rts saved
Rts saved
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>town builder
name the game
>Real time
Therefore it is Real Time Strategy
It'd save it better if we knew what the fuck it was, retard.
No way, fag
What's the point of such subgenre? Only town builders i played was side mode of Stronghold 1 and some old game where you build your own attraction park. But generally in rts there is two or more sides and everything lead to conflict, so there gonna be winner and loser. But in town builder?
Is this a boring ass AoE2 clone where everything feels frantic and shit unless you're a no-lifer?
Most town builders and tycoons can get quite hard later on due to tight victory conditions or a potential for everything to spiral out of control very fast if you make mistakes.
Am I supposed to know what fucking game this is you idiot?
Meeting certain requirements within time limit or surviving specific disasters. Even Stronghold had economic missions where spontaneous fires were more dangerous than any enemy
>name the game
Google says Farthest Frontier.
RollerCoaster Tycoon is a RTS you warmonger
looks comfy, I'll keep it in mind
Thank you
Fuck off, nigger. Why are retards so hellbent on classifying everything as an RTS? You rarely see this shit with other genres
next time look at the fucking filename
you might have played Rollercoaster Tycoon or Theme Park
for me the appeal of these games is the free-form nature of them and the fact that the stakes are very low; it's very relaxed because it's about making what you want to make more than anything else, sure there are usually goals to strive for within time limits, but as long as you aren't completely retarded then a lot of them are quite easy (alternatively you can just play a sandbox mode where there is no goal, it's just you making as much as you want to make and seeing how much profit you can make when not being pressured by time)
I like fast games too like FPS and character action, but sometimes it's nice to just chill out with something slow where there's very little pressure
Take your arthritis pills gook, strategy games are not restricted to just army building deathmatches
looks like older style anno with a consistent setting.
looking at you anno 1800 desu nigger
Is this a They Are Billions style game? What are the enemies?
Its Real Time Management.
You will never be a strategist.
Ah the latest Banished clone. This one looks more polished. Shan't be buying it early access, though.
City builder/tycoon are perfectly valid (sub)genre descriptions, just like turn-based strategy, RTT or grand strat. There's no reason to muddle them all together when they're that different unless you're afraid the Star Craft gooks will make fun of you or something.
t. likes all (sub)genres of strategy
>Resources - Foraging.jpg
They're Real Time Economic Strategy games, the highest form of strategy.
>But in town builder?
There are actually three different types of town-builders: Economy sims, sandboxes, and a recent but pretty interesting addition being survival ones.
Economy sims are usually, as the title suggests, about testing your management skills. They usually task you with specific challenges, rather than giving you just one single map. So your adversity will usually come from specific conditions to which you have adapt on each "mission". Be it working around lack of certain resources, or environmental hazards, or timers to complete each task.
This was typically games like Pharoh and it's siblings.
Then you have sanboxes, which are usually more about being creative and setting challenges for yourself. Games like Cities: Skylines are a typical example. It's really more about seeing how far you can push yourself and your own infrastructure than anything.
Survival city-builders were basically introduced with games like Banished, and eventually developed into games like Frostpunk.
They are typically based heavily around the "Failing is fun" philosophy - where you are set against very heavy odds, and you try usually multiple times to get better. Like in any survival games - the adversity is just about everything in the game - constant race against time, environment, resource scarcity and so on.
Of course, there is a ton of games that offer mixture of these systems - with economy-sim focused campaign but sandbox freeplay and so on.
City building, base building, logistic management and institution management can be a lot of fun in a lot of ways, really.
They always the easiest ones, literally why they are in comfy threads.
Also the "real" economic simulators are games like Capitalism, Railroad Tycoon or Stock Exchange Simulator.
I'm guessing everything you can build is located in this one image
>Railroad Tycoon
God, railroad sims make me wanna hurt myself. I love trains but I always end up with a convoluted mess of tracks, stations and signals and a dire need to burn everything down and start over. Curse me for being low IQ
That's better
I actually cut me teeth out on Factorio's logistics, and that made me get into other transport sims much easier. Honestly, my favorite at the time is simutrans, despite it being easily the ugliest railroad/transport tycoons out there. The economy in that game is just the most interesting. Thought I do wish they'd implement "chose your own path" signals. Railroad stackers are parts of real-world railroad infrastructure, and this unfortunately prevents using them.
But if you want something relatively accessible, the Transport Fever is more about the spectacle than challenge, as it does not require you to deal with stuff like signaling too much, automating ton of the work for you.
