Ayn Rand was right
Ayn Rand was right
Other urls found in this thread:
>Ayn Rand
but he is wrong?
>Ayn Rand
Play the game, perhaps?
>make a city that's made for the rich and powerful
>contract a bunch of blue collar workers to build your magic city
>tell them they can build their own businesses if they want to thrive there knowing full well none of them have the resources to do that hence them being blue collar workers in the first place
>put them in ghettos and leave them at the mercy of the shadiest business practices, like needing to pay 2 dollars to use the shitter.
>While also needing them as the only group of people who can fix the pipes and sweep the floors and do the maintenance that keeps the city running
>And let them be used for experimentation like Suchong's Big Daddies, Tenenbaum's Little Sisters, or Steinman's Picasso surgeries
>Also, since the city is closed off, they're not replaceable
> become shocked when someone is able to galvanize them into turning on their overlords
Someone convince me that Ryan wasn't retarded
once my deck arrives i'll replay all 3 of them but skip infinite cause I remember it being a bargain bin pixar thing
The game is a cartoony caricature of her ideas cause you can't make a mainstream game that sympathizes with her views.
Don't get me wrong a lot of her ideas are goofy shit, but this game is not a fair presentation of her work at all.
Ryan is retarded and that's the point of the game.
Is "Andrew Ryan" a play-on-words/anagram of Ayn Rand?
but bioshock 1 and 2 are a bargain bin immersive sims
You srs?
About what?
that's not a bad thing
I'll also be playing thief and system shock on my steck
Infinite is the best of the Trilogy.
what a nightmare, I'm so glad the government will always look after us.
really...makes you...think...huh................
I just find it really funny how everything backfired so hard for him. Free market and business good. Until someone invents meth that gives you superpowers that eclipses every other business in rapture. Never interfere with the leaders of the great chain. Until a gangster that slipped in starts getting more worship than you. We are not a government and our people have free enterprise. Oh wait that Frank Fontaine fellow has gathered too much power, time to start seizing his assets. It's really funny how a staunchly atheist city fell apart so hard that Frank Fontaine was able to smuggle in Bibles because the world was better when Joseph Steinman thought he was going to hell after killing 30 people
I don't think the game was advocating for government. I think it was just saying extremism bad.
I've dismissed that game based solely on the "wait a minute... that card" meme and I will never give it a fair chance
I mean she's always been a hypocrite but bioshock 1 did indeed take her philosophy to the natural conclusion where everything is owned and you have to pay for shit. It's just an ultra capitalist market because as we're seeing now, as inflation spikes and yet corporations are making billion dollar world breaking revenues, the invisible hand of the free market doesn't exist and will never exist. Unless you regulate the shit out of companies they'll drain everything around them as they get checks from the government like a crack addict with 10 kids. .
I think the message was extremism is unavoidable. The meek just want to go about their normal lives. The psychopaths always rise to the top.
The makers basically lied if you watch all their gametrailers. The game is a very different product and not very good in general so you didn't miss out.
Ayn Rand was a degenerate Jewish psychopath (forgive the redundancy of that description)
the player only has 1 choice in the game
Save children, or kill children, good ending, bad ending. They even put the "save children" as the harder at first, but ultimately more rewarding path, and "kill children" as the instant reward but bad in the long run path.
If you think about it, the only thing the game advocates for is being Pro-Life.
Infinite has a similar sort of thing with the other Bioshock games. Instead of a working class that Ryan tricked into living in his city, Infinite just has a bunch of black and Irish criminals that Comstock imported to use as workers. But he also never intended I'm freeing them and just wanted them as eternal slave labor.
>immersive sims
What does Bioshock simulate?
Murder simulator like Doom
Your PC can't run bioshock? The fuck?
Probably. The insanity of Steinman and Cohen was present before either of them arrived in Rapture. It's just that on the surface there was always someone around with a rolled up newspaper ready to hit them and say no. Adam didn't make them crazy. It just gave them the means to make their insanity a reality.
Which is kind of the problem with Rapture as a whole. When you give everyone the ability to do whatever they want, they're going to end up doing whatever they want.
Would Andrew Ryan's type of government work in real life?
IIRC didn't it only fail because of the plamids making people go fucking looney?
What kind of Government was it anyways?
It was a dictatorship, in any ANCAP or libertarian system charities are allowed to exist but Ryan forced charities to shut down to enforce his ideals of Darwinism.
>IIRC didn't it only fail because of the plamids making people go fucking looney?
If it wasn't plasmids it just would have been something else. That was the idea of Fontaine. Andrew Ryan was just butt hurt that somebody found a way to use his system better than he did. Adam was just a means to an end, it could've easily be anything else.
It's an anagram for
>we are Ayn Rand
Was Bill McDonagh the only sane man in Rapture?
system shock, badly
Reminder that a libertarian analysis of Bioshock are surface level at best. This is the only proper critique of Bioshock.
Plasmids were just a catalyst. It went down because on one hand, people will do greedy and insane things when not restrained, and on the other, you need to take care of all the people who didn't succeed.
>insane and greedy things
Look at what said.
>people who failed
The only reason Fontaine was able to do what he did is because he had an opportunity to rile up all the poor people whom Ryan refused to help because muh objectivism.
I personally believe this is what the devs wanted to say with Bioshock. One of objectivism's biggest problems is poor people and people who failed. You NEED to take care of them, if not because that's good by itself, then because otherwise some random shit-stirrer WILL use them to cause trouble for the society as whole.
