I can't believe this is a real job
I can't believe this is a real job
Other urls found in this thread:
why can’t they focus on quality of videogames
not video games, fuck off, kill yourself
God is good
It literally is
Because that's not what their consumers care about
>diversity, equity and inclusion
you can't make this shit up
I can't believe that people believe that that thing in the picture is a human.
I sure love /leftypol/ false flag threads
There is is again. Always a sign of a profound mental illness associated with giving this shit attention.
actually it is
they aren't appealing to consumers anymore
in fact, games, or any piece of media, don't even have to make a profit anymore
the only thing that keeps a company afloat is blackrock
>divide et impera
Americunts use video games to destroy their society.
Reminder, all nations that accepted fags ended up being collapsed
>sodom and gommora
>Ancient greece
>Ancient rome
>modern USA
God is real, and he hates fags so much
It isn't. She's literally a diversity hire.
Name a society from ancient roman times that didn't collapse until now
not all of them collapsed but converted by religions
>Useless bitch who nags the people who actually do real work: the job
>not all of them collapsed
Name some
>niggers and women are way more privileged than whites ever were
>white men are literally demonized as being the oppressors of modern day society
how the fuck did this happen?
Arabia and Persia
The Updogs of Ligma
If you don't understand why diversity is important then you're a far right wing MAGA chud now fuck off chud
You know the answer user
Arabia and Persia from the time of the roman empire? Islamic conquests mean nothing to you?
who cares. we're all going to die one day. why live your life in anger. im tired.
"Persia" collapsed like half a dozen times during Roman times alone
It's actually impressive how people with these useless social degrees somehow managed to force their way into established industries and put themselves on a pedestal as somehow vital. Is it just because everyone let them thinking they'll go away?
>war torn, cucked shitholes
pick one
islam came to these regions and they were converted to Islamic nations.
they didn't collapse
Germanics came to rome and it was converted into a Germanic nation
It didn't collapse
refer to
I can't believe people still care about Activision OR Blizzard's "games".
Based and AEIOU-pilled.
i stopped playing overwatch 5 years ago idc
It's because you'll be harassed otherwise by crazy Twitter people so they try to pander to get them to go away.
They did. When Islam came along they destroyed all progress they'd made and beat everything back to the stone age.
what I find hilarious is we've completely abandoned actually hiring on merit. this is obviously a position made to be filled by a black woman, preferably gay.
Even if you accept that for Arabia (Persia was steamrolled by the Muslims, it didn't just adopt their religion the way Romans did with Christianity), it still went through several collapses before being conquered by the Ottomans and becoming a footnote in history until WW1. May as well claim Rome never collapsed because there was always some kind of successor kingdom/empire/whatever somewhere on Roman territory and it now exists as the EU
So did Christianity with Rome and the rest of Europe.
What does she do exactly? Point at a game and tell them to add a strong independent black woman?
>this thread on a tibetan basket weaving forum is a conspiracy against the alt right. never forget the 14 words!
>I can't believe this is a real job
Probably works within HR to make sure the company is supporting its minority staff to prevent marginalization
Because everyone collectively made a mistake of thinking what's being said on social media matters rather than pointing fingers at mental cases and laughing at them. Twitter, for example, is a case of very very tiny minority of extremely vocal groups thinking they speak for everyone else.
is it even diversity when everyone acts and thinks the same?
why are you talking about what Israel did to Palestine, Lebaon and Syria in the last 4 decades?
Also, USA did the same for Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and a bunch of other countries
There you are! How's it going?
Yes? What's your point? Then we had the enlightenment age which unfucked everything again while mudslimes were still stoning each other to death over fucking their neighbour's goat.
>imagine being this uneducated
no shit sherlock
>implying shit wasn't fucked before all this happened
Rome didn't collapse till after christianity became the state religion.
Thanks for conceding.
>Britain invaded middle east
>France invaded middle east
>israel invaded middle east
>usa invaded middle east
>these countries are still islamic/arabic countries
you didn't collapse it
Good for her, but I don't care about diversity, I just want good games.
just like detroit didnt collapse
Afghanistan was always a shithole and will probably remain so for all eternity and Pakistan is tied to India but Iraq, Syria, Lebanon etc would probably be on a good track to becoming at least Eastern Europe tier if not for the Washington-Tel-Aviv-Riad axis constantly fucking up the region
Something needs to be built first in order for it to collapse.
Another good examplse is Russia collapsed the Nazi empire but not Germany
the Renaissance was started by rediscovering the works of ancient greece that were brought to europe by arabs. They collected and preserved them for hundreds of years you illiterate mongoloid
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
I wish Ottoman Empire was still around.
Israeli kikes wouldn't be here bombing the region everyday
Not only this, but a shit ton of scientific discoveries made during the "dark age" were abandoned only to be rediscovered later.
Ottoman Empire but with the Balkans under Austrian rule would easily be the best solution for the entire region, fuck Anglo-Judaism for destroying that
>mudslimes amirite
Consider killing yourself
What the fuck is this trannygger monstrosity? Looks like a mix of George Floyd and a black granny
that's called a "black woman"
They get these positions because if you refuse them you'll be called racist and there is an entire legal apparatus that exists to destroy you if you don't comply. It's much easier to comply than face millions and millions of legal costs and bad pr by leftwing activist organisations. It's all about institutional capture, did you think the big Blizzard and Riot cases were about misogyny or whatever; no it's about filling these companies with activists, it's basically a shakedown
Not him but that link states that it was mostly Byzantine scholars.
Maybe, but he's working a little too slow.
damn bros, i wish i could be paid to do absolutely nothing. race and equity grifting seems pretty lucrative these days
The Renaissance was kickstarted by Greek refugees after the collapse of the ERE, I thought that was common knowledge, really.
But where would us orthodox Christian chads go?
based god
If capitalism is so great why do companies hire their own political commissars?
Because equality law and ESG investment requires them to care about women and niggers instead
you would live with muslims normally like how you did since the days of Prophet Muhammad
I've been pretty tempted to put myself down as agender to get in that quota business, it's really fucking annoying to be constantly bombarded with event notifications from big companies and then the event is:
Etc, like 60% of the events are women and 'others' only.
What are the qualifications for this job?
Okay, Ottoman Empire but with the western Balkans under Austrian rule and the eastern Balkans under Russian rule while Greece exists as a semi-autonomous Ottoman protectorate allowed its own culture and religion.
The Byzantine empire was an extension of the Roman Empire which scholars fled after getting BTFO by the Ottomans. It has nothing to do with Islam.
states that it was by arabic scholars....
Guess he's either a brainlet or a wewuzzing arab then
hating whitey
Is there some kind of non-binary test? Or do you just say you are one? How does it work?
A diversity hire tweeted that, cut them some slack.