You might want to wait a bit for the big planned update for Transport Fever 2 though.
And that is just the first step.
>checking out cities
>deciding what will be carried
>checking stocks
>expanding production
I really hope this is a Grim Dawn prequel or something.
looks neat but
>Early Access
i'll check back in another decade, not falling for another Banished again
>Survival city-builders were basically introduced with games like Banished
Still tickles me that such a tiny, content-sparse game like Banished had such a huge impact on town builders. Sad that the developer and publisher had a falling out, resulting in it being effectively abandoned, only kept alive by mods. If only they had known what a major influence it would have, and how many derivative games would spawn from it. I've lost track of all the Banished-likes that have come out since. It's at least a dozen.
Such a great game.
The survival genre has been a scam for longer, maybe survival builders are just easier to develop and mass produce
>maybe survival builders are just easier to develop and mass produce
Well they definitely are when you have a template as polished as Banished to work off of. I remember some of the earliest ones actually lifted assets from Banished without even trying to hide it.
>Still tickles me that such a tiny, content-sparse game like Banished had such a huge impact on town builders.
We have seen a lot of inovation happening like this. Just consider the fucking LANDSLIDE impact that Factorio had. The game was originally made by two people, and their estimated market was supposed be in thousands or tens of thousands of people.
Then it grew not only into a 6-years long development monster that challenged Portal for being most positively rated game on Steam EVER, and defined literally an entire new genre of games.
As for Banished, I personally never enjoyed it. There is something about being locked to a grid, especially for fields, that just frustrates me. Maybe the there are mods to fix it, but I just didn't find the game all that charming.
It's descendants, on the other hand... Ostriv is my favorite horse in the race. Shame the development is so god damn slow.
There is a remake in the work. By some people that among other games, worked for the Factorio team, if I'm not mistaken. So hopefully, the won't screw it up.
I never played the recent Mesopotamia-set spiritual successor. Don't even remember the name.
>The survival genre has been a scam for longer, maybe survival builders are just easier to develop and mass produce
Not really, if games like Ostriv are to judge by. Also, the survival genre gave us some pretty damn good games at the end. Sure - ton of it was shit, but that's the same with every other genre.
The Long Dark, Subnautica, Vintage Story, Green Hell and The Forest have quite a lot to offer each, if you are into that kind of experience.
Not to mention it was the survival genre that opened doors for games like factorio, which in itself was inspired by Minecraft Mods at the very start.
>There is a remake in the work.
From what I've seen it sucks ass.
I've always liked the aesthetic of Banished, but it is just very limited and I always get bored after a couple hours of playing it. I am glad that some of its descendants are looking interesting now. I've had my eye on Ostriv and also Kingdoms Reborn. The latter started off as a Banished clone but the dev has been adding so many features to it that it is now practically a very simple 4X game.
You can continue to play the game while paused. Therefore, it's turn-based strategy that lets you simulate real-time. At best, you could call it RTWP, which is distinct from both RTS and TBS.
Yeah. My irrational hatered of grid-restricted fields aside: my biggest problem was that after about 3 hours of the game, I realized I'm spending more time looking at the open tabs constantly relocating people and resources - e.g. moving numbers up and down. The city started feeling almost tangential to that stuff.
I do love the whole seasonal transition stuff.
By the way, aside from Ostriv, another very interesting off-shoot of this genre is Workers and Resources. Which adds an whole new twist to the formula, by essentially reverting how the whole economy works.
It has issues - it's incredibly overwhelming at first (with terrible tutorials), and the whole difficulty curve is a bit backwards. Plus, like all of these EA games, it's not hard to get burned out on the currently limited content. Ostriv has the same issue.
But damn the games are shaping up really well, and while I would not recommend most people buying into them quite yet, in a couple of years they will be fucking amazing.
My favorite new survival builder is probably Timberborn. The water mechanics are really fun, but the build up to actually getting to mess around with them can be a real slog. Hope the dev eventually irons out the progression so it's less arduous to get to the really fun part of the game. The drought cycle is only really a challenge in your first couple play-throughs, once you figure it out the real fun is creating reservoirs using levees and flood gates.
>You can continue to play the game while paused. Therefore, it's turn-based strategy that lets you simulate real-time.
That may be the dumbest thing I've read on this board in a very long time. On a board that is almost exclusively dedicated to people saying really stupid things.
You deserve some kind of award for that shit.
