>user, would you kindly march into a blue board and post racism.
User, would you kindly march into a blue board and post racism
Yes m‘lore
trying too hard, newfriend
you have to be 18 or older to browse this site
>An user chooses,
>a basedcuck obeys.
Hang yourself
I hate nigger
cringe newfag
a man chooses
a slave obeys
but the ubermensch goes UOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH
>slavety is... LE BAD!!
I think you mean "the truth," you mick bastard
Racism is weak and foolish, competition promotes growth and a wide pool of cultures promotes synthesis of new methods, ideas, and perspectives.
Its the faggots that I hate. They're defectives who are a social cancer; draining weaknesses from the host culture while both actively damaging it and trying to spread its corruption.
I'm also spiteful towards women because they get the easy life handed to them on a silver platter, but thats a personal frustration born of envy instead of an ideological one so I try to refrain from holding it against individuals.
Racism is a natural instinct of in group preference which promotes strength and unity
I just find it unhelpful personally. Everyone has their talents and insights and the best strength is one drawn from many sources to take on any problem. Knowledge is knowledge no matter the source as it were. Ultimately we're one singular species and can strive towards mutual benefit.
The issue is the gays don't care about the species, only promotion of themselves, parasitic culture that they are, unable to reproduce internally and only able to grow by indoctrinating others or hoping more people are born with crossed wires. I pity them from afar, but the line needs to be drawn.
The video jews don't want you to see
>Fromredditor transplants will mald over this benign comment.
>brings up from out of nowhere
shazamtrannies have sunk this low, huh?
Many other groups in this world wonder about what is happened to us, wonder what has happened to our energy. Don’t be surprised if you learn that many of the elites in foreign countries, in India and China and so on, view with bemused amazement the trajectory of the present West, the degree to which the West is so self-hating: about its own music, about its own art, about its own architecture, about its own military history - other groups in the world are amazed at this, but will seek to take advantage of it, because why wouldn’t they? In the circumstances of group competition which this globe entertains, all groups are partly in competition for scarce resources against all other groups. It doesn’t have to be as merciless as all that.
But it is real, and it is extant, and it is ongoing. Mass immigration into Britain began with the Nationality Act in 1948, which was passed by the Clement Attlee government. And Attlee, who was the then Labor Prime Minister, in a landslide victory that Labor won immediately after the Second World War, said that, “If the races of the world are mixed together there will be no more war.” “If the races of the world are mixed together there will be no more war.” And he took that idea from the anti-colonial movement of the 1920s and the 1930s. What you get instead is the internalization of divisions and a bellyaching of a globalist sort inside societies instead of between them. So all that happens is the group dynamics which were nation-state oriented and national in the past three to five centuries become internal, because human competition and the dynamics of group difference are such that they will always exist, no matter what you do. They will exist inside multiracial marriages. They will exist inside multiracial schools. They will exist inside multiracial cities. They will exist within multiethnic housing developments. And they will certainly exist within multiracial societies.
Fuck you, Fontaine.
nice copypasta bro.
I'm just here to proclaim my bigotry superior to yours.
The issue isn't race, its culture, and social elites who leverage culture as a dividing force instead of a unifying one so that they can prey on separated smaller groups instead of one cohesive group. That is why identity politics have become so prominent lately; social engineering. The general corrupt businessman throws fuel onto the fire because it distracts from his backdoor dealings, and the rich jews contribute to idpol bullshit because it gives them an easy deflection device. I legitimately believe that if enough people working in good faith tried you really could forge a functional multi-racial culture.
I do not believe the same can be said of the gays and other alphabet types, because faggotry cannot form a culture without parasitizing off of the host, because the gays do not bear children to pass on wholesome and productive values onto, or to try and foster a better future for even if it comes at the cost of the now. This is, of course, because they do not produce children of their own. They create no legacy, have nothing to strive for beyond mere indulgence of the now, no motivation beyond self-satisfaction and, in the case of the trans crowd who butcher themselves and constantly try to gaslight others into the same (because again, they cannot reproduce themselves and so must parasitize off of a successful culture) in their effort to try and validate their terrible decisions to themselves. The real enemy will always be the part of the social upper class trying to suppress upward growth for the sake of maintaining power, but as a cultural group overall the lgbt "community" is the biggest pox upon society.
nice thread. Reading all these comments in Irish.
Race is culture and culture is race.
Culture is formed by the environment you're raised in, not something controlled by genes. You need to stop thinking so small and see the big picture, one unified force of people aspiring to build something greater steamrolling the rest of the world. It is my desire to see America pull its head out of its ass and be that super-dominant power that commands the rest of the world, and to do that, the people must be unified.
Man - men and women, in all groups - are 80% inherited, at least, 80% generic, 80% genetic, 80% hereditarian. And the socialized element, the naturalizing, normative element, where we’re reared through parents, the psychology of the relationship that we have with them, where we’re culturalized through education and behaviorism in a society: that’s 20%. And even that is ecology, which is a species of biology. Everybody knows ecology is a subject area within biology.
