Divinity: Original Sin II
Witcher 3
Diablo 3
Baldur's Gate 3
Rank these games based on the most fun you had
>never played it
>never played it
>never played it
>never played it
Elden Ring > all of them
Divinity OS 2
Diablo 3
Baldurs Gate 3
Witcher 3
1.Div os2
2.BG3 (didn't play yet)
3.Witcher 3 (didn't play)
4.Diablo 3
Well, DOS2 has a part that literally tricks you into having gay sex.
No but I will rank them in alphabetical order
Baldur's Gate 3
Diablo 3
Divinity: Original Sin II
Witcher 3
Can't play that on a mac m1. I got my brother's old computer and this is my first relatively new computer. Played mostly factories and Ck2 on my old laptop till now.
I don't remember that, you probably flirted with men.
Divinity: Original Sin II >= Diablo 3 > Baldur's Gate 3 > Didn't play Witcher 3 lmoa
She hasn't worked a single day on her entire life, that's hot
No dude, i was literally going through the red princes campaign when i got to the bar scene, literally two textboxes later, the narrator is describing sloppy lizard sex in my fucking ears, as soon as the scene ended i turned it off and never turned the game back on. Fuck this shit.
Thank you, frens. Why is witcher 3 so low on the list?
>D:OS 2
>Diablo 3 (post-expansion)
>Baldur's Gate 3
>Witcher 3
>Diablo 3 (pre-expansion)
hoho you're going to love me then.
Why compare these games? The gameplay is completely different.
1. Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition Seasonal Character
2. The Witcher 3: Complete Edition
48. Divinity: Original Sin II
199. Baldur's Gate 3
I'd instead recommend Pillars of Eternity 2 and Pathfinder before Divinity or Baldur's Gate.
He's probably trying to figure out what to buy or play.
Elden Ring fan base is so annoying
OS2 > BG 3 > Witcher 3 > Diablo 3
W3 and Diablo 3 are garbage though, don't play them.
I think you need to leave
Well it would make sense if he only compared Divinity and Baldurs gate.
because it starts with a w. that places it last in alphabetical order
1. Witcher 3
2. Diablo 3
3. Divinity
4. Baldurs Gate
This is from when I last played these games, for D3 and W3 that was when they came out, while BG3 is unfinished and Divinity 2 is just not my type of game thematically.
Yeah but you are not a pretty girl
Yeah, sure, buddy
Divinity was definitely more fun with my friend , Witcher was longer and had phenomenal dlc. But that was a grand adventure. Divinity could be goofy and I just remember smiling and laughing more playing that
Haven't tried the others
im taking estro so i will be soon :3
Dude, i'm fucking serious, the game TRICKS YOU into being gay!
That's a man ain't it?
Speaking of those D&D games or whatever, does anyone know any recent ones with less homosexuality/sjwism?
I tried playing Pathfinder 2, the new one or whatever, and there's a tranny/lesbian character like 30 minutes into the game, I play to forget the world not be reminded by it.
With tits that sag that way? No that's definitely a woman
No she's an instagram thot
I just don't like the witcher
Wife material...
She would play MGS3 and grow watermelons and squash with me...
>I only play Thouls gameth
why even bother commenting?
It's sad because Baulder's is in EA, but it still was more fun than Witcher. Fuck Diablo, the series died after LoD.
Who would grow watermelons just to squash them, do yuros really
I didn't like any of 'em. They insisted upon themselves.
>Divinity: Original Sin II Witcher 3 Diablo 3 Baldur's Gate 3
Same order as you, OP, but only because I didn't try Baldur's Gate 3 yet. Although I'm pretty sure it would rank way above that piece of shit Diablo 3.
Divinity: Original Sin II
Witcher 3
(everything under the sun)
Diablo 3
Baldur's Gate 3 (can't rank, didn't play yet)
im pretty sure you have to agree to that homo. the gay sex was your own choice.
Seems like there's none I guess?
No tranny can ever pass as woman.
>Divinity: Original Sin II
Didn't play it, didn't like 1 at all
>Witcher 3
Didn't play it. Got so bored of 1 after I got into the city
>Diablo 3
Didn't play it, wasn't a fan of 1 and 2
>Baldur's Gate 3
It's not a BG game, it's just borrowed the name. No interest in playing it
Do you understand now why everybody here hates fromdrones? You cunts are insufferable
Diablo > Divinity > Witcher > Gate
looks like taytay
My sense of enjoyment comes from a combination of gameplay + worldbuilding, with that said:
1. TW3
2. DoS2
3. D3
haven't played BG3
You don't stop playing the games because they have trannies and shit in them. You only stop playing the game if it doesn't let you KILL said trannies and shit on sight. So in that case you were right to stop playing Pathfinder as it's a piece of shit that doesn't let you play any other way than what they want/allow.
Diablo 3
Witcher 3, definitely the weakest out of them all and I don't even like Diablo 3.
Divinity OS 2 was pretty good, didn't play the other garbage. Also Pathfinder takes a crap on all of them.
>t. consolefag
bg3 is definitely at the bottom of any fun list. game is fucking atrocious.
whoa hey nice melons
German here. I've dated the nice of this guy and found out way later about this dude and was like
>are you related
>yep he is my uncle
nobody knows him in Germany though so it doesn't matter
Irena Ortega
This reminds me of that baldurs gate post where the guy made his dream person another guy and then complained about gay sex
Console gamers play better shit than this. Play Japanese games, nigger
witcher 3 then dos 2
bg3 isnt out yet
>Diablo 3
RMAH was good and fun, and was the only reason to play this game. It was wrong for them to axe it.