>Workers and Resources
I like the idea behind that one because most city builders end up turning into commieblock simulator anyway so you may as well do away with the pretenses and embrace it. Won't play it until it leaves EA though
How I worded it was unfair you're right
>My favorite new survival builder is probably Timberborn.
Yeah, that one is definitely on my watchlist. Looking back at my play log, about 90% of my time on the PC has been divided between games like Factorio, various railroad tycoons, and city-builders like Anno 1800 and W'and'S. So Timberborn looks extremely appealing to me. With that said, I don't want to repeat the mistakes I made with buying into Ostriv too early, so I'm delaying that one.
>I like the idea behind that one because most city builders end up turning into commieblock simulator
I also happen to have a thing for commie blocks due to... cultural reasons. With that said, the real interesting aspect of Workers and Resources is the batshit insane, backwards working economy model. It's really unlike pretty much any other city or base builder, and it really takes a while to adjust to it. Mechanically, the game really is extremely unique.
It's unpolished as fuck though. And I suspect a lot of the polish will never come. The team is the "good ideas, not great execution" variety from what I've gathered.
I've heard of Workers and Resources, but I'm really addicted to the medieval / early modern aesthetic. It's why I keep coming back to Banished, if only for a couple hours at a time. Ostriv looks like it'll be great once it gets out of early access.
Thanks for your concession buddy. It's not an RTS.
For me it's zeus
Kaisers and Subjects when?
I'd love a game where you are a margrave of some imperial city in the late HRE and you try to modernize your backward feudal economy.
it's not perfect 1:1, but what exactly am I looking at that's wrong?
Rolecoaster Tycoon isn't an RTS.
But your reasoning for why it's not one is so amazingly stupid it genuinely fascinates me.
It's not the real-time aspect of it that is in question. It's actually the "strategy" element of it. Which by the admitedly arbitrary, but stable conventions of the terminology, implies conflict management, some form of military or quasy-military dimension.
What you need to look up is the therm "turn-based" actually means.
>It's unpolished as fuck though. And I suspect a lot of the polish will never come. The team is the "good ideas, not great execution" variety from what I've gathered.
Well that's a shame. But I'll wait and see how it develops anyway, not like I'm super starved for games to play
>With that said, I don't want to repeat the mistakes I made with buying into Ostriv too early, so I'm delaying that one.
Fair enough, I'm leery of jumping on several early access games myself for similar reasons. I was gifted Timberborn by a friend for my birthday and I found it pretty damn fun even unfinished as it is. Do take long breaks though, come back every time there's an update.
It blows my mind how well these games have aged. Caesar is probably the only one I don't like how it looks, but to be fair I never did.
Play Orx.
It’s Caracassone with hordes of Greenskins trying to kill you.
These games were great,
but as a kid, these were too difficult for me and my grasp of english too poor,
so i'd always end up with slums and shanties :(
isometric is timeless.
90's and 00's Sierra were so good.
>Well that's a shame.
Most issues with Workers and Resources are basically convenience problems, rather than serious deal breakers. It's just the kind of game where wrestling buildings into place can be a bit more frustrating than it needs to, while the U.I. is... clumsy too.
And worst of all, as mentioned, is the lack of tutorialization (or more precisely, completely fucking AWFUL tutorials that only teach you how to do things, but not WHY you need to do them), which combined with the very unusual systems and somewhat front-loaded early game challenge can be frustrating.
At the moment, if you want to play Workers and Resources, doing some research of your own and watching some youtube guides for early game and basic systems is basically necessary if you don't want to flaunder terribly.
But once you get into it... there really isn't many games that are even similar. It looks like commie flavored C:S but it could not be further away from it.
And it has the seasonal gimmick. And I'm a sucker for those.
fuck the feng shui system. if you really wanted the most optimal city it severely restricted how you could build.
The new sprites just suck compared to the old ones in general. Also they WE WUZ'd the opening cinematic but that's another matter entirely.
I think the only problem with Pharoah is something to do with worker ai that you can't block them off and they end up wondering all over town, that was later fixed in the next games with posts you can place on the roads or something.
I feel like Caesar suffered from the colors being a bit too muddy. Everything else in that pic looks way more vibrant and nice.
Do you want demons to molest your soul?