It’s almost as if the 20% which is actually given by naturalization, that which is nurture rather than nature to use old-fashioned formulations from the 1960s, is actually part and parcel of nature itself. Because what sets us up and primes us to be naturalized as human beings if not nature itself?
>It is my desire to see America pull its head out of its ass and be that super-dominant power that commands the rest of the world,
We already have that, it's called glohomo
Twist niggers' heads off.
if you're going to be pulling specific numbers out of your ass I'd love to see where you're GETTING those numbers from. My view may be rooted in a certain idealism but I don't pretend its a hard and fast calculated science.
I don't want globalism, I want successful worldwide American Imperialism. The ideal nation born of a wide array of people joining hands to combine their strengths to dominate the squabbling masses.
>I don't want globalism, I want successful worldwide American Imperialism.
That's literally what globohomo is, golem. Anglo-Judaism is in charge everywhere in the West
You're missing the point dumbass, I want AMERICANS who believe in america the nation in charge not a few members of a single religion in charge of it all, you fucking idiot. Your limited "its always the jews" mindset is only playing into their hand, being the narrow-minded controlled opposition they use to validate their deflection tactics.
You want to beat the jewish? don't give them any ground to pretend its a religious argument, thats how they trick the masses into thinking its nothing more than blind anti-semitism. You have to strike at them as individuals, and the moment you do, it becomes far easier to take control of the argument again.
>if you're going to be pulling specific numbers out of your ass I'd love to see where you're GETTING those numbers from.
Not him but
>General intelligence definitely runs in the family. Twin studies (on both identical twins and fraternal twins) have found a heritability of IQ between 57% and 73%, and in some cases, even higher.
It's not surprising either since different race have different IQ level.
Your parents are your environment, their genes. Sister, bothers, uncles. Then your ethnicity/nation have genes. It's a double dose.
Culture is average group behavior. It is a product. It changes because living beings decide so.
bioshock 2 is better
>You have to strike at them as individuals
Brilliant, simple, vague plan, user. The West is saved now, because they definitely won't continue to deflect if you bend over backwards to not point out that they're Jewish.
Redditors hate Bioshock because they can't fathom the idea of political commentary that isn't the equivalent of a John Oliver skit
I won't deny that biological factors can affect somone's cognitive ability, and I've seen behavioral science that hints personality traits can also be genetic to some extent, but we aren't slaves to our genes either. The greatest ability of humans is their ability to learn and socialize. I fully believe its possible for two differing groups to extend hands, team up, and advance far faster than those who don't cooperate.
A lot of people in my country like the same things, believe the same things. My dad and me are very alike in looks and behavior. We reconnected recently and learned that we have more in common than we even realized, in terms of preferences, pet peeves, music, likes and dislikes. Nobody nurtured us to be like that, we just are. Our brains are just similar because we are kin, and my fellow countrymen are an extended kin. It's that simple.
You mess with that and you get chaos within a society. Nobody teams up, nobody cooperates, nobody sees themselves as a part of a greater whole other than their own camp, which is at odds with the other camps.
You desire empire, when empire is usually the subjugation of other peoples and races and forcing them to live together. Imperialism is multiculturalism in a classical sense. Which is also why they always crumble.
Redditors love Bioshock because it makes fun of libertarians and objectivists.
Now observe how they hate Bioshock 2 for mocking communists and love Bioshock Infinite for mocking Christians and conservatives.
Fuck off nigger.
no they dont even if they do it shouldnt stop anyone from liking it
I sneel
this is the norm for Africans. they let everything that was given to them fall into ruin instead of maintaining it.
Most of your culture is inherited from your parents because they're the most prevalent thing in your most important developmental years.
The number 1 cause of war and violence through out human history is race and proximity, it's naïve to presume that's suddenly going to have a different result. Especially when America has proven that to be true time and time again.
We live in a time where access to information and technology is at a level which would not have been dreamed of before, America should be pumping out "great people" left and right, yet it produces none.
At what point do you concede this idea doesn't work?
>this thread
I knew leaving reddit was the right choice this thread has been a warm welcome for me frens PRAISE KEK and may Q be with you!
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Your opinions are irrelevant, you're the worst humanity has to offer. A race traitor
>Bioshock Infinite for mocking Christians
Fundie Amerimutt cultists are hardly "Christians"
>fucking kids is…… LE BAD!!
>Bioshock 2
Literally the best Bioshock. Why is it panned compared to the original?
Videogames for this feel?
for some reason people complained about it being set in Rapture again
There’s actually two bridges now and the bridge in pic is repaired. It was built by niggers in the first place anyway.
Maybe so, but the game makes fun of the fact of belief in a higher power and forgiveness. It is curious, though, how the point of the atheist protagonist being a drunk murderer who sold his daughter flies over the heads of fanboys.
Would you koindly suck my penis