This is what I would say as a response to as well. Objectivism works only if everyone succeeds.
>Links some /vpol/ pandering eceleb (most likely the poster) on some bitchud-like shithole site for grifter propaganda
Ah yes, it's chud propaganda, unlike the game sold for money that contains a cultural message.
Cry more about it, hack.
>nooooooo an opinion I don't like shut it down why can't chuds handle different opinions?
>Posts hack (yourself)
>Have him (you) called a hack
>n-n-n-no goy- I mean, chud! don't watch the video! it's not worth it!
You mean the dude who died living off welfare while simultaneously saying welfare is holding everyone back from becoming rich?
AS is some of the most godawfull blunt mary sue chadface versus basedface shit imaginable, if anything, Bioshock was treating it way too fairly. Rand's ideas are nonsensical to anybody who has a basic working knowlege of the age of american hypercapilization and monopolies.
Bioshock is a very jewish game
>He just keeps self advertising
You're talking to at least three different people bro. Bioshock is just a boring game with a bad message
the problem rapture isnt a good representation of objectivist ideology is that it is closed off from the outside. There is no trade with the outside world or migration. There is a reason for that (ryan didnt want to get targeted by the US or by nukes), but it means some very simple free market balancing systems couldnt resolve issues. Now, even with them the system might break down, but it is not a good critique as is since it lacks some essential elements
user I want you to reread your post and then replace "rapture" with "the united states of america"
Ryan was that incompetent because his real life equivalents are that incompetent
ding ding ding. tranny bingo
I posted the link without realising that someone else already had. I shared this video on Yea Forums first.
yeah, why would someone build an economic system in which manual labor is necessary to keep society functioning, but then also pay those laborers like shit, make them live in the dirt, and make their cultural image that of the lazy immigrant poor who aren't doing their fair share? i mean that's just asking for a worker's revolution to come knocking at your door.
anyway, enough about the ronald reagan, let's talk about andrew ryan. i think his mustache was funny.
>pay for something
>noooo you cannot get what you paid for
Get a job.
Ayn Rand's philosophy is an overly emotional woman's reaction to Communism. There's truth to it, but it's hysterical, and out of touch with reality.
>lazy immigrant poor who aren't doing their fair share?
That's literally because they are. Reagan was retarded for bringing them in in the 1st place
>buy into the illusion in fountain head
>thoroughly shattered illusion by the end of atlus shrugged
still she has some good ideas, like not letting people emotionally black mail you
Finished this game for the first time only a few weeks ago.
Enjoyed it, but Fontaine just didn't come close as an interesting enemy as Andrew Ryan was building up to be.
I did like the big reveal, but after that the game just lost any real tension.
Should have gone near the end of the game then had you kill Andrew Ryan, and had the Fontaine reveal with him dying 2 mins later rather than 45-90 mins later.
>Objectivism works only if everyone succeeds.
No system can achieve 100% success. No system actually works in the long run. The only difference is how long each system can last before collapsing. :/
>not letting people emotionally black mail you
Unfortunately, it's shit like this that makes it hard to be a nice person.
The problem is that Frank Fontaine doesn't believe in anything. Andrew Ryan, for better or worse, believed in his city over everything. To a delusional degree. The whole game is asking the question of whether all of his madness was worth it in the end. Rapture didn't last for long but he did successfully build a city beneath the Sea, that's impressive. By contrast Frank Fontaine is just an asshole. There's nothing interesting about him.
>Don't you think that's just straight up evil and counter-productive to a healthy society?
>Rapture didn't last for long but he did successfully build a city beneath the Sea, that's impressive
bro come on lol. he was a murderer. yeah sure he """achieved""" a lot but no, him """believing""" in his city doesn't make him better than fontaine. what matters is the material reality that both killed people for no good reason.
based retard
i dont get how this is supposed to be a commentary on objectivism. it seems like the city fell apart because weird magical powers were introduced. how could anyone predict that? it seems like that would ruin any kind of political system
>We are going to organize into a union in order to defend our right to earn a honest living, since your salary and rent rates are bleeding us dry and basically forcing us into indentured servitude
Cringe retard
>By contrast Frank Fontaine is just an asshole. There's nothing interesting about him.
Yeah, I felt it ruined the mystery of the game that the last 1/5th of the game was wasted on an uninteresting asshole like him.
Because it wasn't just a magical powers. Those people were already crazy. Adam just gave them a means to an end. Doctor Steinman suddenly have better tools than he ever had on the surface. Rather than use it to improve people's lives and just make his surgeries easier he decided to listen to a voice in his head that told him to do completely uncalled for surgeries. Sander Cohen was just mad at all of the people who called his art shit. And his art was shit. He was killing people and then putting their bodies in wax. He wanted to take pictures of people's dead bodies so he can put it on a statue. Doctor Tenenbaum never considered what she was doing was wrong until the children started considering her as their mother. And even then she hated the feelings of motherhood. Adam didn't make them that way. Adam just gave them the tools to do what they always wanted to do. That's what Rapture is, it's a Rick and Morty fans wet dream without realizing that complete lack of restraints tends to lie towards disaster.
ayn rand is a mediocre philosopher and a bad example of what libertarianism is
t. American
>the lolberts are back after getting btfo in the deus ex thread