>Prussia in the North/East
>France in the West
>Austria in the South
>uppity liberals all throughout your realm while reactionary nobles and land owners breathe down your neck whenever you try to modernize too quickly
>the constant threat of cheap imports from French and British colonies eating away whatever profits your farms and mines can still scrape out
A management game set in a minor German state between 1815 and 1871 would be absolute kino
I'm a spurdo and somehow managed to figure out how to play using trial and error and a physical dictionary for some of the keywords kek.
there was a demo for the new Pharaoh during NextFest. I couldn't beat level 3 and when I checked the steam discussion page lots of people were saying it was bugged and the objective wouldn't unlock
So lots of people were posting in this thread and the dev came in and said "Yeah it's bugged but it was also bugged in the original so fuck off" which is a good and a bad response really, take it how you will
Kinda weird they'd choose to do this kind of game after Grim Dawn desu.
No they don't.
That is absolutely not what the developer is saying, though. Like - your screenshot literally shows a completely different answer.
>city builders
you are all babies. enter capitalism.
Oh this is a shill thread. Gj marketing
Obviously incorrect. RCT does have strategy: managing park-goer behaviors, optimizing ride pricing, revitalizing rides at the ideal times, pausing the game to move around park-goers to maximize dollars/hour. It's a simple and tedious strategy, but most are. And it is obviously part turn-based. One of the most important moves you can make, moving the park-goers, can be done while paused. Meaning, you have to trade turns with real-time ticks for the game to continue, yet most of the game's action can be done while paused. It's an unconventional turn-based strategy, but undeniably one.
Can anyone remind me of a RTS i liked but cant remeber the name. It had the word legend in the title if I remember corectlly. I just remeber there was a faction where you can build a huge steam punk spider drill and wreck shit with it.
Nobody's even talking about the OP's game and hasn't been for several minutes. This is a /cbg/ outpost now.
Rise of Legends probably
That's actually fascinating to someone who's been out of the city building game for ages now. So much shit happening away from mainstream eyes.
Rise of nations rise of legends?
holy soul
I really like Dawn of Man.
I don't think it's a really 'smart' or complicated RTS and it kind of is just a 'better' Banished in a way, but holy shit do I really love a lot about it:
-The tech tree is really satisfying because it actually feels like when you develop new technologies they really have a big impact. Agriculture, keeping livestock, the PLOW, you're just able to feed more and more people. The little moment in the game where you finally don't have to use SLEDS to fucking move resources and can instead use donkey/horse pulled carts is fantastic.
-You're not necessarily 'obligated' to advance like you are in other games. You can just get as big as you want to on as little as you want to. I've had villages where I've imposed a "only hunting and gathering" and built large tent cities where people roam in massive ravenous hordes slaughtering wildlife as they scoured the land for every scrap of food.
-I also just think the tool-making economy/industry is really neat. You start off making things out of sticks, then bone & flint, and then just go through copper, bronze, iron, and finally steel. Not all of them are even better than one another: bone and flint are kind of equal, iron tools don't make bronze ones obsolete, but iron and bone are just WAY more fucking abundant than their counterparts so you might end up changing just due to scarcity. I love that. That's *neat*.
Are they cute?
Does it have multiplayer?
Kingdoms Reborn left me feeling sour.
>RCT does have strategy: managing park-goer behaviors, optimizing ride pricing,
Learn to fucking read. I was very specific when I explained that subject. Go back and re-read my post. Maybe you'll get it on the second try.
>And it is obviously part turn-based.
I've told you to learn the definition of "turn-based" mechanics once too. You keep using the term wrong. That not making a point, that is just showcasing how fucking inable to actually learn, read or understand ANYTHING you are.
Let me help you though, because I'm a kind soul. Turn-based systems have something to do with DESCRETE time systems. Add that to the list of words you need to actually learn before you start spouting more innane bullshit.
I think thats it. Will have to look it up. Thank you.
Does something like that even have its own sub-genre? Business simulation game seems like a loose term.
>So much shit happening away from mainstream eyes.
The entire indie and mid-ware scene is actually really fucking great right now. Yea Forums is at this point as fucking casual, normie cesspool as possible, so you mostly see either hate on it or complete ignorance, but there is a lot of stuff going on - in many genres simultaneously.
The only real problem of Indie scene is that it requires you to actively search for games. You just won't discover them passively, like it is with AAA industry.
>Only Command&Conquer clones are RTS
>Only Doom clones are FPS
> Yea Forums is at this point as fucking casual, normie cesspool as possible
Whatever do you mean user? Don't you want to discuss Elden Meme for the 1000th time?