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Rhalgar gave me a reach around
>6.1 is the first msq in a while where the last quest wasn't named after the patch it came on
>The Hatching-tide seasonal event has begun! >Details:
Let's goooo finally some content
>Use guard so I dont get knocked up on wind map
>everyone else is too stupid to do it so they take 30k damage from fall
>kill enemy team with chain saw when they land
easy game
threadly reminder that the 13th will just be a relic/bozja/eureka grind and not a full fledged expansion. dont get your hopes up
So think they're actually gonna flesh out PvP more after this? It's kind of fun, but considering it's so removed from the rest of the game, it's currently still pretty bare in terms of game modes and there's no real reward for doing it (even the EXP is shite compared to other content so it's not useful for leveling alts) that I don't think it's going to have any long-term future.
>Byregot, Rhalgr, Azeyma, Nald'thal all in boss order
>Oschon conveniently last
how do i get this as a portrait
>sub expires mid match and boots me off the game
jesus christ
You actually can since you can see a modded character in a portrait, but you can get reported
>tfw to dumb for anything else than bard in pvp
just a reminder that fall back and regroup doesn't mean sit on your spawn for everyone to come back, stop giving up control.
>You actually can since you can see a modded character in a portrait
Doesn't the game load an actual model for the portrait, instead of it being a static JPG or something? At least I've seen people's weapon effects animated, so I doubt it's actually uploading a lewd screenshot onto the servers or anything.
Y'shtola has had more personality and charm in this one patch than the entirety of 1.0 to 6.0.
>the 13th
isn't that The World of Darkness? Are you telling me we are getting more FF3 wanking?
what did you expect retard
More like ff4 wanking
Turning into a magical girl trope for a few seconds isn't personality.
whats the most brainlet job in pvp so i can play that
No but it is charming.
Mods arent loaded in the portrait, unless the other person has the same mod. Likewise, if he uses different mods, he sees the one that got installed.
People with no mod see characters normally.
Weapon glows are animated and have nothing to do with mods. It just loads the model.
I hope avatarfags get banned regardless.
I feel like they'd want Halone to be the final boss of the next raid
kys retard
my WoL is kinda cute, bro.
If you mean braindead, then its SAM, but only if the other players are braindead and attack you with counter up, otherwise it's probably NIN due to their Execute.
If you didn't throw Y'shtola under the bus you played the game wrong.
>I hope avatarfags get banned regardless
have sex lol
War and Sam
This wind map is shit. At least once a match I apply I apply death warrant just to get launched into the air and watch the debuff fall off.
I only been focusing on the pvp, love the new mode.
Msq and raids can wait.
But to my understanding the crysral trophies can only be traded for job af recolor gear so far?
I feel it has to be Nophica and Llymlaen to keep with the city-states theme
>xiv has good pvp now
It's fucking over
Is PVP actually good now or is it populated just because it's the shiny new toy and the garo shit is back
>You and I will speak later
Yeah, you're gonna get a different bonking than that book, that's for sure. Don't forget the spankings you promised back in ShB too.
You can see the timer you fucking retard, play around it.
You first faggot
Menphina got the pre-order earring, THE MOON was a big thing about the expansion, and she's kind of like the Twelve's version of Venat, so I can see Menphina ending up as one of the main bosses.
It'd have to be Nophica if they wanted to give all the starting city-state patrons vocal songs, though.
Then pay the fuck attention and apply it afterwards fivehead
It's actually fun
By the Twelve, Azeyma is so hot god damn
How the fuck do you handle those quadruple planets in the EX, it's the last mechanic before it just repeats and if that shit starts with knockback, forget it at least half the party is dead.
It's almost laughable how easy that mechanic is otherwise if it starts with the aoe's first.
I get the feeling the 6.x msq is gonna try and redeem y'shtola.
She's got nothing on Matron Mommy Milkers
I would get gay married to G'raha Tia
No homo
Yeah, NIN's pretty complex otherwise but when you get LB you can easily nothing personel the entire enemy team to death, especially during hectic fights where people necessarily don't notice who's getting targeted. Just look at HP bar list and pop niggas.
dark knight can stall for way to fucking long
I'm a goddamn idiot then since I never even fucking noticed the timer. I want to say the fact I'm drunk as shit is an excuse but we both know I'm just fucking dumb.
It happens user, sometimes you get caught up in the bloodlust.
