>Game has killing and gore
>M for mature
>Game has sex scenes and boobs
>A for adult
Why is it not the other way around?
Game has killing and gore
people like killing but only like sex when theyre horny
Fighting and combat are engaging, you cant really have that without their being some form of killing/death as a consequence.
Sex scenes are entirely optional.
Most people have an aversion to violence/gore, but not to sex. It's easy enough to say violence is bad, but you can't say the same for sex without going into detail WHY, and most parents are just too squeemish about the idea of discussing sex with their kids. In summation:
When was the last time this happened? The last game I remember getting an A rating was Hatred and that was because of extreme violence and it had 0 sexual content
We like to pretend that teenagers aren't fucking each other like animals and that it's something only adults do for the pure purpose of procreation
I guess there's also the risk that shit gets weird if everybody just shows their kids porn but if we're being honest most kids look at way more porn than their parents would be comfortable with
What is this 2005? This hasn't happened in years
>blood good
>cum bad
So stupid.
blood mixed with cum is neutral then
Gore and Sex should be A
Killing and Boobs should be M
>teenagers fucking each other like animals
does this actually happen?
why am I a 24 year old handholdless virgin then?
Only the chads and stacies had the sexs I presume also it's illegal so it was probably super underground.
>it's illegal
have you never heard of romeo and juliet laws
what would a game be rated if it featured gory killing of people who are having sex?
Probably because you are on Yea Forums and not texting a girl you know
why do people care about ESRB rating anyways? it's not enforced by law, and its actually just a "Self-regulatory organization" probably owned by jews which doesn't have any legislature over actual game retailers
I actually was texting a girl recently but she has a boyfriend
Then find another one retard. She has friends and if you're decent she'll tell you who's single
Cause americans are retarded animals
>She has friends and if you're decent she'll tell you who's single
now him, but some girls don't actually help you find a girlfriend because they want you simping her
I don't know how
I'm not just going to ask the one potential social link I have left to wingman for me
I also don't know how to talk to girls and show interest in the first place
Stay miles away from those people
Nigga you have autism and that's your problem
If she is your one social link then she would hopefully understand your situation and help you. If not then you chose your friends poorly
I never had a choice
I just latched onto the very small amount of people who would talk to me at all
she's literally the only potential social link I have left from high school and even then I've always been a third wheel to whoever she is dating
Your excuses suck and you need to do better
Because fuck incel coomers.
Oh I just go up to women minding their own business and introduce myself then ask them out. I think it's called cold approaching but I dunno I'm kinda dumb.
>Stay miles away from those people
it took me 28 years to understand that
but never again
or... you could just be more social and look up for FRIENDS, not a GF, but FRIENDS
then those friends will introduce you to new friends and so on until you finally meet some potential GF
Prudes are extremely uncomfortable about sex, many of them are ashamed of their bodies and sexual urges. This is why they become upset if they see sexual content in media. The feelings of shame ruin their enjoyment. Most prudes are also very sheltered and believe these intense feelings of shame are universal, so they get even more upset once they encounter people from less inhibited cultures.
Sometimes prudes try to convince themselves they're not actually prudish because they sometimes look at porn. But that's because prudes are human beings. No matter how hard they repress their sexual urges, they still have them. The main difference is prudes feel intensely ashamed and even guilty about this, and so they want to keep it as private and personal as possible. They're "okay with porn" because it's something kept to the margins of public spaces, and they don't have to confront it where everybody can witness their personal shame. If you bring the least bit of titillation into the public space, suddenly they're not okay, and the universally enjoyable experience of arousal is now obscene.
If you point out these irrational things to prudes they usually become defensive and start accusing you of all the faults they see in themselves for having sexual urges. The worst thing a prude can imagine is being a "slave to baser urges" so that's usually what they accuse others of being. It really says everything about prudes, that the worst thing they can imagine is enjoying sexual pleasure instead of being ashamed of it.
>games have you killing in gruesome ways random people
>ok, fair
>game have you hitting a gay
>uh,no sweet, this game have too much violence
>social link
why are you calling them social links user
and please tell me you dont actually say that irl
>A rating was Hatred and that was because of extreme violence
It wasn't the violence, it was the context. Doom has the same violence as Hatred, but because Doom inflicts said violence on ugly demons from hell instead of random innocent people, it didn't get an AO rating.
