scrubs
Easily one of the best bosses in the game, though to be honest I kind of hate his first phase. I wish he just started in 2nd phase from the beginning as it was way, WAY more fun. His spell spam 1st phase is neither challenging nor fun, it's just kind of a tax on your health pots before phase 2. Also realizing that he goes fucking crazy righty after he switches to phase 2 helped a lot. He'll go to phase 2, spam attacks one after another for 30 seconds or so and then calm down. After he changed phase I would just focus on dodging until he stayed still for more than 5 seconds and then fight him.
the shit scaling really makes me wish elden ring had real level scaling.
i'd rather feel equally challenged throughout a game rather than constantly switching between one shotting everything or getting one shot by everything.
leveling and upgrading doesnt fit open world at all, its supposed to be about exploration, so if you want to add challenge to that then its better to give the player options, rather than a higher number to strive for.
but i guess "number goes up" appeals to the retard demographic fromsoft has fostered for the last decade
maliketh's fight wasnt even that bad. use the pillars around the arena to ensure his spin attack doesnt even hit you dumbass
Summons are fucking useless in Elden Ring, the only thing worth a damn is the Mimic. If you want to cheese the game use the Mimic and a Bleed Katana, don't bother with NPC summons and with real players you get a higher chance of an idiot who dies before you.
But ideally you want to play normally without cheesing, it's more fun this way.
By that logic, you should put on both soreseals and remove all armor. You could put on the take extra damage talisman too.
This boss was probably the least fun I've ever had in a from software game. Most of the time you're just waiting for him to get back on the ground after doing some gay mid air anime combo
Maliketh is amazing, I actually wish he had full HP for his second phase it ended too quick. Same with Hoarah Loux.
I do
you beat the game gimped because you're a retard, not sure how that's worth bragging about
His theme is amazing
If a retard can do it whats your excuse?
I legitimately do because it means i can spam magic until the cows come home and every kill refills my mana ontop of every crit giving me more mana. Git gud scrub.
i don't need an excuse because i beat the game
Why do you jump into conversations and change the entire argument
The whole reasoning for soreseal discussion in this thread is to make fun of OP who clearly shouldn’t use them because he gets hit a lot
Of course use them if you don’t get hit, what the fuck, that’s unrelated
you can't do math nigger
Nah the guy clearly never even played the game, he's just doing that shit to make you seethe.
Lol I just used rot breath
>tfw you beat malenia by spamming flies
>killed him with nothing but rolling and swinging after like 2 hours (about 40 attempts give or take)
needless to say I never ever summoned or used magic/consumables because I'm not a fucking pussy lmao
weapon used: heavy pickaxe with lion's claw ash of war and whatever the fuck the lion ring is called in this game AFAIK it's spear talisman may be wrong though
>liked the fight so much I reloaded the save and did it again with bloodhound step and bleed twinblade
>he folded 1st try