Just watch which set of red ones is animating faster and get pushed away from it with the last blue. Didn't have too much problem with it myself, but I ran with a group that didn't want to waste the brainpower to actually observe the fight themselves, and were hoping I'd solve it for them during the attempt, which is impossible with this mechanic. Really, if people can't manage to adjust to this, the only real solution is to run attempts until it runs red->blue, which is what let my group actually succeed.
Also you can guard to not get thrown into the air. Fucking no one knows this.
So what's the reveal going to be? They're all familiars/concepts created by Azem? Or is it going to be a non sequitur like the Auspices?
holy shit this
They've existed since the same time as the Ascians, and considering Pandaemonium, the Ascians were likely Gods themselves who were shrunken down by them, half their size. The Myths/Pandaemonium story is based on Paradise Lost.
If they were doing city themes wouldn't Llymlaen have to be the last boss of the Limsa raid? I guess the Gridania raid would be Earth/Water rather than Earth/Wind.
Fuck I used to love this game back in the late HW years and early SB. I came back mid shadowbringers and went through E4-E12 and started to raid this expansion. Every single fucking raid group has had a tranny in it or someone knew trannies that they subbed in when someone had to miss. Accidentally misgendering someone has ended a few raid nights. I can't even fucking bother anymore.
low energy patch desu, everything felt so half assed considering they increased dev time by half a month
You just got shitty groups my man. Most of the people i've run with are absolute memelords and shitposters, pretty comfy actually.
Is there a new Garo title for getting all of the gear? I know there was Makai Master before.
It's about time.
Imagine everyone on the writing team when it came time for Venat's dialogue to all the Scions one on one and we go through all this growth and development everyone has gone through and when she gets to Y'shtola it's just "You're smart. And you read books. And you ask questions."
Do you think Ishikawa and all of her apprentices just started looking at each other realizing that throughout these last 8 years they forgot to actually write Y'shtola?
Why is Oschon the Wanderer if Azeyma is supposed to be related to Azem?
How is the XP from CC? Is it a viable way to level?
Bros, why did yoshida kill SAM...
Fuck Rhalgr, I still don't get his attacks. The knockback towards the fingers is cool though.
>PvP is good
>Alliance Raid is fantastic
>New Housing Savage
>New Ultimates/Unreal coming
What are you even on about you absolute faggot?
To be honest I wish there where like a Yea Forums guild or something, but even then I feel like it would get swarmed
Don't play on crystal datacenter.
The next four gods after the lightning/fire group we just did going clockwise are the earth/ice group, followed by the water/wind group
this would put nophica in the second raid and llymlaen in the third raid
Nope. DPS cucks on suicide watch.
Azeyma isn't, that was just a theory by Urianger because their names were similar and had a Sun motif, nothing more. In all likelihood thats a misconception to associate her with the Sun anyway, she's more of a Moon Goddess.
Yea Forums guilds are always fucking awful
>SAM got nerfed for no reason in pve
>became gods in pvp
>NIN gets to be a god in both pve and pvp
I just don't understand who thought the SAM changes were a good idea
lalachads rise up
They were next on the lobotomy list, I'm sorry
>want to set my portrait and plate
>realize I have no good glamour
My trick is to stay right at the border of the last knockback and then adjust to each side, but it's still really fucking fast, you have like 1 second, compared to the other pattern which is just laughably easy.
It's not hard to figure out it's just hard to execute under that entire clusterfuck.
shut the fuck up
Because you fuckers kept making death threats over stupid shit in 6.0 Talk shit, get hit.
They aren't doing city themes. Nald Thal is last because he's the number 4 on the wheel.
Azeyma is Venat.
>Gods in pvp
Only for idiots who blindly attack them, also Sam barely lost any adps with this change, they're no different in Pve other than some raids buff changing and no dance partner, so less rdps.
fire element girls are always top tier. see suzaku as well
What does that mean?
>To be honest I wish there where like a Yea Forums guild
user there have been several of them and they're all trash. Why do you think people avoid the general on the general board? It's filled to the brim with the exact same people that user doesn't want to deal with.
Stalling is its job. It doesn't have the CC of the other tanks or the versatility of GNB. Its fine and homogenizing the tanks would be a bad idea. Let DRK have its role.
>Next expansions
>Italian written by the guy who did Stormblood
>they actually pushed the "make the 12 into tangible greek gods/goddesses" button
I knew Endwalker was going to be bad, but I didn't think we'd go straight back into Stormblood Saturday Morning Cartoon territory. F anyone still playing this for the story, not even Ishikawa has any ideas left.
it can have the role of stalling but it shoudnt be able to stall against 5 people all bursting it down
So the last bosses are just gonna Menphina and Oschon and we aren't gonna get banger Gridania or Limsa vocal tracks? Lame. I hope Halone is cool anyway.