I met up with friends somewhere recently and there were some cute girls there but I don't even remember their names and we only talked briefly
Dude just give them your number it takes 3 seconds
When the entire retail industry moved in lockstep agreement with ESRB it didn't matter if it did not have the force of law. Digital distribution though sort of removes the teeth of ESRB ratings since devs could in theory simply directly sell games if retailers and online stores refused to sell it due to its rating.
arousal is universally enjoyable but it's also a personal feeling and therefore usually weird around other people unless you are truly degenerate
this doesn't matter for video games because they're 90% of the time an isolated activity anyway so trying to eliminate things like fanservice is fucking dumb
you are just scared of being rejected, flash news, everyone gets rejected, the only way not to get rejected is not trying, and not trying wont get you a gf
because they are literally the only link I have left to any sort of potential social life
ideally I want to meet more people and make better friends I can be more open with and who want to do stuff
>arousal is universally enjoyable but it's also a personal feeling
All feelings are personal. Yet if you feel uncomfortable expressing emotions like joy or sadness around others, you're typically seen as emotionally stunted. For some reason, you think arousal is special and different, and feeling ashamed of it is normal. It isn't though.
but why? I can't just do that without a reason and asking them would be really weird
I shouldn't be expected to risk complete social ostracization just so I'm not miserably lonely
look at yourself in the mirror and make that question out loud again.
This is why you can't get laid. If you give a girl your number the worst she can do is not text you
I am emotionally stunted and I am uncomfortable showing those emotions around people, whenever my dad says some stupid shit that makes me smile I always hide my face
that doesn't change the fact that arousal is a very particular feeling and sex is a very particular act that only very particular types of people would feel completely comfortable about sharing openly with anyone
sex by it's nature is meant to be an extremely personal thing
I'm actually pretty good looking so I don't know what you're trying to prove
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. I've been surprised by shooting my shot several times. Keep giving that good advice, this is the way.
Intimacy is wonderfully personal. Its shared between two. However, your anxiety (it is anxiety) at showing what you perceive makes you weak - actually makes you weak. Fight the compulsion to hide from the world. Be unapologetically yourself. If sex is an act for you that occurs only in intimate relationships with real commitment, then make it so. Just realize some people don't feel the same way. It doesn't make them anymore hedonistic or base - its a matter of perspective. Like most things.
stay lonely, we don't care, we already told you what to do if you don't want to be miserable.
>go out and meet FRIENDS not GF
>get girls phone number
>confess and don't be afraid of rejection
how are you even supposed to do that
how do you get to a situation where you give a girl your number that doesn't make you look like a weird creep asking for shit out of nowhere
when I talk to people I feel like I'm panicking and want to get away as fast as I can
I'm just saying it's quite uncommon for people to be so shameless about anything sex related in particular
>dad walks in
is a meme for a reason
You need therapy because that's not normal
Just say you have to go and write down your number, tell her to text you if she wants to talk again
because virtual violence is less damaging to a young mind and minds in general than virtual sex
see the average user
Its anxiety my guy. You need to either learn coping strategies on your own, or get help from a professional (there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting help when you need it. It isn't masculine or tough to never need help. No man is an island.) Once your anxiety starts to decrease, you will find that you stop overthinking everything. It isn't a big deal brother. Nothing in this life is, when it comes to talking to new people. Get out there, get the help you need or figure it out, and shoot that shot. You will find its easier than you ever thought possible, and rejection doesn't suck as much as you think it would. You WILL be surprised by how often you don't get rejected. Just be yourself, don't act out of desperation, and let things happen naturally. When you are ready, the opportunity will present itself and your heart will command you to take the leap of faith.
you are wrong young people are having less sex than ever before even the top10%
ironically thats a product of an oversexed society the porn thing too.
>sex by it's nature is meant to be an extremely personal thing
By it's nature, sex requires at least one other person, so it's the total opposite of personal. It's intimate. But arousal is not the same thing as sex. And there's absolutely nothing obscene about it.
Americans are mentally ill
arousal is a feeling that, at its core, comes from an expectation of sex
this is why being aroused with other people who you aren't actually intending to fuck can be really uncomfortable
The more you try not doing it, the harder it get because eventually it's going to be such an "isolated" thing to you it look super weird.
Istead try to interact a lot, you'll get shit on a lot early (because of how you act too, some times) but eventually you'll gain confidence and "fight" on equal ground
Modern society is inhumane to a degree that it retards human function. It isn't OP's fault he is lost. It is mentally ill to vilify someone you don't know, and hope that they suffer for your schadenfreude. Young men can't understand basic sociology, because people aren't SOCIAL anymore. Instead of being an asshole, maybe try to be the shining beacon of hope for whatever shithole you come from. Remember, everyone likes someone who tries to help people, nobody likes a grown man poor self esteem bully who lashes out at the world because they hurt inside. You'll find through helping others, and being correctly social, you help yourself.
Less sex does not mean no sex. Any way you look at it teens will continue having sex and the majority are no longer virgins by age 20
Why is it prudes reduce human beings to the level of beasts when it comes to arousal and sex? Suddenly we possess no higher cognitive abilities and must act on whatever impulses we have or else suffer frustration at being unable to fulfill them. I guess this is what comes from never being able to enjoy feeling aroused, you just associate it with negativity.
shut up bitch