Unironically, how did they get the world design so right? most amount of genuine enjoyment I've ever had from a game is simply running around and taking a look at the sights in Genshin in unrivaled.
Unironically, how did they get the world design so right...
stealth hohol thread
lmao you're right!!
Zelensky is a jew and was installed through a coup.
>slava ukraini
Chasm is the best cave in vidya I think.
listen, i like genshin but this thread is cringe af
go back op
Inazuma is literally one of the worst designed areas ever, it's all just special gimmick islands that makes it feel extremely fake.
>leave Sekiro to me
I loved all of the islands myself. Rittou being the worst since it cucked you right as you got to Inazuma.
50 rubles have been deposited into your account
what the fuck am i looking at, when did mc get a parry?
traveler actually has a neat gimmick now?
or is this just some special event
Event sadly. They are probably testing the water for future characters.
chinks can't innovate, they can only corrupt.
The islands were shitty and focused on a single gimmick (fog, electro radiation, bad weather, etc.) which then had a timegated questline that would take a week to finish so you could remove the gimmick from the island.
It literally felt like an amusement park where each island was a new attraction. Which made all the islands feel artificial and not actually part of an actual world.
>Unironically, how did they get the world design so right?
Lots of varied yet non-obtrusive elevation shifts with a beautiful color palette and a high density of content. Inazuma only, though, your screenshot is the worst region of the game, and it sucks major fucking ass, since it's just barren steep cliffs painted various shades of piss.
botw invented swimming, burning grass, and beam shooting robots
I have an overwhelming urge to dump my dead Russian folder in this thread for some reason, don't really feel like getting banned this morning though
For me they were great with a variety of nice visuals and music and the time gated questlines are great, they leave more of an impression and give you something to look forward to.
How is this thread stealth related to the war?
Nah, but Genshin is basically the equivalent to CWC Sonic OC. It claims to be its own thing, but we all know where it got it’s look and ideas from.
thought so, no way they'd make traveler actually fun to play that would ruin their gacha incentive
retardation. Go outside and go near a wheat field then take a picture
you haven't even played it
>just figured out if you press S and Space while climbing you just jump from the Wall
What the fuck
Switching to walk mode and walk off a cliff will make your character climb down instead of just free falling.
>not using a controller
Why would I use a controller?
It's made to be played with a controller. It's basically Zelda.
You discovered where their flag design originated, congrats dipshits
Damn, how is Ukraine's flag so simple yet so aesthetic? A beatutiful blue sky and a wheat field, a literal paradise in two simple colors. What's russian colors represent, a brand of toothpaste?
>Playing a gacha game with a controller
>playing an immersive exploration + platforming game
>with a KBM
>when you have to press a button to walk which puts a "WALK MODE INITIATED" message in the middle of your screen
wtf is this resolution? don't games usually up it in photo mode
Name ONE moment in the entire game where you have to walk
>Gacha game
Maybe if you could disable most of the UI
>don't games usually up it in photo mode
I wish. It's kinda rare for games to do that.
>Unironically, how did they get the world design so right?
They hired competent artists who know their way around color theory, mappers who studied geological processes to create realistic rock formations and programmers who coded competent LoD rather than just smearing the entire game world with fog and blur.
Pretty easy really
>meanwhile other devs hire guy to smear fog and blur
god this is depressing
Skyrim is still king
>nice visuals
They all look the same except for Seirai and Watatsumi.
>they leave more of an impression and give you something to look forward to.
They were literally just
>Go and talk to this random template-made npc and do some bootleg dailies
The only decent one was for Tsurumi, but fixing the fog also pretty much took away the only interesting thing about the island even if it was only annoying.
I was exploring Inazuma with Morrowind exploration music on loop for a day or two.
It's the preliminary steps behind each decision.. Each locality has historic background and each camp a reasoning behind their presence. This allows imagination to run wild. Just like in Morrowind. Yes, it little bit crumped, but the map is still unbelievably massive.
None of the areas in the game look the same and Tsurumi was done right imo. The music change was kino.
>None of the areas in the game look the same
Nigger, now you're just lying.
>willingly gimping yourself
You fucking what? It's a jungle gym to use any of the menus without a gamepad.
Bro, your hot keys?
things will really start to change with later regions
>check Teapot message
>They say it's gonna take weeks
What the fuck are they doing?
Are they increasing the Load Limit by a shit-ton?
would be nice if they did but probably not because phones
Then what the fuck are they doing?
There's no bug so bad you'd need to disable a building mode for multiple fucking weeks
Probably banning the enemies of the state and perverts. Going through every teapot one-by-one.
probably something that has no influence on the player and only on their servers
I literally only have the main building and 6 girls in front of it for friendship points, used to use the little farms but didn't need them after a while, Wanty to farm for yelen but I've heard its starconchs she needs.
Post your primogems and character roster
t. playing since day 1 and I never rolled past the beginner banner
>now you're just lying.
This isn't even all the areas, only a few. If you think these are all the same then you need your eyesight checked
Then to top it all off you have Enkanomiya
considering every area looks mostly the same and you have to spam jump to "climb" mountains, no it isn't
I still fucking hate how this was hyped for months as a Underwater palace and shit but we didn't get ANY fucking Fish enemies
Just a Geovishap reskin
meds. NOW
will this game ever come out for the switch?
I was expecting more ryugujou but we got some Greece thing.