Stand on an objective and just exist long enough for the rest of the team to respawn and come back to the objective.
You WILL switch to RPR
the plates are great and i can't wait for them to implement it for the duty finder as well. gives a bit of personality and charm to otherwise faceless people you get randomly grouped with
>versatility of GNB
GNB is fucking worthless in PVP, Nebula is its saving grace, it's horribly gimped compared to how much of an unkillable monster it used to be. It's by far the worst tank to play in pvp now.
I find that you can tell a lot about a person just by looking at their plate. It's eye-opening.
oschon is gonna be mad we beat his gf in the last raid
Did reaper get any unique dialogue this patch with all talk of voidsent?
The 1st quest of the patch is named Newfound adventure
There was one line where Yshtola refers to your cotract with a voidsent and not to get to comfortable with it.
Completely agreed. Generally my problem is more about actually juggling everything in my head. I confused myself a couple of times on what exactly needed to happen rather than executing, as in I observed all the things happening and adjusted accordingly, only I forgot about the fact that I needed to stay away from red planets rather than run into them like blues, so I confidently blasted my way right into it perfectly then realized my mistake.
>look around the wards
>most plots, even mediums, have only one or two entrants
>even a lot of larges only have one or two
What the fuck. Is the housing market actually a bubble?
How do you pull this off? My DRK's ussually burn out and die quickly, probably because they are spamming Shadowbringer and don't realize they are killing themselves.
You can kill the entire enemy team as Dragoon if they're stupid enough to bundle up as you LB.
Pretty sure you have to actively be Reaper for it, too, since I have one leveled but didn't see it but an FC mate who was playing on the job did get it.
I'm going to kill Void
>want to but ED and resub
>all my friends fucked off to different DC
>it's $20
DC crossplay when?
Yes it should. It would be useless if it couldn't. Anyone can stall against 5 people with guard on, DRK has to take it farther than that. Stop being retarded and just stun the DRK before he can Quietus back to full.
I'm wondering if people are waiting until the last minute to put their lottery ticket into the house(s) with the lowest number of people.
...user. Tell me right now the name of the character in that screenshot.
It’s like 5% for a win and 2.5% for a loss. Games can be over in two minutes, but with queue times I’d put it as about equal to FATEs.
I was on reaper when I got it. I'll see if I can screenshot it real quick.
Honestly they are making G'raha a bit too stupid now, he should have the memories of a 100 year old self too. Crystal Exarch where the fuck are you?
next patch we swear
I switched to reaper because it's better MCH
oh shit
do i have a stroke
That was his voidsent avatar in the msq epilogue wasn't it?
Also, remind me, have they set up an expac's trial series in the MSQ before? I wonder if the EW trials really are going to be Fiends + Golbez (which is already weird because that's 5, meaning two would be dungeon boss/solo scenarios). IIRC the trials were always side content, but if these are the trials then they're now integrated in the MSQ. Is this going to lead up to a 13th expansion or is all of this going be wrapped up in EW, we save Azdaja in 5.5 which then leads to us going to check out Meracydia?
Am I doing something wrong or does it just feel like you're tickling the enemy team as MCH when you don't have your skills gadgets +analysis lined up right? I know that with LB and wildfire you can basically delete whoever you feel like but that happens too seldom
If we get zeromus, the emperor will be the only classic ff final boss missing
Same, I just want more fantasy plate armor for my tanks...
>Anyone can stall against 5 people with guard on
lol no you are really delusional if you think someone sitting on point with guard is anyone remotely as broken as dark knights sitting at 1hp for 5 million years, healing their entire healthbar back up and on top of them having access to guard.
His soul merged with his younger self that was sleeping in CT
Nice job!
Remember that we didn't have some kind of mid-expansion wrap-up scheduled like previous expansions, so Golbez could be like the 6.3 trial if they want.
Yeah. Along with the fucking memories, some sense of an old self should be there, not keeping him ALWAYS fujo material. I can get sometimes, but not always.
I'm not retard. I said DRK has to be better than just using Guard. Literally read you fucking illiterate. And as I said, you can deal with DRK if you know what to do. How about you reread my post again because I already told you how to deal with Eventide's sustain. Go on. Read nigger.
So what are crysral trophies for from new pvp? Just recolor af sets?