*ruins your entire franchise*
*ruins your entire franchise*
Other urls found in this thread:
that's not soulstorm
You're right, no other game was as great as Crusade, it was the peak.
did someone get their base btfo'd by a giant floating pyramid again?
When was the last 40k game that was good? Was it mechanicus?
>was hyped for 3
>game was dogshit
That's not DoW 2
Is warhammer good?
wtf am i looking at
>thinking DC ruined DoW when pic related exists
Define good
DoW2 didn't ruin anything
Battlefleet Gothic 2, Space Hulk Tactics, and Necromunda are apparently all underrated games but I haven't played them
>Can’t claim the entire map because the necrons have a level 10 defense on The Van de Mar Mountains.
It’s fucking bullshit
The first game
Today I am forgotten
The monolith! We destroy it and this is over! Chaaaarge!
It ruined the DoW franchise.
it still amazes me they managed to fuck up so hard with DoW3
A new era will be born.
An incredible event.
All that is old will become new...
Nothing will remain but a fleeting memory of the past.
An intrinsic force so powerful yet unawakened...
The eternal harmony of every being will shatter boundaries...
Our imprisonment is over, but there are many trials to come.
Rise, and you will see
>play first dawn of war for first time week ago
>low FPS that are droping even more when explosions happens or too many units are on screen despite having 2070
>try fixes suggested by google
>nothing fixes it
>after 4 hours of troubleshooting realise that game wasnt using GPU, only integrated CPU
Anyone here excited for Chaos Gate 2, or do you think that it'll be shit?
You have to be remembered to be forgotten in the first place. Should've just put out another subpar MMO before putting out a bastardized version of Space Marine's Multiplayer
I played it a lot just because the Orks were still teeming with personality
It was already dead by then due to DoW2
I am at best cautiously optimistic.
I think this is the only 40k game upcoming I have faith in and mostly because it'll just be Vermintide 2 with guns
how do you even force it to use your main GPU
At least DoW3 had some good ideas.
Reminder: Dawn of War 3 was a good game, it just had absolutely no content and unlike the previous two Dawn of Wars they dropped the ball and released no post launch support despite it being obvious it was cut, since the game didn't sell a ridiculous 1 million units.
Dawn of War 2 was worse is every way to 3 and the actual downfall of the series. Isn't it funny how people call 3 a Moba when 2 was the game that completely gutted base building, gave you like a 5 squad cap and was objectively based on dumb ass hero game play? Not to mention the start of Relic's DLC jewery which went on to ruin the CoH franchise as well
When will we get a vidya with the sexy, post 5E Dark Eldar in it?
>Reminder: Dawn of War 3 was a good game,
Stopped reading there
>Dawn of War 2 was worse is every way to 3
Glanced at this and had a good chuckle
I heard the pathfinding in the Necromunda game is really fucky. Also, half the house gangs were DLC, and it had the nu-Xcom issue of tiny team sizes.
Am I the only one who actually enjoys watching other people play DoW2?
I enjoy watching other people play DoW1, there's a small competitive scene of it on youtube.
You're just angry there are women in the game
I had fun with vermintide at release, didn't stay long enough to see how they butchered the game
I enjoy playing DoW1 more than watching it, but it's the inverse for DoW2.
>Hahaha I stopped reading there
>But I actually didn't tho
Lol too scared to prove me wrong? If you can do that much reading you can surely read the points I made as well. DoW 2 was a trashy hero game, a complete step back from the massive scale war game we had with the original.
DC was good
It's still crazy to me how massive dow2 was on release.
Absolutely everyone played it.
Except me who chose to hate it because I was so attached to base building, thinking it creates more franchise immersion, as I never cared for RTS games and just played them for my 40K fix.
Only played it many years later and saw how wrong I was. The RPG mechanics completely blow the first out of the water in terms of immersion.
Been replaying 2+CR almost yearly now. They definitely deserve their status.
I just wish Retribution had more effort into it. Just feels too "lite" and samey. And the return of units is half assed imo.
Dawn of War 2 was almost not the same genre as 1, that doesn't make it worse than the game that almost killed Relic.
You're not worth any attention besides throwaway lines. Sorry not sorry.
Soulstorm is peak comedy though.
2 never came out, though.
I fully understand people not liking 2 if they preferred the gameplay of the first game. It is a drastic departure from the old formula so I can understand it. But it's not a bad game by any stretch and it's honestly only really worth playing in multiplayer.
>The RPG mechanics completely blow the first out of the water in terms of immersion.
