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How do I stop starting new maps every time I make a tiny bit more progress than my last map?
make the lights blink in sequence
Bros, what's the expansion gonna be about?
about expanding your dick hehehe
Probably space travel
1. build mall
2. get 90% roboport coverage
if you achieve both in one game you won't have to restart
since as long as you have power you can effortlessly rebuild anything using blueprints
if you want to tinker with power set up multiple sources so if you want to temporarily disable one you wont be left without any electricity
yes, mall.
can we have time travel instead?
I really wish I could get into factorio, easily the best factory game out there in terms of mechanics and progression but something just sets me off
it has a complete lack of soul
Just automate things that you do in your inventory a lot. I never went robo except for the yellow and red chests, let the robots fill your default items, don't use robots for other things because it will deprive you of your main joy in factorio; 'solving logistic issues in a sufficient manner'
It has a ton of soul, but the main problem is the soundtrack. It makes one feel like a pussy reddittor stuck in le liminal space. Play frank klepacki music on full blast as you play this game, you will enjoy fighting the bugs and enjoy poluting the shit out of everything. It's like command & conquer on a more violent level, being such a chad that you end up destroying a planet's life and shit is huge.
>start a new game
>play 20 hours straight till I'm ready to pass out
>go to sleep
>no motivation to continue
>start a new game and repeat the cycle
they said their plan was to make the expansion almost if not as big as the base game. hopefully they dont touch any of the base game progression and just make everything post-rocket, like building a rocket towards intersystem travel with interplanetary logistics
If you want time travel, there's the Chronotrain map by ComfyGaming, but you'll need several people to play it with.
the soulfulness of the pixel graphics and autistic attention to detail in the animations is one of the main appeals of the game
Adding pronouns and tranny flags
>launch roget into space
holy cockfucking homoshittery blowbackman
listening to techno while growing your factory is the real authentic way of playing factorio
>gif doesn't even match bpm
explain the circuit bottom left
They said some (all?) of the QoL stuff from the dlc will be also in a free patch for the base game, for mods just to have one single base to build on.
Level 3 modules take so much time and resources to make, worse than rocket parts.
time travel mechanics would be neat
imagine distorting local spacetime in order to mine the copper resources that you exhausted 200 hours ago
or dilating time to speed up production and research
>enjoy seablock
>regular seablock changes add too much incremetal bullshit
>basic seablock is basically nothing
I wish there was a good middle ground.
>dilating time
after 13 years of browsing I really do have an image for every single post
you know how to fix that
Character customization and gender options
So space exploration mod?
Would be cool if they made space exploration canon and added to it, honestly.
Someone post their purple science line, I have no idea how to make it somewhat compact.
Well they hired the space mod guy. But it seems to be way bigger than that.
>>listening to techno while growing your factory is the real authentic way of playing factorio
good vibes too, but I like the idea of dominating in a setting like tiberian sun. This music misses that a little
blessed post, music is eh ok
Learn trains and optimize routes
Contrust proper Roboports
Make a second base just for getting resources and shipping it to another that assembles
Setup selfreplicating defenses, don't manually kill aliens thats for fags.
>but it's so complicated
It's a puzzle game and you make up the solutions
Is DSP any good? How hard to get into it?
i get filtered by oil
i lose motivation by the effort required to have a non-spaghetti factory, and i'm too stubborn to use a guide, guides are boring
I'm figuring out how to use beacons. This is supposed to be 1 science/second.
Without beacons it was like 3 times bigger.
this seems like hell
>klepacki music on full blast
fucking based, I knew I wasn't the only one
Playing it like the most autistic turtling game of all time, aggressive biters, slowly building a bigger and tougher base is the best way to do it.
There's a reason 41% (or is it at 50-something now?) of post-op trannies kill themselves. Being constantly reminded of your permanent mental and physical disfigurement by painfully keeping a gaping wound from healing closed multiple times a day for the rest of your life doesn't add much motivation to staying alive
I have tried all sorts of designs to make oil more managable. I've tried barreling it and putting it on lanes, only to be annoyed that I need petroleum and heavy oil along with sulfuric acid, I've tried pumping it directly to parts of my factory, and I've tried setting up mini-bases that all they do is make the completed parts of oil products.
Ultimately, only the last one worked well at all, but it required such a huge time investment setting up train networks to cart in goods and haul them out that I just said fuck it.
oil really isn't that hard lol
devs are too based
although they kneeled for ukraine, so anything can happen
What part specifically do you find filters you? Just getting it to where it needs to be?
I don't have beacons yet, maybe that's why I couldn't figure out how to make a decently sized line for it. It just seemed exponentially bigger than the previous science line so I thought I just couldn't figure it out. I also has a separate construction line for rails and beams since I needs that shit for other things so I could just branch off from that one, but I don't know if that was the right idea.
Does everyone play with biters off? I was watching some streams and everyone was just casually building with no defenses. Seems boring cutting that part of the game out.
I play with biters on, increased evolution/aggression, and I also add mods that make them attack in large swarms at night, add armored biters and exploding biters.
It's way more fun that way.
Fuck biters, I can't efficiencymax when I have to dedicate time and space for defense. I just want to build the omega machine.
Yea understandable, it's not for everyone I guess, but just feels like you're playing a different game with them off. I totally get wanting to just build like a sandbox to have fun though.
based hardcore user
So with solid items, you pretty much manufacture them and put them on your main bus, they get routed around to where they need to go, being consumed and eventually turn in to other solid products. With liquids, you have to have its own "lane" in the form of a pipe regardless of how much you need, you need pump units to pressure it up, tanks to store it to provide an even flow, and of course have to be careful not to connect any pipes to each other by accident and make adjustments in your build to do so.
None of that is impossible to overcome, but it makes for a pretty messy factory if you don't plan it well. Belts you just sort of plop down and split off, sure you have to worry about throughput and all that, but that's fixed just by adding more lanes. That's why I say it works well when you set up specific mini-factories to produce goods from a specific liquid, you can keep your main factory completely dry and just haul in batteries, plastic, and blue chips instead.
what server
My problem with oil is that it runs counter to my usual playstyle in these games. I like to just think about what I need in the moment and then go get it without thinking too hard and then see how it works and then look at what works well and what's lacking about what I just build before going from there. That's kind of consistently how I learn and improve in these games. The problem with oil is that it requires more preplanning from you due to needing to match outputs to avoid blockage. It's telling that I've played DSP to completion like 5 times and enjoy it every time but oil stops me dead in Factorio constantly. If it exists I would straight up install a mod that remove the blockage problem and allow me to just work with each oil product individually.
Oh, and add to it that your oil output is fairly limited compared to finding more iron/copper veins. It can take some time to really get enough fields to meet factory demand, coal liquification can help a little, but it requires its own setup and coal is a finite resource.
I set all resources to scarce and make huge ass veins that have tons of resources in them
what's the best modpack? i tried krastorio last time which was nice and i really liked the belt inserters even though they seemed kinda cheaty
For me, it's trance.
it just feels tedious, i stop finding the game fun after that point
it isn't impossibly difficult, it just starts to feel like a job