How the fuck do RPG mechanics = immersion in an RTS? Especially an RTS based in the franchise with the literal biggest universe engulfing war going on - how does that immerse you more then base building, large scale combined arms battles, bodies and gore staying on the streets, etc. People like you who like it for the hero bullshit might are probably the same people saying 3 failed it's because a MOBA. 2 was absolute dog shit objectively.
swear to god i thought it was a wow expansion poster for a sec
BC to be precise
BC vs DC
DoW2s campaign is still the best Warhammer 40k media ever made. Absolute kino.
I still need to finish a Chaos Rising run in which I let the guys be corrupted. I just can't do it bros.
>Dawn of War 2 was almost not the same genre as 1, that doesn't make it worse than the game
My dude people on this board all say 3 failed because it tried to be a moba lol. Also if you're going to switch genres, why put it in the same series to begin with?
Stay mad that I'm right and you can't prove me wrong
Bo вpeмeнa Хopyca Epecи...
>RPG mechanics = immersion
Is this nigga for real?
Leveling up your squad, giving them different skills end equipping them is peak comfy.
Placing some buildings (muh build order) is babby tier, and not even lore accurate. Stick to Lego if you wanna build shit.
>DoW 1
All decent
i like this game
>It's still crazy to me how massive dow2 was on release.
>Absolutely everyone played it.
Lol I remember even my boss at the time playing it.
Magazines were full of DoW2 content. Good fucking times.
I still remember the emails they sent to my account promising crazy features every week.
>see 40k thread
>that one dow3 autist is already here
every single time
>Leveling up your squad, giving them different skills end equipping them is peak comfy.
Lmao, you would've really enjoyed the original then, because it had all of that still
>Building not lore accurate
Maybe the dumbest thing I've ever read
comfy doesn't = immersion, and you didn't reply to my points about the incredibly small scale battles or the lack of blood/gore/bodies.
I honestly have no idea why no one played it and why everyone forgot about it
Did it take too long to come out?
I distinctly remember being hype as FUCK but, for whatever reason, I just did not turn my attention to the game or hear anything about it.
This. Every time I need my fix, its hard not to just replay 2. It will never be topped in that regard.
Space Marine is good too though. Hoping the second isn't shit.
Ignore him. Just like the players ignored 3 lmao.
>Spam Wraithguards and win
>not a single person can prove him wrong
>Space Marine 2
>Chaos Gate 2
40k bros, we're coming home
>Building not lore accurate
>Maybe the dumbest thing I've ever read
They don't build like dow1 everytime they land on a planet to fight a war. At least try to not to put yourself as lorelet.
>Lmao, you would've really enjoyed the original then, because it had all of that still
Not even remotely the same. Did you even play 2.
>and you didn't reply to my points about the incredibly small scale battles or the lack of blood/gore/bodies.
Again: read the lore. Not every battle is a codice spread where marines stand shoulder on shoulder.
>muh gore and corpses
You really expect an answer to that?
There's nothing tangible to reply to. You're just seething about a popular game, and cling to each and every difference, while actually failing spectacularly to highlight problems with them.
Why do you fags even feed the troll?
Nothing ever came out of it, no agreement ever made.
He's just gonna scream no until he's tired and fucks off.
dark crusade was the peak for multiplayer. doesnt matter if it was imba, shit was fun as fuck and one of the few RTS where I would play each army
some people like the campaign but it was kind of just like doing skirmish in between campaign levels, almost prefer the vanilla campaign or winterassault over it since those at least got into story and were more than skirmish 80% of the time
The game wasn't at all what the original director had hyped it as. The game people wanted to play never came out
without base building you tech the same way every time and there is no variety. you always know which 4 squads to expect because thats all the game lets you fucking have. fuck dow2. dogshit ass game
The demo didn't really convince me.
It literally ruined the dow franchise. Its fine if you liked it, but it completely wrecked any direction the series had before that. Which inevitably resulted in DoW 3.
>They don't build like dow1 everytime they land on a planet to fight a war
So it's not 110 percent lore accurate but they would have to build defenses, fortifications, etc.
>Not even remotely the same. Did you even play 2.
Yeah they simplified the shit out of it and turned it into a hero squad shooter, it's awful. There's not even as many varieties you can choose from for you average squad, it's all ability focused garbage now at the cost of everything else that made the game good and everything that made it feel like Warhammer
>Not every big battle is big
>muh blood
See it's here where I have no idea why you're pretending you're a lore fag when you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Claiming that Warhammer isn't about big battles is just retarded. Go play your actual moba and I'll stick to the original that has actual tactics